Feeling Overwhelmed


New Member
I registered here to learn about caring for my hair.

However, I feel like I'm drinking from a water hose because there's so much good information on this site.

My hair is in really bad shape, and I really don't know what to do.

I've gotten some good recommendations about shampoos and hair moisturizers. But I still need help with styling, conditioning and breakage prevention.

I feel so overwhelmed and frustrated.

Feel free to pm me.
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I know how you feel. There's a lot of trial and error in this hair journey.

Start by telling us about your hair: length, texture (fine, medium, coarse), relaxed or natural, and regimen.
Welcome! Assesing where your hair is currently and setting a goal will help. Then finding the products and tools to get you there. It will be trial and error but being consistent helps. Good luck.
Remember you don't have to do it all at one time. Break it down into manageable sections; cleansing; moisturizing, styling, etc. Get 1 part right and then move on to the next. Sometimes there can be too many moving parts and you can end up with a lot of effort and very few results.