Feeling down about my hair


New Member
Hey ladies,
I'm not feeling too well about my hair. It's growing pretty fast and for the most part it's healthy. But i hate my wavy texture! I have really thick and coarse type 2 hair. It's really starting to piss me off! I can't do anything with it except braids and bantu knots. I'm not straightening it because I hate the way straight hair looks on me which is why i'm transitioning. I want thick type 4 hair! Why can't I have curl or coils? They're prettier. I love women with type 4 like hair. It always looks so nice and has a bunch of sheen. I'm stuck with this greasy crap that won't act right.
I'm sorry yall but i'm just not appreciating my hair right now. I just really needed to vent. I hope you guys understand. Sorry if i offend anyone.
nope my camera is broke and so is my scanner. Now that i think about it, my computer makes me angry too! Maybe i'm just having a really bad day.
Sorry that you're feeling so 'blah' about your hair right now
I think that you may really enjoy your hair more as you transition. i've noticed alot of times that people that are having the hardest time with their hair while it's relaxed end up with EXACTLY what they wanted all along after they transition and chop, hopefully this will be the case for you
Also the summer is being hell on everyones hair...mine is soaking up moisture like a sponge so i'm just feeling like fuhget it, i'll just keep my ends moisturized and the rest of my hair can be a mule for all i care. I just did my very first french braid and tucked my ends whooohoooo
so hopefully this will be my hairstyle for july. you may also want to try just doing a french braid or something like that to get it out the way but still looking nice. I hope things get better -- jainygirl
well i still feel like Im in my inbetween stages from when I cut my hair back in October. I wish my hair was much longer passed my shoulders. I just learned it takes time and patience...which is hard for me because Im impatient. I try not to think about how long my hair is and it helps some. But when I see another black girl with long pretty hair, Im like "why cant mine be like that RIGHT NOW?!" Oh well
Poohbear said:
well i still feel like Im in my inbetween stages from when I cut my hair back in October. I wish my hair was much longer passed my shoulders. I just learned it takes time and patience...which is hard for me because Im impatient. I try not to think about how long my hair is and it helps some. But when I see another black girl with long pretty hair, Im like "why cant mine be like that RIGHT NOW?!" Oh well

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Thats exactly how i feel when i see another girl with long hair. This is the shortest i ever worn my hair about 5-7in (so much shrinkage I can't tell) I've always had hair thats well below my shoulders, it was my trademark. Now i have this short stuff that won't listen to me! But you're right it takes a lot of patience. Thanks you guys
Soanxious, chin up girlfriend! Dont feel bad bc the grass is always greener on the other side. Im sure there are some 4 sisters who wished they had a looser pattern of hair, straight sisters who wished they never relaxed, and natural sisters who regret chopping their hair off. We all go through it with our hair and we all want results yesterday, but just remember this too shall pass and if you can work on the health of your hair then the length is going to come right along with it.

I can relate bc when I see a black girl with pretty long hair Im staring at her salivating bc I want my hair to be like that!:) I am so obsessed with my hair I daydream about it being longer and Im looking at it every chance I get like its really going to grow before my eyes...lol. Good things come to those who wait though, right?

Now I just have to keep telling myself this too
Ahhh...join the fustrated with hair club!!!!! I tried to put my hair in a freaking BUN 7 times today! 7! And it looked awful. I settled on a drawstring but it was just ugly. I hate my hair so much. I'm trying to be thankful for what I got but sometimes it's hard. I keep this stuff on my head prayin for a better day.