feeling your hair growing


Well-Known Member
Do you think you feel it growing periodically? I know for years a lot of black people I have been around scratched their hair and they said it was growing and I laughed. I still kind of chuckle. But however I do periodically feel like I actually feel my hair growing. It doesn't itch, but it almost feels like it it's "budding " like a flower coming out of soil or some may call it tingling. Do you experience this. I know like almost two years ago when I started taking biotin I definitely felt the tingle everyday for a while. But I'm sitting here with a warm cap on after deep conditioning and I feel it. I just feel it periodically sometimes though
Do you think you feel it growing periodically? I know for years a lot of black people I have been around scratched their hair and they said it was growing and I laughed. I still kind of chuckle. But however I do periodically feel like I actually feel my hair growing. It doesn't itch, but it almost feels like it it's "budding " like a flower coming out of soil or some may call it tingling. Do you experience this. I know like almost two years ago when I started taking biotin I definitely felt the tingle everyday for a while. But I'm sitting here with a warm cap on after deep conditioning and I feel it. I just feel it periodically sometimes though

Lilmama1011, I think I know that sensation. I call it squiggles. :lachen:

I have not paid enough attention to determine if there's any growth that accompanies my squiggles, but I experience it every now and then like you mention.
No budding or squiggles. Only when I take certain vitamins after about a month or two my scalp starts to itch like crazy! I HOPE that's a sign it's growing. I've never stuck with the vitamins (after the itching started) long enough to tell, but this time I'm gonna stick it out.
Yes,I felt it this morning after I ate breakfast. usually I don't get that feeling until I take my niacin supplement.
I feel/felt this also when taking a certain vitamin, for example Silica. To me they feel like skin crawling on my scalp, interesting I felt this yesterday........

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I know what you mean. I get that feeling too ever so often. Feels like 20 tiny fairies massaging my scalp in one area. Doesn't itch or hurt. It feels really good actually lol.
Nope, I don't feel my hair grow but I can see it. Recently I removed my magnifying mirror so I won't be able to see whether my edges are coming in. I will put the mirror back up in 3/4 months, by then I can how much progress I've made.