
Well-Known Member
...then buying the product based on that fact....

I was thinking about this because I thought about how I bought products when I first joined the board and how I bought products over the past year...

With the exception of Phyto, which I started using based on my own research - before I even officially joined the board; and I was using White Rain Tropical Coconut before I joined the board.

I only ventured to use Affirm (once, horrible experience) based on a recommendation because I was going to be using the Keracare line (again, based on recommendation).

At this point I hadn't ventured out on really trying things out - I immediately started with the Keracare, convinced that it was working for me (it wasn't).

Honestly, thank goodness for thoughtful pj'ism - because thanks to that I found the products that truly have worked for me.

Now, had I thought about the two products that my hair immediately gravitated to - Phytorelaxer (a relaxer that contains a plant compound) and WRTC (Coconut) - it could've saved me a lot of trial and error had I focused on products that contained those elements...

What I primarily use now:

Phytorelaxer (plant compound base)
WRTC (Coconut)
Pantene Relaxed & Natural BD Mask (Coconut/Jojoba)
AVEDA (Plant derived)
Joico (Marine Technology)
Vatika Oil/Shakakai oil (Vatika, Coconut Oil; Shakakai, Plant source)
Alma/Coconut Bar to wash hair with

This is the core essence of my regimen now and going forward..

Do y'all see where I'm going with this? Or am I messing up badly?

This truly falls under the heading of choosing products that work for your hair and not for someone else - sure they may have this gawwgeous head of hair - but that's not your head. You too can have that gawwgeous head of hair with choosing products that work for you.

Also, I messed up by trying to use products that heads were using that just weren't similar to mine:ohwell:. That was the second key in my gaining some progress, listening to those who's hair seemed to respond to things I liked and to seek them out and observe 'hair cousins'.

Do y'all see where I'm going with this? :yep: Or am I messing up badly? :ohwell:

I'm just looking to maybe just make somebody who is starting out on their hair journey really think about it and not get caught up like I did initially (and I'm sure others on the board) -- maybe can save some folks from some heartbreak and some setbacks...

and get that hair poppin and growing and getting healthy in '08 and beyond...:yep:

Please share if you agree or have an alternate viewpoint -
we're all still learning...and the goal is Happy Healthy Hair Growing...
It sounds like you went through the necessary trial and error to find your HG products. I have mine. I still use them- religiously, however I still like to try other products. Its the PJ in me!
I think trial and error is necessary to find your staples. After a while you do narrow it down and find what works for you- plant based products work for you. ( Thats a good thing)
Butters work for me- but my hair hates oil straight on it.
It sounds like you went through the necessary trial and error to find your HG products. I have mine. I still use them- religiously, however I still like to try other products. Its the PJ in me!
I think trial and error is necessary to find your staples. After a while you do narrow it down and find what works for you- plant based products work for you. ( Thats a good thing)
Butters work for me- but my hair hates oil straight on it.

Yup, you're right nappity...:yep:

I'm just saying I wish that the lightbulb had gone on sooner - like..um...
this is what your hair likes...why are you trying out all of this stuff (that the hair didn't like)

Now...had I done that...could've spent quality pj time on things that had a better chance of working...that's all I meant...:yep: which...I wound up doing...years later.. better late than never...

Adding: do you see the common denominator in the products that work for you as opposed to things that don't...if any?
I totally agree with you. In the beginning my journey, I did not have much knowledge of my hair and that is the biggest mistake anyone can make while trying to grow out their hair. I also went out and bought $100 worth of Keracare products after seeing Macherie's hair, only to realize that my Motions did me so much better.

We all need to find products that work for our hair, and your hair ONLY. But how will you know what will work for your hair, if you haven't taken note of your hair and what it needs?

There is nothing wrong with being a pj if you have a method to your madness.
Take note of products that seem to agree with your hair. I don't mean by looking at it's label. Turn that bad boy around and take note of the ingredients list. This is what I did to maximize the most out of being a pj:

First, I determine what my hair needs. Second, go on LHCF to get some product recs to get some products I can use. Third, take note of who is recommending what. The only people I listen to are the ones who have the same hair qualities as my hair. By qualities, I don't mean texture or hair type. I mean, those that love protein/henna, someone who's hair isn't effected by mineral oil or lanolin, who uses products with citric acid, and who stay away from glycerin-based products. I'm not looking for a perfect match, but if you can see a pattern in how someone cares for their hair that is similar to yours, or see that their hair agrees to similar products, then I would take those suggestions into consideration.

