I really don't see the big deal in being 50+ and getting relaxers. If u still have NG to relax and your hair is in good shape (and can take a relaxer) so what???
I was also thinking that 50 would be a good age to go natural. My hair will be MBL soon and I want to be able to enjoy it. Before I do a big cut and go au natuaral.I'll transition at like 45-50. No later than 50 years old...Just because I'll have enjoyed my long relaxed hair for long enough & I'll focus on growing some long natural hair.
I'm not really concerned about the health of the hair. My mom's hair was damaged becuase she's never been one to take care of her own hair, she's a salon addict. And I know that I could have healthy relaxed hair even at 71, my main concern is being trapped into getting relaxers every 8 months for the next 40 years, that has me thinking.What she said.
My mom is 72 years old, gets relaxers and still has a full head of HEALTHY, thick and long hair. So when I read about people concerned about their health or thinning hair as they get older due to relaxers, I have no idea what they are talking about.
The way my hair is I have to get it relaxed... actually texlaxed every 8 weeks or else it will shed like crazy. I've tried stretching, but it doesn't work for me. And even if I wasn't relaxing every 8 weeks, i'm referring to the fact that you are still trapped into getting a chemical process done to your hair basically for the rest of your life. Just the idea has me thinking about when would be a good time to stop.I'm not trying to sound mean or start anything at all OP, but why would your get your hair relaxed every 8 weeks? I would think that it would be a chore at that age. If you only did it three or four times a year (or even once or twice a year) it wouldn't be a big deal.
I'm not really concerned about the health of the hair. My mom's hair was damaged becuase she's never been one to take care of her own hair, she's a salon addict. And I know that I could have healthy relaxed hair even at 71, my main concern is being trapped into getting relaxers every 8 months for the next 40 years, that has me thinking.