Well-Known Member
I'm a very understanding person, and sometimes i think i'm a little too understanding. and well, today i'm a little fed up. i've been dating someone for a few months now, and we get along very well, and i enjoy his company. but, he's proven to be very unreliable. he's someone that i was dating with the hopes of it becoming a relationship, and he's stated the same to me as well. but he continues to cancel plans. and it getting to the point of where i almost want to double book plans b/c i'm positive he will not come through. i know these are not qualities that i want in a s/o, and i've stated to him my frustration with the situation. he states that he understands and won't do it, but then of course some "emergency", job or family situation causing him to cancel. it's getting frustrating, b/c i'm left sitting at home, b/c my friends have made plans or are out with their s/o. i think at this point, i only give a damn, b/c he's really the only that i'm dating. most of the guys i meet, seem to only want sex. My single friends who i used to hang with, now have s/o. and it seems like, everytime i start to not give a damn anymore, here he comes. sort of like that chingy song, "something keeps pulling me back". and the whole cycle starts again. i probably wouldn't care so much, if i had "backups" . dating sucks. maybe i'll just get a second job, so i won't have the time or energy to be lonely. b/c when i really thought about this situation, i wondered, am i this desperate to be dealing with someone who treats me like this? when we first started dating, we spent practically everyday together. i'm not exactly sure how we gotto this point. maybe he's just not into me. it hurts to even come to that realization.
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