There are some that luck out and stumble across the perfect products the first time around...the rest of us aren't so lucky. You need to first learn your hair, and accommodate its needs with products that can offer what your hair is lacking. Once you find your staple products, dwindle your stash down to the most-needed things, and you'll be good to go.


LHCF offered the skeleton of what I need to care for my hair: moisture-protein, protective style, low manipulation, indirect heat, new methods, and techniques. But the meat and bulk of the info was all on my head! Your hair has allll the answers, and you need to do is learn what it likes a dislikes. Take note of what doesn't work and avoid it and remember what does work and try your best to duplicate it. This is what differentiates you from everyone else on this board, and this is why it is important to learn your hair's likes/dislikes.
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I feel everything you are saying......When I first started out on the board, I use everything people said was good.....I just, I mean just came back to the computer after looking through my bathroom cabinet at all these products stocked to the top that simply did nothing for my hair. I went through alot of trial and error trying to copy every person with mid back length hair regimen.

I learned my lesson the hard way after I switched to a no lye relaxer and that joint was a LYE because it took all my hair with it. That was the end of my lessons. I cut all the hair off and started over. My hair does not like no lye relaxers and high protein hair products. It loves moisture, very very mild proteins, and oils like olive oil,coconut oil and jojoba oil. I have found some staples that work well for my hair and I am sticking with them. I see beautiful heads of hair on this board and just think well they have found what works for them....doesn't mean it is for me.........but um since we cousins I may be purchasing some of your staples.....hehehehehehe.
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I totally agree with you. In the beginning my journey, I did not have much knowledge of my hair and that is the biggest mistake anyone can make while trying to grow out their hair. I also went out and bought $100 worth of Keracare products after seeing Macherie's hair, only to realize that my Motions did me so much better.

We all need to find products that work for our hair, and your hair ONLY. But how will you know what will work for your hair, if you haven't taken note of your hair and what it needs?

There is nothing wrong with being a pj if you have a method to your madness. Take note of products that seem to agree with your hair. I don't mean by looking at it's label. Turn that bad boy around and take note of the ingredients list. This is what I did to maximize the most out of being a pj:

First, I determine what my hair needs. Second, go on LHCF to get some product recs to get some products I can use. Third, take note of who is recommending what. The only people I listen to are the ones who have the same hair qualities as my hair. By qualities, I don't mean texture or hair type. I mean, those that love protein/henna, someone who's hair isn't effected by mineral oil or lanolin, who uses products with citric acid, and who stay away from glycerin-based products. I'm not looking for a perfect match, but if you can see a pattern in how someone cares for their hair that is similar to yours, or see that their hair agrees to similar products, then I would take those suggestions into consideration.

There are some that luck out and stumble across the perfect products the first time around...the rest of us aren't so lucky. You need to first learn your hair, and accommodate its needs with products that can offer what your hair is lacking. Once you find your staple products, dwindle your stash down to the most-needed things, and you'll be good to go.

LHCF offered the skeleton of what I need to care for my hair: moisture-protein, protective style, low manipulation, indirect heat. But the meat and bulk of the info is all on your head! Your hair has allll the answers, and you need to do is learn what it likes a dislikes. Take note of what doesn't work and avoid it and remember what does work and try your best to duplicate it.

Yes, yes...I think you said far more eloquently what I was trying to convey...Agreed.:yep:

atlien said:
...but um since we cousins I may be purchasing some of your staples.....hehehehehehe

:lol: G'won...try em out. :grin: If I have a pj moment...it's usually based on something one of the hair cousins has said...I really don't stray too far out of the fam anymore..:yep: it's been to my benefit...they were the catalysts for my now working regimen...
Go on and drop that knowledge sista!!! You are absolutely right in your assessment. It would be great if newbies (and some oldies) could learn to look at what works really well and find the common denominators, and then look at what really doesn't work and find the common denominators there as well. You would certainly be ahead of the game knowing what to look for and what to avoid. Took me almost 2 years to get to that point. However, it's easier said then done when every time you log on someone is shouting about I grew 2 inches in 2 months from using oompa loompa grease or whatever. Makes it really hard on someone struggling, dreaming, wishing, hoping.......:nono:

Mona......me and you are so >>here<<

I have tried to say this over and over again. You gotta know WHY you are using what you are using. What does that product do for you and why does it work so well for you. If you don't know those two things you are wasting your time and your money. If I would have gotten this down when I first started, it would be a whole nother ball game right now.

