New Member
Hello guys! This is my first thread. Like many others, i was a stalker for years before I joined and still been a member for almost a year until I did my own thread.
Ok, so my hair is variable as far as texture, some days it resembles a 3a/4a/4b. And sometimes just a 4a. I started transitioning last summer and finally BC'd in November. My hair varies in length also, I measured my hair from the root to end in my crown and got 4 inches. When I pull my hair from the edges, I get to nape.
My hair is so dry. I co-wash weekly and poo bi monthly. I use biolage and carols daughter rosemary and sea moss poo. I co-wash with green apple suave. I deep condition whether I poo or co-wash with biolage hydration con, Paul Mitchell daily hydration, and profective healthy hair con(yellow bottle). I then put in biolage hair silk, leave in con (CD or glycerin based stuff) and I put about 20 braids around my head, and throw on one of my homemade wigs.
By the time the day is over, my hair is extremely dry and crunchy. I put EVOO on my hair daily and it still just sucks it right up and remains dry. Also, when I take down the braids to poo or co-wash, the ends are natted and tangled. Every single time.
What am I doing wrong? My goal is collar bone length hair by my anniversary in November, it isn't looking so good. 
Also, ladies, I had a breast reduction yesterday morning and I am so psyched. It went very well and now I'm in recovery for the next two weeks. I also take a multi-vitamin twice daily and a vitamin c supplement twice daily. I could use all the help I can get.
Ok, so my hair is variable as far as texture, some days it resembles a 3a/4a/4b. And sometimes just a 4a. I started transitioning last summer and finally BC'd in November. My hair varies in length also, I measured my hair from the root to end in my crown and got 4 inches. When I pull my hair from the edges, I get to nape.
My hair is so dry. I co-wash weekly and poo bi monthly. I use biolage and carols daughter rosemary and sea moss poo. I co-wash with green apple suave. I deep condition whether I poo or co-wash with biolage hydration con, Paul Mitchell daily hydration, and profective healthy hair con(yellow bottle). I then put in biolage hair silk, leave in con (CD or glycerin based stuff) and I put about 20 braids around my head, and throw on one of my homemade wigs.

By the time the day is over, my hair is extremely dry and crunchy. I put EVOO on my hair daily and it still just sucks it right up and remains dry. Also, when I take down the braids to poo or co-wash, the ends are natted and tangled. Every single time.

Also, ladies, I had a breast reduction yesterday morning and I am so psyched. It went very well and now I'm in recovery for the next two weeks. I also take a multi-vitamin twice daily and a vitamin c supplement twice daily. I could use all the help I can get.
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