Extreme Shedding!!! Advise


Well-Known Member
I moved to Chicago abt a month a go and my hair has gone bizzerk on me. I'm suffering from extreme shedding and mild breakage. At first I thought it was the extreme cold & dryness of Chicago. So I resorted to heavy duty moisturizing treatments and even got a humidifier for my bedroom. But it continues!!!!

The only other thing I can think of is the fact that I switched relaxer on my last touch up abt 3 weeks ago. I switched from mizani sensitive scalp to Vitale Pro mild. Vitale straigtend my hair nicely with no burns at all. Am I grasping at straws??? Is this normal, does switching relaxers typically do this???

I'm freakin out. My fiance teases me that I'll still look good even if I'm as bald as Michele N'dele Ochello (sp).

I'll appreciate all answers cos I'm stumped.
One word, "Emergencee"

I started to experience some nasty post-partum shedding and used Nexxus Keraphix and Nexxus Emergencee. The shedding stopped immediately.

I don't recommend using a protein treatment each washing; I suggest that you use it every other week, alternating between a deep, moisturing conditioner. HTH
I agree with Webby. I am using Nexxus Keraphix for my shedding and I have noticed dramatic improvement. Also, I started using S-Curl as my daily moisturizer and think that those two products are what is stopping my shedding in its tracks.
Cosigning on what the other ladies said. My hair has been suffering from extreme shedding for a while, and the thing that finally stopped it was several treatments alternating mild to moderate protein condioners with deep conditioners. And the S curl seemed to improve it drastically.

S curl didnt used to work for me bc I live in a humid climate, it must be since its winter its different, but I swear the treatments would slow it for a few days and it would start again...but as soon as I started using s curl, it seemed to stop immediately. I concentrate on my new growth and ends and moisturize in sections. then I seal with coconut oil or something heavier like a grease. I swear it worked like magic...Ive had this problem for months with little improvement. I love my S curl! I think it has saved my hair!
Have you tried using any Aphogee products? You might also want to get a water fliter system for your shower head. Chicago might have hard water which could be contributing to the downfall of your hair.
I ahve to piggy back on the Emergence and then the Keraphix every two weeks or so...my hair started its seasonal shedding and with ONE application of Keraphix...it stopped. Completely!
My mother hair was shedding like crazy and I gave her some of my Dudley DRC 28 to use and follow up with a moisturizing conditioner Elucence is very good.
I also gave her some surge to use and advised co washes and deep conditioning weekly.
No heat styling is best and wear protective styles.
I second the emergencee. Although I follow up my treatment with kenra moisturizing conditioner. Any good moisturizing conditioner should do the trick when you deep condition with it.
Hi free2bme! Nexxus Keraphix is awesome. :) Although it's protein, it leaves my hair so soft that I don't need to use a moisturizing conditioner afterwards (though I do anyway). I'd suggest trying Keraphix, and if that doesn't work give Emergencee a shot. I've never used it, but a lot of ladies seem to like it better than Aphogee since apparently it doesn't harden the hair to the point that it's snap-worthy.