Curly Nikki's Book

I probably wont, but only because I'm cheap. lol I like her well enough, her hair is delicious.

I just learn so much from LHCF that I don't think I'd need any further info.
I wanna support her but at the same time I don't think I'll really gain much by buying it....
I can get everything I need for the internet
What else can anyone say about natural hair? Nothing. Personally, I believe her book came too late in the "Natural Hair Revolution" (isn't that the term they are using now)?

I actually agree with you. But I'll probably purchase for my younger cousin simply to support a quality - woman owned - black business. I really like the ideal some of these natural hair blogs present.
I bought the Science of Black Hair almost two years ago and never finished it so I am good with hair books for a while :lol:.

I have not really followed her blog, but she seems lovely and I am sure there are many people that will benefit from her book. I wish her even more success!
Undecided - not sure that all her methods would work for me and I've been spoiled by being a member of LHCF! I'd love to see a book come out by someone who is a kinky coily 4a haired diva!

There are books out there like that. I think the Science of Black Hair author is someone on the type 4 range. I hope I am not confusing her with someone else.
I bought the Science of Black Hair almost two years ago and never finished it so I am good with hair books for a while :lol:.

I have not really followed her blog, but she seems lovely and I am sure there are many people that will benefit from her book. I wish her even more success!

Sisterslick book is a must buy for me. She is one of my hair idols.
I bought all the books. Nikki. Sista slick. Ebony c princess has one too. Miss kibibi.

I am so proud of sisters being entrepreneurs. Having a voice. Sharing their voice. And being famous and making money for something other than degrading themselves for the amusement of an audience. (Reality shows, videos, porn).

It is refreshing to me to see women Sharing knowledge about beauty for us, by us.

I support that all day everyday. Regardless of if its old news to me or not.
Not a Curly Nikki fan. I find her annoying. I won't be purchasing the book. I've learned much more here on this board than what is posted on her site. I didn't even know she had a book until a young lady I went to school with posted a picture on instagram yesterday. She is featured in the book. But kudos to her for finding a niche and being successful. Nothing wrong with that.
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i do think it would be great for the younger sistahs--so maybe this xmas it may a stocking stuffer for me--ive heard of her but never been to her site...