Family And Friends


New Member
My Family and friends think that I am acting funny or being stuck up because I won't let them play in my hair and because I keep it covered up with a satin scarf one of my family member said I look like a Muslim woman cause it's covered so much
Some folks won't understand your methods of obtaining your hair goals, so I don't really pay any attention when people see me wearing a baggy on my bun, or wonder why I have been wearing a bun for 3 months you so u can get those results you desire......they will get over it.:)
My aunty thinks I'm mixing Crystal Meth in her house because every other day a new package arrives for me with a 'mysterious powdery substance or chemical' (her words).

My cousin believes I'm obsessed with hair because everyday without fail I come home with some hair-related purchase I made.

My other cousin thinks I'm nuts because everytime she comes to visit I either have a shower cap on my head or I just got done co-washing my hair. She says she's never seen a black person wash their hair as often as i do.

Whatever. :cool:
isioma85 said:
My aunty thinks I'm mixing Crystal Meth in her house because every other day a new package arrives for me with a 'mysterious powdery substance or chemical' (her words).

My cousin believes I'm obsessed with hair because everyday without fail I come home with some hair-related purchase I made.

My other cousin thinks I'm nuts because everytime she comes to visit I either have a shower cap on my head or I just got done co-washing my hair. She says she's never seen a black person wash their hair as often as i do.

Whatever. :cool:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

You sound just like me!! I'm always in my room mixing stuff up. I get a new haircare item in the mail every week now, and my parents keep asking me if I'm getting drugs delivered to me. They say it jokingly, but I can tell that they're serious.:lol:
isioma85 said:
My aunty thinks I'm mixing Crystal Meth in her house because every other day a new package arrives for me with a 'mysterious powdery substance or chemical' (her words).

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
isioma85 said:
My aunty thinks I'm mixing Crystal Meth in her house because every other day a new package arrives for me with a 'mysterious powdery substance or chemical' (her words).

My cousin believes I'm obsessed with hair because everyday without fail I come home with some hair-related purchase I made.

My other cousin thinks I'm nuts because everytime she comes to visit I either have a shower cap on my head or I just got done co-washing my hair. She says she's never seen a black person wash their hair as often as i do.

Whatever. :cool:

:lachen: That's hilarious! mysterious powdery.... :lachen: