Fabulous BKT on natural hair! (LOTS of PICS)


New Member
Just in case you were interested in seeing more BKT results on a natural, here are some pics and a little info on my process... Any questions, please feel free to ask!!! I used Original Keratin Chocolate from Ebay...


Freshly washed hair

I had washed my hair 3x with the clarifying shampoo that was provided. It was very clean and shiny afterwards. I hadn't clarified in months and so this was a nice treat to see my curls pop like this.

Wet hair..

Just another shot! Lovin my waves but time to go bye-bye!

first blow dry without product

My hair was very soft and shiny just from the clarifying shampoo. I detangled in the shower as much as I could, but since my hair had basically no product on it, I just used my fingers and water pressure. I wouldn't suggest using anything else as the hair was basically stripped in a sense. I just used tension to dry since my hair was "raw", I didn't want to incur any damage.

Second blowdry with product

This was after I applied the product... I had applied the product outside on my back patio and let it sit for 20 minutes. I concentrated making sure I had enough product on my ends. They are my main concern. I used an applicator brush, and 2 ounces applied very sparingly so that there wasn't too much excess. In the end, I didn't need to squeeze excess out because I had applied just enough to coat the hair. I did brush it through to make sure there was even distribution.

In this pic, the side on the left was blown... Still had the right side to do... Pretty straight already with just this process... Was soooo shocked! I didn't use a brush as they suggested and still used the tension method. Because of that, my ends didn't get as smooth because I was afraid to blow them out, and I regret that because in the end, they ended up feeling better but were not smooth and felt a little rough. Lesson learned for next time.

Flat ironing begins..

Began doing the back first. My head is always sideways to show how the hair is just hanging heavily from my head. It had so much swing and bounce I couldn't believe it! I dont like my ends much. As I said, they were rough feeling because I didn't blow dry them with the brush to smooth them out. Don't make the mistake I did.

First run through of flat iron...

I had flat ironed each section 4 times on 400degrees. My flat iron goes up to 450. I didn't use that much heat until I took a chance... You will see a great difference in the straightness between this picture and the next after I did a few more passes on 450... It really does make a difference! Nex time, I will use the iron on 450 and make lesser passes. It is true, you know when you've made enough passes because the iron stops smoking and your hair gets silkier with each pass. I had to do this outside as well because the fumes were burning my eyes indoors. I didn't have a fan to create better ventilation.

Flat ironed again...

I passed two more times over my hair, making six passes altogether... These last two passes I turned the iron up to 450... I got great results. Next time I know to do 450 from the beginning and use less passes. But from this and the picture before, you can see such a huge difference.

Swingin' hair...

My hair had incredible weight and swing. All of that shine was from the product. There is nothing else in my hair.

Lovin that hang....

Et voila! C'est finis! finished product!

My hair is still shining, hanging and looking great... Truthfully, my ends suck though. They felt rough and not smooth as I liked. They were NOT split though, and so thank ya Jesus for that!

I wouldn't say it was bone straight, but it was so straight that it was straighter than when I've relaxed my hair! It was also very soft and slick feeling. After the flat ironing, I blew it over with the cold shot on my hair dryer to close my cuticles, it made it even more silky.

I loved my results.... Went and put on some makeup and a cute outfit and hit the town! LOL


All in all, this was a huge learning process. And as stated before, there are things I would do differently like being sure to use a paddle brush to blow dry next time and make sure my ends get smooth.

During this time I had no shed hairs or breakage. My hair was very healthy and would tumble down when I was finally allowed to pin it up. Because my ends didn't get a great straightening to them, they were parched feeling and so I waited the four days and conditioned when I could wet my hair again.

For those who need daily conditioner washes as I do to lock in moisture, I can say that even after this process, on like the 6th or 7th day, my hair was thirsting for moisture. I tried adding some moisturizer and seal my ends and my hair began to shed as soon as I put the moisturizer in. It was like for some reason it got really soft and started to shed and I was getting small broken hairs. I decided to go ahead and cowash, DC, moisturize and seal, and I've had hardly no more shedding than usual. I get about 10 hairs a day, if that. No more breakage either.

First wash results...

After my first cowash, my hair was bone straight while wet, and I could have dried it straight had I just tied it down but I wanted to see if my curls came back. They did, but it looks like I have a body wave versus curly hair. The bad thing is that some of my hair got so straight that it's still straight. I have to coax them into curling. I do not like this part, but its' nothing to stop me from doing this again. My hair is so straight that I will only do this maybe every four months. I am afraid ultimately that it could really change my curl pattern in a bad way if I do this too often seeing how many of the pieces of hair are still straight and some curly. I really hate it when that happens...