Keisha hit it on the head.....Your hair is the best source of info as to what you need. Thats it...end of story.....

If you see a common trend in the products you like then use that info to find the other missing products in your staple line up. Its like trying to hit a bullseye in a dark room....Cut on the light! You have a much better chance of hitting the mark.

Also, don't be afraid to research companies and their technology. That is how I stumbled upon some of my best tips in terms of hair science, by reading how and why companies formulated their line. For example I have porosity issues so lines like Joico had a great appeal to me because they have the ph on all of their products and some of their conditioners have a ph of lower than 3.

With all of this being said, in order for you to benefit, you have to let go of the notion that there is a miracle in a bottle. There is no miracle potion that we can sprinkle on our heads and have no hair problems. All of our needs might be the same but the method in dealing with it and the root cause of the problem is different.
This is so true! I have a ton of stuff in my hair closet. Only to realize that my hair doesn't like sulfates. I didn't even need to buy the millions of different shampoos and conditioners that I have. They were already sitting in my closet and I never should have left them. I am going to focus this year on using what is best and building a solid regimen.
I totally agree with you. In the beginning my journey, I did not have much knowledge of my hair and that is the biggest mistake anyone can make while trying to grow out their hair. I also went out and bought $100 worth of Keracare products after seeing Macherie's hair, only to realize that my Motions did me so much better.

We all need to find products that work for our hair, and your hair ONLY. But how will you know what will work for your hair, if you haven't taken note of your hair and what it needs?

There is nothing wrong with being a pj if you have a method to your madness. Take note of products that seem to agree with your hair. I don't mean by looking at it's label. Turn that bad boy around and take note of the ingredients list. This is what I did to maximize the most out of being a pj:

First, I determine what my hair needs. Second, go on LHCF to get some product recs to get some products I can use. Third, take note of who is recommending what. The only people I listen to are the ones who have the same hair qualities as my hair. By qualities, I don't mean texture or hair type. I mean, those that love protein/henna, someone who's hair isn't effected by mineral oil or lanolin, who uses products with citric acid, and who stay away from glycerin-based products. I'm not looking for a perfect match, but if you can see a pattern in how someone cares for their hair that is similar to yours, or see that their hair agrees to similar products, then I would take those suggestions into consideration.

There are some that luck out and stumble across the perfect products the first time around...the rest of us aren't so lucky. You need to first learn your hair, and accommodate its needs with products that can offer what your hair is lacking. Once you find your staple products, dwindle your stash down to the most-needed things, and you'll be good to go.


LHCF offered the skeleton of what I need to care for my hair: moisture-protein, protective style, low manipulation, indirect heat, new methods, and techniques. But the meat and bulk of the info was all on my head! Your hair has allll the answers, and you need to do is learn what it likes a dislikes. Take note of what doesn't work and avoid it and remember what does work and try your best to duplicate it. This is what differentiates you from everyone else on this board, and this is why it is important to learn your hair's likes/dislikes.

:yep: :yep: :yep:

100% Truth, begininning to end.

Mona......me and you are so >>here<<

I have tried to say this over and over again. You gotta know WHY you are using what you are using. What does that product do for you and why does it work so well for you. If you don't know those two things you are wasting your time and your money. If I would have gotten this down when I first started, it would be a whole nother ball game right now.

Keisha hit it on the head.....Your hair is the best source of info as to what you need. Thats it...end of story.....

If you see a common trend in the products you like then use that info to find the other missing products in your staple line up. Its like trying to hit a bullseye in a dark room....Cut on the light! You have a much better chance of hitting the mark.

Also, don't be afraid to research companies and their technology. That is how I stumbled upon some of my best tips in terms of hair science, by reading how and why companies formulated their line. For example I have porosity issues so lines like Joico had a great appeal to me because they have the ph on all of their products and some of their conditioners have a ph of lower than 3.

With all of this being said, in order for you to benefit, you have to let go of the notion that there is a miracle in a bottle. There is no miracle potion that we can sprinkle on our heads and have no hair problems. All of our needs might be the same but the method in dealing with it and the root cause of the problem is different.

:yep::yep: Yes, yes....

