Excited Newcomer


New Member
Hello everyone. I have lurked around this forum for about a week or so and have gotten alot of information. Unfortunately I don't know how to put all of this information together in order to come up with a regimen for myself. I am open to suggestions so here is my possible regimen. Let me first mention that I have less than an inch of hair. I shaved it BALD about a month ago. My relaxed, color treated hair was in BAD shape so I just hacked it all off.

Here goes...

1. Shampoo with CON
2. Deep condition with Lustrasilk
3. Moisturize with S-Curl and Elasta Mango Butter (I added olive oil to the mango butter)

moisturize with S-Curl and Mango butter

Once a month
1. Clarify (any suggestions for a clarifying shampoo)
2. Deep condition with Lustrasilk
3. Moisturize with S-Curl and Mango Butter

How often should I CO Wash since my hair is so short?
Am I leaving anything out?

I would appreciate any response. Thank you!!!
Welcome! Are You Going to stay relaxed or will you transition? Either way I would do it at least 2 to 3 times a week.
Thank you for responding Sexy C. I am natural now and I plan to stay that way. I have been natural several times before over the course of 4 years, but I never really knew how to take care of my natural hair so I always ended up relaxing again.
I know that I'm new around here but could I please get some more responses. I have read alot of posts on this forum and I know that ya'll normally some alot of love. Could I please get some love too?
kenkaikim said:
I know that I'm new around here but could I please get some more responses. I have read alot of posts on this forum and I know that ya'll normally some alot of love. Could I please get some love too?

I got love! :kiss: Welcome! It tends to be slow around here on the weekends, nothing personal :)

I think your regimen sounds good. For a clarifying shampoo, I like Fantasia Pure Tea Shampoo. Its cheap and effective!
I sent the post, then I realized that it is a Saturday night. My bad. But thank you for responding pink_flower. :)

That's exactly what I'm looking for, cheap and effective. :D
Welcome to the site!

Basically, you know what works best for you. It's hard to say what you need to do because you have your own unique hair and scalp issues. As you can see from looking around, there are literally thousands of products with thousands of people saying they wonderful, and another thousand saying they are crap.

As a natural, the key for me has been making sure that my hair and ends have enough moisture. However, at the same time making sure that those products didn't make me scratch my brains out. As long as my products do that...the rest doesn't really matter. I like to try new stuff every now and then, so my products vary. The only things I stick to as far as a weekly regimen are elucence moisturizing shampoo, a deep conditioning treatment with conditioner mixed with oil, sometimes I acv rinse, and use a leave in. I trim every month or so.

A good place to start is to find out whose hair you like, and find out what she does. (of course it always helps if she has hair like yours too)

HTH! Hang in there!
Thank you DelightfulFlame. I have viewed your hair journal and I must say I love YOUR hair! I don't know what hair type you are, but I think i'm 4a/4b. If you could pass along any type of secrets that you have that would be appreciated. But then I guess they wouldn't be considered secrets if you share them. :)
Well, one secret...(not really a secret since everyone in the world seemed to know except me...LOL) is that you can't attain length if you cut all of your progress. Seriously, I had a hard time with this. I was trying to space my trims out for 3-6 months like most people seem to be able to do, but when I trimmed I would need to cut too much.

So I faced the fact that I am not normal (brother has been telling me that for years), and I need to trim more often. So I "dust" my ends every month or two, by cutting a small amount (about 1/4") off the ends of my twists.

I'm working on adding a products/regimen album. It will be very detailed. Heck, I might even get it posted tonight. Hubby's at work and I'm bored.

Thanks for the compliment!

PS...as for a hair type... It is very coily, and has mostly o shapes, with a few s shapes mixed in...and some weirdo straight strands throughout that are hardly noticeable.
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Welcome, kenkaikim!! Sorry I cant offer much help w/your CO washing questions because I only do it in the summer. When I do, I do it every 2-3 days and my hair loves it :).
Hi! :wave:

I'm sorry that I can't help you with your regime questions (I'm trying to find one myself!) You were so bold to cut off all your hair! :shocked: I could never do that!
I hope that you find all of the help that you are looking for; the ladies on this board are very helpful. :yep: Good luck growing beautiful natural hair.
Welcome to the forum kenkaikim. So far if it is working for you, by all means continue to do so. You may or may not have to do some tweeking as your hair grows. Good luck.
Welcome, kenkaikim :wave:! I CO wash twice a week, but with your length, I'd say shoot for as many times as you can stand, since you won't have to waste too much time airdrying and styling :). You might also want to check out this site http://www.motowngirl.com/faqs.htm. If you are interested in staying natural, but are just worried about how to care for, I know all the naturals here will be able to give you great advice. Happy hair growing!