Faith: Question re: hair


New Member
How much of a difference did it make in terms of visible length showing once you relaxed your hair? In other words was the length there but just not showing when you had it texturized? How much difference did it make when you went from natural to texturized? I am attemping to guage how much the hair is stretched when one texturized and relaxed. Example, does one inch of texturized hair become 3"? or one inch of texturized hair become 4"? etc. This could be very enlightening to those who are discouraged about seemingly slow growth. Thank you for a reply from you or anyone. bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
How much of a difference did it make in terms of visible length showing once you relaxed your hair? In other words was the length there but just not showing when you had it texturized? How much difference did it make when you went from natural to texturized? I am attemping to guage how much the hair is stretched when one texturized and relaxed. Example, does one inch of texturized hair become 3"? or one inch of texturized hair become 4"? etc. This could be very enlightening to those who are discouraged about seemingly slow growth. Thank you for a reply from you or anyone. bonjour
Hard I can't really tell in terms of inches how much longer it was from natural to texturized. But it was longer and even more so when I went from texturized to relaxed. When it was texturized and I would wash it I could tell while wet that I was about 2" from my waist but once it dried it was just below bra strap. Then I got it relaxed and flatironed and finally the length it was when wet was more evident (it's still longer when wet but you get the general idea). I had about 75%-80% shrinkage when I was natural so seeing length while natural was hard and even getting it flatironed while natural the real length was not seen.
If you look at my pics now (March) and look at my flatironed head the length is longer than when I just airdried it in the following pics. It went up about 2". 2" difference even though I'm relaxed and in one pic I was flatironed and in the others I airdried. My hair just has that shrinkage tendency...and it wasn't relaxed bone straight so that could explain it.

Hope I made
Thank you Faith: I really see a very noticeable difference and now I want to know, how long you have had it totally relaxed? Are you planning to stretch your relaxers to keep it stronger and do you use a brush to smooth your hair? Are you nervous with it relaxed since it has no stretch as it does natural and texturized? Come to think of it my hair does not have a lot of stretch in it. If it were relaxed, I think my hair would look longer and thinner but I think I would lose a lot of body. It will probably take a couple of months for you to see the full amount of body in your hair. Anyway...very nice pictures and happy hair growing and thank you for the answer...yes, it made sense. (smile)
Bonjour Mahalialee...comment ca va?

Mahalialee4 said:
Thank you Faith: I really see a very noticeable difference and now I want to know, how long you have had it totally relaxed?
Just March of this year
Are you planning to stretch your relaxers to keep it stronger and do you use a brush to smooth your hair?
I plan on doing the same thing I have been doing stretching it to 13-16 weeks. No I don't really brush my hair. The only one I use to cometimes smooth my buns is a baby brush I got from the Body Shop
Are you nervous with it relaxed since it has no stretch as it does natural and texturized?
No because I was loosing more hair being hair was always tangled...extreme tangles. You wouldn't believe how much hair I have lost since August 2004 if I told My hair was much thicker than this. But now I can comb my hair and I loose more than half LESS hair than I did texturized.

Come to think of it my hair does not have a lot of stretch in it. If it were relaxed, I think my hair would look longer and thinner but I think I would lose a lot of body. It will probably take a couple of months for you to see the full amount of body in your hair. Anyway...very nice pictures and happy hair growing and thank you for the answer...yes, it made sense. (smile)
I did loose some body BUT with each wash it's coming back.

Thank-you :)