I wish I had used the same diligence when I was researching Phytorelaxer that I did for subsequent products following that...but in the end...my hair cousins aka 'researchers' basically wound up changing my regimen for me..for the better..

I can't emphasize enough for folks to try and find some 'cousins' to help them through the journey...the person does not have to be an exact match aka 'twin'...nice if you can find one...but it may be easier to find a cousin...they can really help you shorten the process of getting on the right track and offer a great support system :yep:

o.t. -- and if it wasn't for you...I know I probably wouldn't have tried Joico out and wouldn't have fallen hair in love with it.. :love: Wasn't so excited about a product since AVEDA turned me out...Thank you cuz! :hug2:
Go on and drop that knowledge sista!!! You are absolutely right in your assessment. It would be great if newbies (and some oldies) could learn to look at what works really well and find the common denominators, and then look at what really doesn't work and find the common denominators there as well. You would certainly be ahead of the game knowing what to look for and what to avoid. Took me almost 2 years to get to that point. However, it's easier said then done when every time you log on someone is shouting about I grew 2 inches in 2 months from using oompa loompa grease or whatever. Makes it really hard on someone struggling, dreaming, wishing, hoping.......:nono:

You're right...that aspect is very hard to resist..:nono: That's why we have dialogue like this as well to balance things out..

I swear, I truly thought Keracare was working for me...you couldn't tell me it wasn't...but then it got to the point like...I'm supposedly doing everything right..why am I stuck at SL for years seeing minimal progress at best?

Then the turnaround light bulb moments started to hit me..
  • This Dominican stylist is :censored: you up...stop going to salon so much, start taking care of your own hair
  • Start listening to what YOUR HAIR wants you to do, not what YOU want to do because you see somebody else's hair and you're using what their using thinking your hair is going to be like theirs because you are (I had to realize what works for the multitude of thick haired ones on here didn't necessarily mean it was going to work for me :ohwell: and it wasn't...) - e.g. - tossed the Humecto - found Motions Moisture Plus, tossed the Keracare poo - found CON again - I saw an instant change in my hair...then I realized..my hair did not like the sulfates found in shampoo.
  • Seek out heads that are more similar to yours - what are they using? I found me a bunch of cousins and hair mentors who have truly helped me - I can't thank them all enough :hug2:
and it was on and popping from there...my hair truly turned around in 2007 after being on the board for 3 years plus...it took 3 years for it to hit me.

Again...better late than never...
It sounds like you went through the necessary trial and error to find your HG products. I have mine. I still use them- religiously, however I still like to try other products. Its the PJ in me!
I think trial and error is necessary to find your staples. After a while you do narrow it down and find what works for you- plant based products work for you. ( Thats a good thing)
Butters work for me- but my hair hates oil straight on it.

Yes I agree. Everyone I think should go through a 'PJ phase' to find their staples, but like the OP said thoughtful PJism. No point if you are natural and using product raved about by a relaxed head.
Yes I agree. Everyone I think should go through a 'PJ phase' to find their staples, but like the OP said thoughtful PJism. No point if you are natural and using product raved about by a relaxed head.

I would have to (respectfully :drunk:) disagree...being natural or relaxed doesn't really have as much to do with it as you may think. For the most part yea, there are some patterns in the kind of products that natural and relaxed heads use (like relaxed needs some form of protein to strengthen the hair after chemical services, while many naturals don't need protein).

But I've found many naturals who uses the same products I do. Nappity4b, for example. Looking through her fotki, her hair agrees with A LOT of the same stuff mine does...which is why if she gave a product rec, I would be much more inclined to jump on it. There is another person that I can't remember....our hair agrees with some of the same stuff too and she is also natural. I have yet to find a relaxed head on this board that share more similarities with my hair than these two naturals.

I'm only saying this to let you know, don't disregard a product rec from a natural just because they're natural. Look at the products she uses and her hair's qualities. If it's similar to yours, then give the product rec a try.
I would have to (respectfully :drunk:) disagree...being natural or relaxed doesn't really have as much to do with it as you may think. For the most part yea, there are some patterns in the kind of products that natural and relaxed heads use (like relaxed needs some form of protein to strengthen the hair after chemical services, while many naturals don't need protein).

But I've found many naturals who uses the same products I do. Nappity4b, for example. Looking through her fotki, her hair agrees with A LOT of the same stuff mine does...which is why if she gave a product rec, I would be much more inclined to jump on it. There is another person that I can't remember....our hair agrees with some of the same stuff too and she is also natural. I have yet to find a relaxed head on this board that share more similarities with my hair than these two naturals.

