Exercise and Hair Growing


New Member
I heard that exercise increases hair growth? Has any LHCF lady noticed increased hair growth when they started exercising more? Feel free to share any personal experiences.
I heard that exercise increases hair growth? Has any LHCF lady noticed increased hair growth when they started exercising more? Feel free to share any personal experiences.

I havent but I remember reading on here that some posters got a good growth spurt.
I remember old member Mcelweewife did a fotki album and reported an increased growth spurt from exercise. I've never tried it myself.
I've worked out for many years so I honestly have to say I don't know. My hair grows fine, its retaining that grows that was giving me the blues.

I will say that please do not work out just to make your hair grow, do it for overall health.:yep:

I really believe it does wihen i was playing sports my hair seemed to grow so fast it seemed that i always needed a touch up. now that im pretty much doing absolutely nothing uhh not so much lol :nono:
In theroy IMHOP I think excesise could play a key role in growth think about it if your taking the right vitamins drinking enough water excersise could be very benifical given that when you excersise it increases your blood flow especialy to your scalp which will be recieved with all those vital nutrients to your follicles thus increase in growth. Just my therory though.
Also I notice when I ran on a regular biases after I would stop my session I could feel the blood pumping through out my body especialy my head and scalp, but far as growth spurt I think it did increase some but other factor did play a key part as well and the time I wasn't using any topical growth aids and at the time I was getting a inch a month when I was working out and living a more healtier life style.