What other peopel thought...

The girls at my church freaked when they saw it. They loved it.. Others thought I had relaxed, to which I responded "are you crazy! LOL". Good ole' BKT done hooked me up. People kept touching my hair in disbelief that I didn't have a relaxer.

What I think...

I WISH I had this when I was younger. My hair is healthy, can be straightened easily, and in a much better condition than a relaxer. Had incredible swing and shine and felt soooo silky and still does. This is an AWESOME texturizer for those who dont want to use harsh chemicals. I have 3c, 4a hair, and right now it's curly and looks like 3a, 3b. I believe to a degree this is a "chemical" like treatment but I am hoping ALL of my curls come back as the treatment wears off. This will be a definite staple of mine throughout the year and I plan to do it at least every 4 to 6 months. For the four days I had to wait to get it wet, I did have to work outside during that time. I got almost absolutely NO reversion as I was sweating a little and it was definitely hot. By day six, I had a little teeny puffiness at the roots, but this is a miracle. My usual blowdry and flat irons last me 2 days max. This lasted 6 days and would have gone longer! I have some serious paw in head disease right now.

To be honest, I'm disappointed that I didn't really retain much of my growth from last year. Now that I have figured out how to keep my ends from splitting and keep my hair moisturized, I believe that I can push forward and accomplish my goals. I believe this will help me all the more. Wish me luck!


Also, be sure to wear gloves on both hands. I only wore one glove and my other fingertips were burned from the formaldehyde. :perplexed (yeah, I should have known better)....

Also, the clarifying shampoo stripped all of the indigo I had in my hair, and that's why you see all of that red brownish color. I'm not sure how I will manage to keep my hair black before this treatment. I may have to do another rinse after...

Thanks for listening! I hope that someone learns something from my experience and it helps you to decide better options for your hair.

Be blessed!
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Thanks for the great review! Your hair & you look awesome! Congrats and I am sure that this time next year your hair will be flowing long all over the place!
Thanks for the great review! Your hair & you look awesome! Congrats and I am sure that this time next year your hair will be flowing long all over the place!

Thanks, Reyna! I sure hope so. It's been disappointing with all the setbacks, but I think that is truly part of the journey. Many of us get it right, right away, and some of us it's truly some serious learning from our mistakes and what we dont know. I am feeling more confident now. So we will see what happens. :rolleyes:

Your hair is beautiful both before and after! :) I don't think you will have to worry about your hair not returning to it's natural state. I have a BKT and I am tex-laxed (3b/c) my hair, even with the tex-lax, is start to curl/wave right back up (2months after BKT) :)

Please let me know if you have any reversion since you are natural. I wanted to BKT 2 years ago when I was 100% natural but I chickened out. If I can just BKT, without tex-laxing, that would be great!
Congrats!!! You and your hair are beautiful:) Since no one is answering in the other thread...

Did you gain a little more thickness after your first wash?? My hair is nice, but a little on the slim side. I was just wondering...
i love the detailed review!!! thanks.
i'm still scurred of this ish, not for me but i'm sooooo glad you're happy w/ the results!!
Congrats!!! You and your hair are beautiful:) Since no one is answering in the other thread...

Did you gain a little more thickness after your first wash?? My hair is nice, but a little on the slim side. I was just wondering...

My hair was weighty, but yes, it did feel like I had less hair on my head... I didn't like that feeling much because I'm used to a huge heap of hair that's really thick when I put it in a bun or something. It's so straight. But I could tell my hair has thickened tremendously since last year because before when I'd straighten, my hair was incredibly thinner than what it is now. HTH
Thanks for this review, you didnt use a fan or anythimg? did u not needone? Great Job , haor looks like its really swinging
i love the detailed review!!! thanks.
i'm still scurred of this ish, not for me but i'm sooooo glad you're happy w/ the results!!

Thanks, Whimsy! I'm glad people are appreciating my review becuase I'm only lazy LHCF'er! LOL! I hate posting pics and doin all this stuff. It's nice to be appreciated!