I'm only saying this to let you know, don't disregard a product rec from a natural just because they're natural. Look at the products she uses and her hair's qualities. If it's similar to yours, then give the product rec a try.

Agreed :yep:... I think the focus should be the similarity of effect...not if one is relaxed or natural..

Keisha is on it! :lol:
Um.... :hide:how did you find your cousins? I'm just asking because I was looking at your fotki and your hair seems very similar to mine 4a/4b relaxed and fine strands....except my hair isn't thin??? I have lots of strands but they are fine :perplexed. I was just wondering because I use hemecto and it seems to work okay but I feel like my hair is perpetuallly dry....I'm not trying to hijack your thread I just think maybe it would be easier to figure things out with the help of a cousin or two....:yep:
Um.... :hide:how did you find your cousins? I'm just asking because I was looking at your fotki and your hair seems very similar to mine 4a/4b relaxed and fine strands....except my hair isn't thin??? I have lots of strands but they are fine :perplexed. I was just wondering because I use hemecto and it seems to work okay but I feel like my hair is perpetuallly dry....I'm not trying to hijack your thread I just think maybe it would be easier to figure things out with the help of a cousin or two....:yep:

:lol: no worries about hijacking...

By spending time on the hairboard....following the posts/threads of others that seemed to use things that I thought my hair would like, asking them questions/communicating...we all eventually found each other..now we're happy family members...

And...I too used Humecto (in the tub :look:) and in my mind...thought it was doing wonderous things for me. Not negating Humecto, I'm sure it's wonderful for some - it just wasn't right for me. My hair was trying to tell me it wasn't...but I didn't want to listen because I saw others using it (thick haired folks) - and at that time..I didn't really think about the difference in hair...I just went by 'hair type - 4a/b' and not 'hair similarity'...

You should check out the fine/thin haired thread that's around...there are some fine haired ladies that don't have thin hair that have posted. You might find that helpful. Also, check out the Hits and Misses thread...see what folks are buying that have hair similar to yours -

that's how I found Gym, Priestess, Brownie, Tee, etc....started to have moments like these..."Heyyy..my hair likes that too..."

Them pj buying hefflets pretty much changed my whole regimen for the better.. :lol:
Mona Lisa :I only ventured to use Affirm (once, horrible experience) based on a recommendation because I was going to be using the Keracare line (again, based on recommendation).
At this point I hadn't ventured out on really trying things out - I immediately started with the Keracare, convinced that it was working for me (it wasn't).

Honestly, thank goodness for thoughtful pj'ism - because thanks to that I found the products that truly have worked for me.
This was my experience with Keracare products as well. The relaxer works well for me, but the maintainance products did not work consistently.My hair kept drying out. I joined in May and found my staples by August, thanks to thoughtful pjism.

keisha 8185:
We all need to find products that work for our hair, and your hair ONLY. But how will you know what will work for your hair, if you haven't taken note of your hair and what it needs?

When I started on here I was focused on my hair problem: dryness!!!!. Realizing that I wasn't addressing my hard water and knowing my hair loves moisture and oil guided me to find what worked for me relatively fast.

There is nothing wrong with being a pj if you have a method to your madness.
Take note of products that seem to agree with your hair.:yep:

First, I determine what my hair needs. Second, go on LHCF to get some product recs to get some products I can use. Third, take note of who is recommending what. The only people I listen to are the ones who have the same hair qualities as my hair. By qualities, I don't mean texture or hair type. I mean, those that love protein/henna, someone who's hair isn't effected by mineral oil or lanolin, who uses products with citric acid, and who stay away from glycerin-based products. I'm not looking for a perfect match, but if you can see a pattern in how someone cares for their hair that is similar to yours, or see that their hair agrees to similar products, then I would take those suggestions into consideration.


If you don't take focus on your own hair, the greater the chance you will be spinning your wheels. This is why I never focus on pictures and raves. Pictures are the icing, not the cake. The cake is you doing the above, and achieving results. I also don't give much advice, unless it is really general and I make it clear that something worked for me.
Heck, I am still learning about my own hair.

Gymfreak:I have tried to say this over and over again. You gotta know WHY you are using what you are using. What does that product do for you and why does it work so well for you. If you don't know those two things you are wasting your time and your money.

