Excellent Book


New Member
I purchased the book "The Essence of Hair Growth" from the web site http://www.EbonyofEssence.com/slide1.html after going back and forth reading the content on the site. But the book was well written and laid out nicely, the book was filled with information that I know I can’t find any where... this is a great hair care guide for us. They also have a natural hair care product line, I will be receiving my free sample of one of their shampoos since I purchased the book. Check it out!
I purchased the book "The Essence of Hair Growth" from the web site http://www.EbonyofEssence.com/slide1.html after going back and forth reading the content on the site. But the book was well written and laid out nicely, the book was filled with information that I know I can’t find any where... this is a great hair care guide for us. They also have a natural hair care product line, I will be receiving my free sample of one of their shampoos since I purchased the book. Check it out!

Except right here on this board!!! Anyway, nice to have hair care books for comparison; I have a few too.
Sounds interesting, but I wonder, what kind of information that you can't find elsewhere? Could you give an example? I've already read some other hair books (Cathy Howse, Carolyn Gray and SHamboosie) and wonder what else is there to learn?
There is so much good info here but I sometimes I get caught up in the PJ hype and I still don't have a good regime, I need some pointed guidance... Then I think I can better follow along and glean what I need from all the super information found on this forum.... Just a thought.
I purchased the book "The Essence of Hair Growth" from the web site http://www.EbonyofEssence.com/slide1.html after going back and forth reading the content on the site. But the book was well written and laid out nicely, the book was filled with information that I know I can’t find any where... this is a great hair care guide for us. They also have a natural hair care product line, I will be receiving my free sample of one of their shampoos since I purchased the book. Check it out!

hi there,

thanks for sharing this. may I ask if you have had a chance to try the shampoo? If so, how was it?

thanks in advance,
There is so much good info here but I sometimes I get caught up in the PJ hype and I still don't have a good regime, I need some pointed guidance... Then I think I can better follow along and glean what I need from all the super information found on this forum.... Just a thought.

ITA! I see so much stuff that people are doing which is working for them and it makes me want to jump on the bandwagon. I need to find a few good products that work for me, and stick to it.

My question about this book: Can you get it in print, or is it only downloadable?
I purchased the book "The Essence of Hair Growth" from the web site http://www.EbonyofEssence.com/slide1.html after going back and forth reading the content on the site. But the book was well written and laid out nicely, the book was filled with information that I know I can’t find any where... this is a great hair care guide for us. They also have a natural hair care product line, I will be receiving my free sample of one of their shampoos since I purchased the book. Check it out!

Thanks for sharing...I will go and check it out...:yep:...the more information the better!
Whaaaaattt???? Uh, are you talkin' 'bout the fact that all 4 of Unique Diva's posts are about the book or the website, and that is looks like a commercial? Is that what doesn't seem right, Sexy???

B I N G O:grin: LOL

Hopefully I am wrong about my assumption (I really do hope I am wrong) but it just seems so suspect:ohwell:

I am sorry in advance if I am wrong in my assumption:yep: Maybe it really is a good book and she just wanted to share the news:perplexed

But um, OP, If you don't mind can you tell us a little bit more about the info you couldn't find anywhere else and also about the "diet'?

Thank you:drunk:
Whaaaaattt???? Uh, are you talkin' 'bout the fact that all 4 of Unique Diva's posts are about the book or the website, and that is looks like a commercial? Is that what doesn't seem right, Sexy???

:crystalbadon' t want to be suspicious but:scratchch... :detective:
Sounds interesting, but I wonder, what kind of information that you can't find elsewhere? Could you give an example? I've already read some other hair books (Cathy Howse, Carolyn Gray and SHamboosie) and wonder what else is there to learn?

I agree. And most of the books out there have the SAME information along with their own little propaganda thrown in.

This board has been the best source of information than all the books I've seen hands down!

But, UD, you have only been a member here since August. Maybe a book can help compile things for you. I think books can be helpful for that reason alone. But all the books have have are all collecting dust compared to how much I read on the board.

But, just in case you are not actually associated with the site as it is seems so far, thanks for posting!
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The OP never answered my question or anyboby else's. I would tend to concur with the more suspicious LHCF ladies. Folks should just be upfront and say "I'm selling a product/book or promoting a website--take a look." No need to con others.
The site is really pretty. :yep:

Hopefully that site has their "assistants" in line . . . :giggle: Y'all know how those assitants can be. Maybe that old assistant found herself a new gig. :lachen: