Feeling Stuck, need encouragement


New Member
A little background, I am 23 years old and have 0 friends. It has been this way since middle school. I am a naturally shy person, but I at least thought I would have one my now. I made acquaintances in college but no real friends. I have never been in a relationship or even dated at all. I recently graduated college with a BBA degree, but have yet to find a job. I can’t even get a job in retail. I still do not know what career is really for me. So, I am back at home in my small town. At least at college, I felt productive doing school work and hanging out with acquaintances/ roommates.

My town really doesn’t have any places to volunteer, and the ones I called don’t need any help. I can’t drive; therefore I really cannot go out of town to find places. I could apply to Grad School but would have to wait until the Spring. Therefore, I feel like a bum because I basically stay at home all day besides putting in applications. If I don’t find a job it feels like it would be this way for another six months until I went back to school. I know I have my family and God will work all things out; just in need for a little encouragement.
Congratulations on completing your degree! :)

Don't feel bad about not having a lot of friends. True friends are rare. Most people are surrounded by acquaintances. Have you tried to make friends with your church members?

Have you spoken with your counselor at your college for career suggestions? What are you passionate about? What type of work would you do for free? Take advantage of this time for self-exploration. Keep a journal and daily reflect on how your skill set can benefit the world around you. Since you live in a small town, there are probably several opportunities for entrepreneurs in your town. Brainstorm on what the town is lacking and figure out how to develop a business plan based on that need. If your town or a nearby town has an urban league, take advantage of the services they offer as well.

Please know that you are NOT a bum. Bums don't complete degrees. As stated in Ecclesiates, there indeed a time for everything under the sun and this sounds like a time of self- exploration for you. Embrace it as much as you can.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
I agree with the above poster. You are not a bum and actually have a lot going for yourself. When God created the plan for your life it was not the life of a bum. He doesn't create bums. I think in this time you need to pray and continue to have faith that things are going to turn around for you for the better.
You sound just like me four years ago. I tell you from experience to please be patient and believe that things will get better. This is your time now to stay in the Word and communicate with the Lord so He can lead you in the right direction. When I was going through my rough times, I didn't even have a relationship with Christ and found life to be meaningless and disappointing. But 7 months after getting my degree and being turned down by job after job I was still able to get a car and found a job that I love a month later. I got saved and have been growing ever since. Trust me, you will be looking back at your situation soon and praising God for where he brought you from!
Agreeing with everyone else here. Have you considered taking your volunteer efforts online? If you don't have organizations in your local area that need help, there are many online entities that could use whatever skills you have to help. Also, look at this website. www.48days.com. I strongly urge you to take the personality profile. It is not like any other I've ever seen. It is very accurate but with a biblical perspective included. Go get the book from your local library. It is an excellent resource for fine tuning your God given path. Dale Carnegie is an excellent subject matter expert on some of the issues you desire to accomplish. Here are 2 of my favorite books written by him. They may seem a stretch to you but once you start to read them you will soon see their usefulness.:yep:

IOW, hang in there!!:grin: Your life is just beginning.