Your hair is the best source of info as to what you need. Thats it...end of story.....

Also, don't be afraid to research companies and their technology. That is how I stumbled upon some of my best tips in terms of hair science, by reading how and why companies formulated their line.

With all of this being said, in order for you to benefit, you have to let go of the notion that there is a miracle in a bottle. There is no miracle potion that we can sprinkle on our heads and have no hair problems. All of our needs might be the same but the method in dealing with it and the root cause of the problem is different.
The above mentioned are of utmost importance if you want timely results. My thought process is
1. determine the result I want

2. If a product interests me, I google it to death, find the ingredients, how it works, is it meant to give me the result I want, etc.. This is how I decided to try Kenra MC a now staple, because of its hydrolized quaternized wheat protein. The info from this step determines if I will buy something.

3.I look for reviews on the product, but I know that someone else's results aren't guaranteed to be mine, so they hold limited weight.

By doing this, I have found staples, and have pretty good knack for predicting what will work for me. The proof is in the pudding when I went three months without a trim and only needed 1/4 of an inch or less taken off. I am proud of my progress.

This is an excellent post that really tells everyone how to get the results they want, if only they will take heed. More sticky material. :yep:

THANK YOU! Okay I think I have an idea...I'm going to try and find the fine haired support thread now....you know if it weren't for gymfreak in the first place I never would have known my hair were fine....:yawn:. If it weren't for artemis and sistaslick I wouldn't have known that keracare moisturizing and detangling shampoo makes my hair dry as he** because of the high pH....so yeah I guess I will have to start pay more attention to what people are using who have hair type more like my own.
THANK YOU! Okay I think I have an idea...I'm going to try and find the fine haired support thread now....you know if it weren't for gymfreak in the first place I never would have known my hair were fine....:yawn:. If it weren't for artemis and sistaslick I wouldn't have known that keracare moisturizing and detangling shampoo makes my hair dry as he** because of the high pH....so yeah I guess I will have to start pay more attention to what people are using who have hair type more like my own.

Girl, then you are on your way! {{{hair hug}}} :hug2:

*If Gym's name keeps getting mentioned...she's gonna start charging soon. You didn't hear this from me...but I heard the chick has a 'habit' :look:that she has to support...financially...:look:*

Dang, I wish I would've seen Artemis and Sistaslick talking about keracare's poo - that could've saved me a lot of hurt hair feelings :(
Lol...her habit might be the same as mine :lachen:. Buying too much d*** stuff for my hair. It's like an addiction but yeah that girl knows what she's talking about that's for sure. I found out about the keracare on the real talk thread about 1 month or 2 ago. I was PO'ed cause I just bought it and I was like wow my hair feels so soft....when I was washing it, but when it dried it was horrible! I have almost completely given up on shampoo now anyway because i can't seem to find one that works right! I know i can do this though and maybe one day my hair will be as beautiful and long as yours :yep:. Thank you again for this thread I mean who knows how long I would have been trying this that and the other trying to get my hair to act right maybe longer than 3 years!
Lol...her habit might be the same as mine :lachen:. Buying too much d*** stuff for my hair. It's like an addiction but yeah that girl knows what she's talking about that's for sure. I found out about the keracare on the real talk thread about 1 month or 2 ago. I was PO'ed cause I just bought it and I was like wow my hair feels so soft....when I was washing it, but when it dried it was horrible! I have almost completely given up on shampoo now anyway because i can't seem to find one that works right! I know i can do this though and maybe one day my hair will be as beautiful and long as yours :yep:. Thank you again for this thread I mean who knows how long I would have been trying this that and the other trying to get my hair to act right maybe longer than 3 years!

Wow...thank you for the compliment. I don't think I'm where I want to be yet, but thanks again. :kiss:

Glad you're getting spared some heartbreak and getting on the right road sooner than later :hug2:

And yes...Gym is the bombdiggityishnish..ish...hair chick :lol:
This thread is right on time!
I showered over my parents' house yesterday.I had to wash my hair becaue i just braided it back up, and i braid it with some alcohol free gel.
I had to use what was over there,so i washed with some NTM shampoo,and conditioned with Finesse silk something conditioner.
My hair came out so much better than i would have thought!Very soft and moisturized!I found something i can co-wash with again because they changed somehting about my last staple co-washer cond.
I seriously could not believe it.Now i am excited cause i can head back to my cheapies to get it done right.
I too have fine hair and i am figuring out that what works for a lot of the thick heads is not for me:nono:
I need to be looking for a cuzzin as well to get it right with:yep:

