Expect Delays


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Expect Delays

Joshua 3:2 "After three days, the officers went throughout the camp..." (NIV)

Have you ever seen those flashing electronic signs on the highway that say, "Expect Delays?" You appreciate the advance warning, but when you have places to go and people to see, you don't want anything to get in your way. An accident. Bad weather. A family emergency. A heavy workload. These are some of the things that can delay us from getting to where we need to be in a timely manner.

The issue of waiting is seen in the first phrase of this verse, "After three days". Three is the number of resurrection, the number of strength. Miraculous things happen on the third day. Those three days of waiting at the Jordan River were days of preparation for the Israelites before crossing it. They had waited 40 years, so what was three more days? As they waited, no doubt some of them were saying, "Man, let's go back!" Some were probably saying, "Hey, it looks pretty good on this side of the river to me." They couldn't swim across. They didn't have time to build a bridge. Not by their might, not by their power, but by His spirit, so they waited. While they waited, the leaders checked on the people. They assessed the situation. They became crisis managers. They had to show courage in the face of danger. They had to build up the people's faith by redirecting the focus away from "the impossible" toward the greatness of God.

Our message of hope today is that our faith will require us to wait. Wait means to remain or wait in expectation. Trust God while you're at the edge of your Jordan. He doesn't need you to figure out what He's already worked out. You're going somewhere. He's navigating your path. You may be delayed, but not denied.

Prayer: Father, I pray that you give us complete faith in you while we wait. Help us to be cautious and to make keen decisions before rushing ahead of you. We trust you.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.