Well-Known Member
I live in WI and primarily do WNGs even during the winter. My hair tends to snag on zips and buttons on coats and sweaters are hell on your curls. I've learned the hard way this year that I need to invest in a silk scarf to protect my nape. I have some breakage underneath because of the contact with these materials. I plan to buy a scarf for my coat and one for my job that I can wear when in the office. I've also heard that some woman pin up a flat twist in the nape to protect this area, but I haven't tried it.Will everyone be WnGing through the winter? I don't care about going out with damp hair in the cold (doesn't bother me), I see more an issue with the hair canoodling with my coats and DH rubbing up on me with his sweaters and stuff while I resist every urge to push him straight off. Lol.
Does anyone take any measures to protect the hair from rough winterwear? Or is everyone living in a shorts 12 months a year kinda place?