Expired Perm???? on The People's Court

Lucky's Mom

New Member
Hey Girls ..................

SO - This lady sues the BSS for selling an Expired Box perm to her....
( isoplus - I believe ) and loses.

Basically - She lost CHUNKS of hair.....She is Bald on the top of her head...
Judge Millian did ask her if she followed the instructions...... Of course she said yes....

When the Judge read " the strand Test" - the plaintiff quickly retorted that she had never done a strand test.
the defendants stated that she purchased 'super' for fine hair...

Wow.... She lost.

Thoughts? I have smelled condishes/ poos that I had longer than 2 years - and Wow! te chemical smell is strong.

Do you think an old Perm could take your hair out? I have a feeling this older lady had been perming forever....

Now she is a slave to a wig.:nono:

I am so grateful I stopped relaxing. Watch out for the exp date girls... I don't want to see any hair disasters here with my lhcf sisters!:yep:
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She probably didn't do something right. I don't think an expired perm can make your hair fall out! When something expires doesn't it get weaker? I don't think it would get stronger!
Ithink i was to strong for her fine hair:yep: super perm??? i saw the pic and it was clean in some spots like she use a hair remover.
I don't trust old chemicals. I don't think I've ever seen an expiration date on a relaxer. But if it doesnt look right I wouldn't use it. I just got a refund for a phytorelaxer I bought off ebay. I opened it and it didn't look right. I been using it too long to know what it's supposed to look like and the color and consistency was off. The lady immediately refunded me and I threw that mess in the trash. She told me not to bother sending it back, she knew that mess was old. I was not even going to chance going bald trying to save $20.
I didn't see this episode but I think the judge's decision is fair. Judging by what I'm reading in this thread, I would say...

1. It's the consumer's responsibility to make sure they purchase the right strength. A super strength relaxer is too strong for fine hair. It's not the vendors responsibility to access the consumer's hair and offer the correct strength. Most of the relaxers in a BSS sit on a self and the consumers have direct access to the product. The vendors usually ring the customers up and send them on their merry way. The customer should have made sure that she even purchased the correct strength for her hair.

2. The consumer should have done a strand test. Most manufacturers would recommend that the consumer perform a strand test every time they use these products. Just because they haven't had a reaction to the product before, doesn't mean that they won't have a reaction the next time they use it.
*Although I'm guilty of not performing strand test when I relaxed*:sekret:

As for the relaxer being expired, I can't say if that poses a problem. I would think that an expired product would be less effective than a "fresh" product.
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i saw part of that episode today, i feel bad for her! How devestating for any woman to have to deal with sudden, extreme hair loss.
This is so funny b/c I was watching the same show today w/ my DH and considered posting something about it... very funny.
I didn't see this episode but I think the judge's decision is fair. Judging by what I'm reading in this thread, I would say...

1. It's the consumer's responsibility to make sure they purchase the right strength. A super strength relaxer is too strong for fine hair. It's not the vendors responsibility to access the consumer's hair and offer the correct strength. Most of the relaxers in a BSS sit on a self and the consumers have direct access to the product. The vendors usually ring the customers up and send them on their merry way. The customer should have made sure that she even purchased the correct strength for her hair.

2. The consumer should have done a strand test. Most manufacturers would recommend that the consumer perform a strand test every time they use these products. Just because they haven't had a reaction to the product before, doesn't mean that they won't have a reaction the next time they use it.
*Although I'm guilty of not performing strand test when I relaxed*:sekret:

As for the relaxer being expired, I can't say if that poses a problem. I would think that an expired product would be less effective than a "fresh" product.

the judge said she didn't have proof of purchasing it there, since she didn't have a receipt. The lady stated the cashier told her their receipt machine was down or something. Also the judge stated she should have done a strand test. I agree with the first part, but most people who's been getting relaxer for years...especially if they're using the same one (and this lady stated she'd been using the same one for years) don't do strand test over and over each touch up. They don't even do this in professional salon unless maybe it's your first relaxer.
She purchased the old dusty relaxer from the BSS. This is why I purchased my relaxers from Sally's or Walmart, where there is a constant influx of inventory. The Asian BSS's will keep a product on the shelf until the letters fall off.
She purchased the old dusty relaxer from the BSS. This is why I purchased my relaxers from Sally's or Walmart, where there is a constant influx of inventory. The Asian BSS's will keep a product on the shelf until the letters fall off.

The Asian shops aren't the only ones guilty of this. African and Jamaican BSS will sometimes have products with dust an inch thick on top!
It is very sad. I think that strand tests are rarely done by self relaxers. I am guilty of the same thing.

She purchased the old dusty relaxer from the BSS. This is why I purchased my relaxers from Sally's or Walmart, where there is a constant influx of inventory. The Asian BSS's will keep a product on the shelf until the letters fall off.

I laughed out loud. I would go to one in Kansas City, Glamourama, and they have boxes and bottles of product that look...so.....you know when you visit ur grandparents and go get food from the pantry and the Campbell's soup can looks funny...cuz the label done changed 6 times in the 10 years they had it? :drunk:

Besides, how long should one keep a perm? Is there an expiration date on it? I never noticed.