Extreme lurker needs help from experts...breakage!


New Member
Hello all. My title says it all. My hair is breaking and I don't know what to do. I have been lurking for quite a while and my hair has grown tremendously but I fear all my hard work is going down the drain because my hair is breaking at every touch. I'll make this as quick as possible. I cowashed most of the summer and didn't use much protein so I decided to do a quick protein treatment with Joico K-pak. It worked well however I then decided the next week that I wanted my hair dark for the fall so I used Color Showers in Cocoa. Well after I sat there with the color in my hair for 45 minutes, I read the ingredients (smart timing right :rolleyes:) and noticed it had keratin. Well my hair seemed fine after I did it so I didn't think anything of it. However, the next week everything changed. So it's been 3 weeks now and my hair is still breaking. I know ya'll want to know regimes so I'll tell you what I've used in hopes of some help. I went back and read Supergirl's "You're doing everything right and your hair is still breaking" article and tried to follow that. So I clarified and deep conditioned with Kenra & AO White Camelia (sp) mixed under the Pibbs for 30 minutes. I've pre-poo'd with ORS. I've deep conditioned more adding oil to the mix. I've pre-poo'd with castor oil. I've been deep conditioning once a week with heat with no luck - still breakage. Last week I thought maybe I was wrong about the protein thing so I used a mild protein & moisture combo - Shescentit fortifying mask and then deep conditioned with AO & Kenra. Felt good for a minute but still breaking. I've tried using shea butter as a moisturizer as well as HE long term relation leave-in. I'm at a lost as to what to do now. I take good care of my hair. I only rollerset or do twist-out's. I haven't used any extreme heat. My hair is fine so it gets weighed down easily but at this point I just want it to stop breaking. I'm open to any and all suggestions. Thanks for reading.
I'm so sorry this is happening. It seems as if you're doing all the right things, perhaps it was a bad reaction to Color Showers? Have u used it before? Are u supposed to leave it on for that long?
Maybe your hair needs a more serious protein treatment, like Aphogee 2 Step, followed by a MAJOR moisture DC.

Hopefully other ladies will chime in! I wish I could be more help :ohwell:
I agree with Barbie83, you probably need to do a heavier protein treatment followed by a moisturizing DC. My hair used to break all the time and then I learned about the Aphogee 2 step protein treatment. I used that followed by one hour under the dryer with a moisturizing DC. My hair felt much better and ever since then, I've made sure that every wash day included some protein and some moisture. Because the Aphogee 2-step is really strong I only use it every six weeks. Right now, I use ORS Hair Mayo as my pre-poo and NTM Deep Recovery Mask as my DC with every wash. I'm sure there are other protein/moisture combinations that you could use as well that might help. I think it's just important to be consistent with whatever you do.
Thanks ladies. I have used the color showers before but it was a while ago. Yes the directions say to leave it on that long but if i knew it had protein I would not have. I was scared to do too much protein at this point because I figured I had protein overload but at this point, what can it hurt so I may give it a try. Thanks again and I'm still open to suggestions if anyone else wants to respond.:yep:
Get the Aphogee 2 step (use your own moisturising condish) and you'll be cool. It'll knock out abnormal shedding right away.
I just put a relaxer in my hair 3 days ago and to prevent breakage I used Roux Mendex. It's very good has a lot of good reviews