I love this thread!
This thread is right on time!
I showered over my parents' house yesterday.I had to wash my hair becaue i just braided it back up, and i braid it with some alcohol free gel.
I had to use what was over there,so i washed with some NTM shampoo,and conditioned with Finesse silk something conditioner.
My hair came out so much better than i would have thought!Very soft and moisturized!I found something i can co-wash with again because they changed somehting about my last staple co-washer cond.
I seriously could not believe it.Now i am excited cause i can head back to my cheapies to get it done right.
I too have fine hair and i am figuring out that what works for a lot of the thick heads is not for me:nono:
I need to be looking for a cuzzin as well to get it right with:yep:

I love this thread!

Congrats on finding some non-pricey products that work for you!

Again, check out the fine haired members on the board - read some of their regimens, seek out any commonalities that might agree with your hair and that would be a good start..:yep:

....and giving a shout out to KiniKakes....forgot to say that initially...

she played a big part and making me rethink what I was using for my hair... nobody was really repping for the thin/fine haired chicks in a big way for a minute...then she shared all her fotki information...which was really helpful...I took the essence of what she was doing and tweaked it for me..:yep:

....and to Sylver.....for a method that got me through the warm months and still gave me some length improvement... *bow down to the braidout*
You guys rock! This thread is so on point. I, too, am still learning. (My siggy says I'm a work in progress, and I'd like to believe that). :grin: Anyway, I have only found one holy grail product so far. My leave in condish. And, like someone else said above, I don't think my hair agrees with ANY shampoo. I recently bought some of anita grant's rhassoul condish cubes (they work great for me, but are a little too pricey for my current budget), and I think I'm going to start using rhassoul clay to wash with (instead of shampoo). (I love the idea of concocting things). But, gymfreak also mentioned in another thread about approaching products and how to perfect your regimen and such. That thread was amazingly helpful, too.

Man, I just LOVE this place! :grin:

Starts singing: We are family....I got all my sisters with me...:rolleyes:
You guys rock! This thread is so on point. I, too, am still learning. (My siggy says I'm a work in progress, and I'd like to believe that). :grin: Anyway, I have only found one holy grail product so far. My leave in condish. And, like someone else said above, I don't think my hair agrees with ANY shampoo. I recently bought some of anita grant's rhassoul condish cubes (they work great for me, but are a little too pricey for my current budget), and I think I'm going to start using rhassoul clay to wash with (instead of shampoo). (I love the idea of concocting things). But, gymfreak also mentioned in another thread about approaching products and how to perfect your regimen and such. That thread was amazingly helpful, too.

Man, I just LOVE this place! :grin:

Starts singing: We are family....I got all my sisters with me...:rolleyes:


Cool. :grin:

And you're not alone. My hair doesn't like 'poo'/sulfates either for washing - I don't know if I hadn't found this board, how much longer it would've taken me to realize that..:ohwell:
Wow...thank you for the compliment. I don't think I'm where I want to be yet, but thanks again. :kiss:

Glad you're getting spared some heartbreak and getting on the right road sooner than later :hug2:

And yes...Gym is the bombdiggityishnish..ish...hair chick :lol:

Aww :blush: thanks guys
When i first started i struggled between what products i really needed, and also which brands to use.

So my first year I used all the products i read about in hair books, then came to forums and used all the products from everyone whose hair i loved, mostly all the raves....all trying to get strong, soft shiny etc. hair that i saw and read that my hair needed to be--I believed i was doing the right thing/using the right product like i was some proffestional the whole time LOL, in my mind i wasnt a PJ, it was my regimen LOL--I also spent about $90 trying to be like Macherie lol

During the process of all those products i noticed which ones made my hair soft or whatever

At some point from that first year i realized what things i needed to do (how often to wash, when to do protein treatments, clarify or not ect)--and i realized i just needed to find the right products that worked for me.

For me the magic ingredeint was Glycerin :lick: So now i still try new things but i make sure they have that ingredient

I do wish that i would have know that i was only looking for what worked for me & that their were diff. hair types ect., and not tryed to do what people with "pretty hair" were doing, but i think the trial & error part was important, i do wish it would have came sooner than a year though, less money