Fall growth spurt


Well-Known Member
I always seem to be such an oddball, and of course this little characteristic about me transcends even to where hair is concerned.

I have been waiting all summer for an extra inch. half an inch or something...but nope, nothing...true to form I'm the odd woman out!

Well, I just finish looking at a couple of pic's and I noticed that my hair seems to grow the most during the months of Sept-Nov.

Does anyone else get their growth spurt during the fall?I know there has to be more ladies like me out there!!!!:look:
i think my hair grows the most...oddly enough
in the winter time. october-december

i never actually paid a lot of attention to it
but that's what it seems like

i'll try and see what happens this upcoming winter.
My natural growth spurt is during the fall and winter months also. :yep: And as strange as this sounds any weightloss from me working out only manifests itself during the fall and winter months. Why in the sam hill do I have a slammin figure in the wintertime when it's cold and I'm covered up? :rolleyes: :perplexed
My natural growth spurt is during the fall and winter months also. :yep: And as strange as this sounds any weightloss from me working out only manifests itself during the fall and winter months. Why in the sam hill do I have a slammin figure in the wintertime when it's cold and I'm covered up? :rolleyes: :perplexed

Come to think of it, that's when Im the smallest too. Which doesn't really make sense because Im less active in the winter months! :perplexed
I'm really starting to think my hair does grow faster in the Fall & Winter. I did the bc in the Winter, never giving a thought about possible slow growth due to temperature changes. My hair grew like 3/4 inches each month despite the fact that I wore wool beanies everyday inside and outside. This was way before I even started using growth aides. I trim like every other second the same way my friend balances her checkbook, so I could slow down in that area if I want to see true growth potential.
Summer and Fall are my peak growing seasons.

Me too. Summer usually is just a small increase but fall usually gives me a little more to go with.

This summer was really good to me because of my increased washing and megatek. I am looking forward to getting a bigger boost this fall *fingers crossed*
I'm really starting to think my hair does grow faster in the Fall & Winter. I did the bc in the Winter, never giving a thought about possible slow growth due to temperature changes. My hair grew like 3/4 inches each month despite the fact that I wore wool beanies everyday inside and outside. This was way before I even started using growth aides. I trim like every other second the same way my friend balances her checkbook, so I could slow down in that area if I want to see true growth potential.
your comic strip is too funny :lachen: