Fed up of this breaking


New Member
Having just done a roller set and the amount of hair snapping off is not funny

So I've decided for this month no heat except for DCing, Air drying no protein products, any tips to help me through will be most welcome

The only products i will be using

Kerstaste hair masque oleo relax: Deep conditioning
Keracare Humecto: Deep condition and Co-washes
Mizani Rose H20 creme: Daily moisture
Rose water mixed with avocado oil: Daily moisture, going to use as a mist through out the day when my hair feels dry
Jojoba oil: to seal
Alma oil: Prepoo

Routine: Co-wash 3 times a week, Deep condition 2 times a week
as i do hot yoga will use it as an opportunity to steam, will also use my gym steam on the days i co-wash

If you think its a good plan let me know xxx
lol thankyou, just fed up of the tiny little hair every where, feel like i never retain length and i think i use way too much protein, its amazing how its in pretty much everything, my hair seems happy just being wet lol
Girl I know , she had said it was breaking from too much protein

U know I just have 'chain reactions' to that ORS ,that had me jacked for months

so dont mind me

bad memories

oh .. sorry to hear ... but ur hair looks mad good now !! so that's a good thing... !
what sort of protein products were you using ? and are you using any bit of protein now (just taking notes) ?

Silly me, I had tried the ORS and loved it, so I started to leave it in my hair,I wasnt thinking straight anyway (going through alot) it was doing fine, then one time it felt a little 'off' so I rinsed it and put it back in with some other moisturizer and put it up, well I went to do it later and it was JACKED! totally!

I dont do strong proteins now, only stick with silk and wheat

Hyrolyzed keratin, collagen or animal protein I stay AWAY!
Silly me, I had tried the ORS and loved it, so I started to leave it in my hair,I wasnt thinking straight anyway (going through alot) it was doing fine, then one time it felt a little 'off' so I rinsed it and put it back in with some other moisturizer and put it up, well I went to do it later and it was JACKED! totally!

I dont do strong proteins now, only stick with silk and wheat

Hyrolyzed keratin, collagen or animal protein I stay AWAY!

oh and I am not saying at all that the other proteins cant be overdone too because they can :yep:
Ok, so i am rubbish, but feeling poorly so needed a treat, got a blowdry at an Aveda concept salon, Balham, using the Aveda Brilliant ready line,my stylist washed my hair shampoo and conditioner then used the styling creme then blow-dryed my hair with a round brush and WOW:drunk::drunk::drunk: my hair is swinging

The bad news the breakage is not good! so back on the wagon!!

here's a little pic xxxx


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your hair looks nice... i love aveda!!! have you tried protective styling ??? i promise co-washing, applying a moisturizer and sealing with oil and putting my hair up in either a octopus clip,good day hair pins, or a flexi-8 clip got me past shoulder.... good luck!!!
that mist sounds so good...i need to find avocado oil and rose water STAT. the rose water is on my list anyway to use with my aztec healing clay mask...

anyhoo, the hot yoga? even better!!! that "dream body + hair" pic is amazing and with the regimen you outlined i am sure you will be there in NO time flat. have you been sticking to the regimen...well other than the aveda visit?

good luck to ya!
lol, yeah i have, my hair is a lot softer and when i wash i get a lot less shedding, just a few hairs, but i think for the overall health of my hair i'm going to have to do regular dusting/ trimming every 8 weeks till i get some thickness back:sad:
lol, yeah i have, my hair is a lot softer and when i wash i get a lot less shedding, just a few hairs, but i think for the overall health of my hair i'm going to have to do regular dusting/ trimming every 8 weeks till i get some thickness back:sad:

Try ORS carrot oil or Pantene Breakage Defense Mask
Have you ever clarified? That might help a tad. I went protein happy before and clarified and it helped somewhat. Just make sure you follow up with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner afterward though.

These ladies are leading you in the right direction---stay away from protein for a while. I'm talking any product that contains any protein, steer clear from. Also, be sure to just leave your hair alone for a while. Try not to manipulate it and comb it as much...that will only aggrivate(sp) the weak ends. Low manipulation is key when you're trying to recover from a protein overload. If your hair is anything like mine, it will be okay in a few weeks.

Dont worry, this has happened to most of us before!! You'll bounce back! :yep: