Fia's Hairtyping System and other hair signatures


New Member
Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

This is a repost from the other board

Here is the link for Fia's Hairtyping System

It is actually an expansion of Andre's system. The expansion includes information for fineness or coarseness of hair, as well as all-over hair thickness. A sample signature of Fia's system would be 4aFii.

I also wanted to post again the information about the hair length and goal signature, which is a number that you see in someone's signature that may look like this : 5/10/20

The first number (5) stands for the length of the hair when the person started growing their hair out, the second number (10) stands for the length the hair is currently at, and the third number (20)would stand for the persons final goal.

These 2 signatures are a great way to let people know concisely the complexities of our individual hair types, without having to try to use a long description. It would be great if we could use these.

As soon as I can find my tape measure, I'll list my own. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I also wanted to post again the information about the hair length and goal signature, which is a number that you see in someone's signature that may look like this : 5/10/20

The first number (5) stands for the length of the hair when the person started growing their hair out, the second number (10) stands for the length the hair is currently at, and the third number (20)would stand for the persons final goal.

These 2 signatures are a great way to let people know concisely the complexities of our individual hair types, without having to try to use a long description. It would be great if we could use these.

[/ QUOTE ] How uncanny! I think we should use this system here. It would save a lot of signature room!
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

i changed my signature to include the first part of the system, but i don't measure my hair anymore.

Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

I actually have the signatures turned off; they're so long and cumbersome. Really, a lot of that info is interesting, but it belongs in user profile, not tacked on to the end of every post!

If everyone went with this 1/2/3 system, I'd turn them back on.
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

I agree. We have a bio feature now.
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

I went to this site to figure out how to measure my hair the right way.

I had seen this basic way a measuring before, but for some odd reason I was more concerned with measuring it in sections for a while.

Most sites list the same method for measuring as described in the link above, which calls for starting at your forehead where your hairline begins.

I also re-measured my ponytail for thickness, since it is pressed right now. Here are my results and final signature:

0/17/42+ 3c w/mostly-4aFii(iii if curly)

For very curly hair, we will probably have lots of extremes or funny configurations within this system, because we may have 2 or 3 curl types, and different thicknesses, due to out natural texture or in its straight state. I measured my length pressed out. My overall hair thickness pressed out is at the thicker end of the medium thick description, and fits the thick descrption well when naturally curly.

I am still not sure of the exact curl description, but I think 4a loose curl best fits it, with some 3c hair all around my hairline.

I started the hair length sig with a "0" because I grew out my relaxer, and cut all of the relaxed hair out. All the hair on my head is what started growing in after my last relaxer, about 2 years and 4 months ago. My current length is measured pressed out. My dream would be hair I can sit on /images/graemlins/wink.gif, and so 42 inches is the number of inches from the top of my hairline to just under my butt /images/graemlins/smile.gif. If the Lord blesses my hair to grow that long or longer, I'll just let it do its thing and get as long as it wants to.
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

what do you agree with, honeyrockette? i ask because you already have part of the system in your signature... so what wold you put in the bio?
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

I agree that everyone should have the 1/2/3 format on their signatures. I assumed Honey meant the long signatures used on the old board with product information and routines were too long and cumbersome to be included in every post. I think that stuff should be in the bio.
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

oh, ok! yep, i definitely agree about the really longs sigs!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

the thing about measuring though is i don't think i measure properly because measured like 23" for 6 months. /images/graemlins/grin.gif also, i find that i obsess when i do it. so i'd just rather not.

Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

I left out that another poster said it would be good for us to include whether or not we are natural, relaxed, or texturized, as a good 3rd piece of info with the signature. I suppose though, that many people already do this.
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

Gals, how do I measure my 4a natural hair? It's 1.5 inches left alone, 6 inches stretched. Should I put 1.5 or 6?
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

Didn't I confess to obsessing over measuring my hair? I didn't even measure my hair after I cut it. I have been measuring my hair so long and so often that I just know where 18 inches falls on me. I put 18 inches on my signature and then I measured it and I was right!!! Isn't that crazy??? I measure from my front hairline all the way back. It is harder when my hair is frizzy because it juts out. Your hair looks pretty sleek. I don't know how tall you are but on me your length would be about 24-26 inches.