Yes, it is a weighty issue to consider. I can say that if you are successful with how your hair is right now and you are not lookin for ways to make handling it easier or different styles, then stick with whatcha got. I did this mainly because I wanted to loosen up my curl pattern and also retain more length due to the strengthening effect, as well as being able to wear it straight longer when I flatironed... I think you have to have a need for it, rather than doing it just because... If that makes sense. HTH
Thanks for this review, you didnt use a fan or anythimg? did u not needone? Great Job , haor looks like its really swinging

Girl, I was outside cause we didn't have a fan inside. Just air conditioning. I had the exhaust fan on in teh bathroom but my eyes were burning. So I will still continue to do it outside. To me, that's the best ventilation ever.
i love the detailed review!!! thanks.
i'm still scurred of this ish, not for me but i'm sooooo glad you're happy w/ the results!!

Girl, I was scurred too! Really scurred! But I saw soooo many people's results, and people who had been doing it for years, and got the courage!

LOVE YOUR RESULTS!!!!! You definitely have that swang going on!!! I'm glad that you're happy with your results. I'm still very pleased with mine. God job w/ your DIY....

LOVE YOUR RESULTS!!!!! You definitely have that swang going on!!! I'm glad that you're happy with your results. I'm still very pleased with mine. God job w/ your DIY....

This is one of the best DIY'ers I've done in my life.. :lachen:
35 bucks later, I've got a nice head of hair... You know what my plan was, and I may still do this... I thought, okay, if I dont get it real straight, but straight enough and to the point, I'm then going to go after my four day no wash period and get a blow out from my dominican stylist who is very good and gentle with my hair. I was thinking of letting her rollerset it and then flat iron. That way, I still get the same results of letting a pro do it and get some serious straightness. But honestly, I dont like my hair bone straight because I feel ********** like there is no hair on my head. I"m so used to feeling a huge fro, that that feeling makes me real nervous and insecure! :lachen: So we will see what I do... Haven't decided to get it set and flat ironed yet. I'm thinking maybe at teh end of the month.
Your hair has amazing swang:yep::yep::yep: You did a great job! The more I hear, the more I lean toward BTK. Thanks for being a pioneer!

Please keep us posted.....
Abso-positively beautiful results!! Your hair and that swang :thud: has me trippin!! I love it!!! Omg, I can't wait to see your hair after your first wash!
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Abso-positively beautiful results!! Your hair and that swang :thud: has me trippin!! I love it!!! Omg, I can't wait to see your hair after your first wash!

Hey Sheba, I've washed it and it was so pretty after I did. LIke I said, I've got these straight pieces and my hair is curly, so that makes me a little aggravated, but all in all, I'm still happy. I'm sooo lazy that this took loads for me to do this post, but I will try to get a pic up here soon of my wet hair post BKT. Will let you know!
Your hair has amazing swang:yep::yep::yep: You did a great job! The more I hear, the more I lean toward BTK. Thanks for being a pioneer!

Please keep us posted.....

Thanks, Tender... You should really consider but just be sure to know all about it first. I did really read a lot beforehand and was sure I had a good product, as well as the right tools. And I was VERY careful with what I was doing.
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The only thing these pictures dont show is how my hair felt which was amazing! My hair has never been this smooth and slick when I relaxed back in the day, over a year ago. It was alwasy straight, but didn't feel sealed like this. I could tell my cuticles were tight and on point. And it got better as teh days went through.

If you want to see a comparison of my hair blown and flat ironed before BKT, take a look here : http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=372825

It was nice, but wasn't as straight as this, and plus I had a lot of product in my hair to get it that way. BKT is without all the stickiness and somewhat oily feeling. That flat iron job I did only lasted 2 days, and by the end of the first day, my roots had already puffed back out an inch or so, and that's with using Sabino MB. HTH
I took a deep breath before I came in here because I was skeptical of the results but I am surprised your hair looks really good!

I'm just scared to used the treatment because you said something about it burning your hand, was it bad please describe it?
I took a deep breath before I came in here because I was skeptical of the results but I am surprised your hair looks really good!

I'm just scared to used the treatment because you said something about it burning your hand, was it bad please describe it?

The formaldehyde burned the tips of my fingertips like a chemical would but it wasn't bad. They were just sore feeling like I had touched them in very hot water...

Thanks for the compliment as well. I was skeptical as to how my hair was going to turn out as well. I've got super curly hair and some serious shrinkage now that I dont texlax anymore and my hair is 100 percent natural virgin hair. I was like yeah, I might get a nice poofy straightness, but I had no IDEA it would be like this! I do think though that I will not be doing this often. My hair is really straight. Not sure how I feel about that, which is so weird. I"m just used to having that really thick "i've got a lot of hair feeling" and right now it's like light and straight feeling. Hard to get used to. I think if I did this in another 3 months, that I'd probably ruin my curl pattern, so I'm thinking i may do this twice a year.
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