I don't know how to tell if my hair is fine, medium or coarse. I thought it was fine but I am not sure anymore. It definitely LOOKS coarse. Sometimes I can see my shed hair and sometimes I can't. My natural hair color is dark auburn so on a white background I can see it but against darker backgrounds I can't. I am not Scandinavian, Caucasian or Native American so no help there. Anyone know?
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

What is your goal Honey? Is your goal to have a certain length stretched or unstretched? If your goal is to have say, 25 inches unstretched then I think you should put 1.5 inches. If your goal is to have waist length hair stretched then put 6 inches.
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

I would say measure your hair stretched out. This way you are measuring the true length, and not how long it appears. If your hair is 6 inches long it is that length whether the hair is curled up tightly or stick straight. Pretty much any information I have read has said something along the same lines.

HTH /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures


Try going more for the feel of it, like the thickness of the actual hair, but don't judge coarseness by curliness. A big misconception that many have about our hair is that it is coarse because it is curly. Most African types of hair are very curly but fine.

There was a great link describing this on another hair board several months ago. It was based on DNA information and descriptions of hair, especially for investigations. If I can find it, I will list it.

I understand my hair to be fine, because each strand is very thinnish-light weight. It has a "flyaway" nature and can get really static-y. I didn't really know this until a hairdresser told me my hair was fine, I just had a lot of it on my head. I was initially confused because it is very curly and I had an overall thick head of hair, but after doing more research, I understood why she said this.
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

Thanks for the advice Ms ChiChi and Rockette. After some thought, I think I will measure it from the length it appears to be (1.5) and keep the "actual length" (6) in mind. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
the thing about measuring though is i don't think i measure properly because measured like 23" for 6 months. also, i find that i obsess when i do it. so i'd just rather not.

[/ QUOTE ]

Adrienne, I'm with you about the obsessing thing /images/graemlins/wink.gif, which would be one xtra thing that I really don't have time for, I can see myself running to get the measuring tape every other day! So, I'm going to adapt my signature to include:
mildly relaxed 4aCiii, chinlength/shoulderlength/brastrap.
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures


I think that works out really well for those who don't care to measure that much- using "landmarks" in the 1/2/3 sig instead of numbers, if desired.

Great idea!
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

yeah, it is a good idea. i'll change mine later, but when i first started, i had some serious layers. so part of my hair was below my ears, part of it was at shoulder. which length should i put? i know... it's always something! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

I would do the landmark thing but there are some awkward lengths that you can't classify like longer than shoulder but not quite arm pit. What do you call that? Do you just say shoulder until you reach arm pit length and arm pit until you reach midback? I am being difficult I know.
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
longer than shoulder but not quite arm pit

[/ QUOTE ]

One can say: "just past shoulder" or "almost arm-pit"

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Do you just say shoulder until you reach arm pit length and arm pit until you reach midback?

[/ QUOTE ] This would also be an option.

It would all depend on how you wish to classify it. In my case, it's easier to wait until I reach a milestone and then post it, than to post midway points -- I'm married with 2 kids so for me it's easier. I just want to be able to chart my progress (and to share it with others) without having to measure periodically; I think this is a good way.

Thanks for asking the question, its making me think ahead and figure out how I might want to phrase my hair-length as it grows. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
i had some serious layers. so part of my hair was below my ears, part of it was at shoulder. which length should i put?

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey Adrienne,
I have a suggestion but it will make you signature a bit long...You could say something in the format of: layered(shortest,longest). For example:


Just a suggestion that I think might work! Take care,

Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System and other hair signatures

Would someone explain how this hair system works? The link unfortunately does not work anymore. <font color="purple"> </font>