everyday hair washing

okay so i know there are probably tons of threads on this. but i must not be typing in the magic words in the search box. anyway i've been doing the crown and glory method, but on a chance visit to the bookstore i came across a book on hair growth. well i read it and the program is very do-able for me, when i have my hair briaded up. however they mention washing your hair everyday to get rid of dirt and add moisture. now my question is because of my type of hair (aa hair i mean) can i wash it everyday without problems. i've always been told your hair will snap off if you do. If you've tried daily washing, did it work out?
There is actually a water works challenge going on. Those ladies are wetting their hair everyday, be it co-washing or what not for the summer.Since I have started taking care of my hair I have found that my hair is not that much different from other races that do wash their hair daily, so if they can do it and obtain great growth why can't I. I don't wash my hair daily but I do co-wash every other day and then wash and deep condition every week. I find that it keeps my hair more manageable and gets rid of all product buildup that I could possibly get. I would say try it and see if it works for you. Some nights, I don't feel like washing my hair so I don't but because I baggy I feel the need to wash more often then others. Have a good moisturizer that you apply to your hair to keep it moisturized, that is my one suggestion.
i barely washed twice a month before joining 8 months ago. once i joined and learned all my hair would not fall out of my head i began washing just about everyday and my hair thrived! i wash and let air dry and my hair lovesss it! that along with no combing has really helped my hair do a complete turn around.
I guess washing everyday does not have to include shampoo alone. You can wash w/ WO (water only), CO (conditioner only) or you can even do a 50/50 mix of shampoo and conditioner together. HTH
First, my off topic commen.
Blackoutzangel05 :eek: :eek: WOMAN!!! Your wedding picture is a piece of art and what a beautiful bride you were!

Back on topic...
I went from 3-4 inches of hair to collar bone in less than a year with daily washing. As you look into this further, you will find different versions of washing. I am most successful using shampoo once or twice a week, but conditioner only wash (CO wash) all other days.
you know i'm so blind, i just saw that challenge thing after i posted this thread. blackoutangel05 girl that is a gorgeous wedding dress (and picture). I also forgot what i was going to say when i saw your picture.
OnceUponAtime said:
First, my off topic commen.
Blackoutzangel05 :eek: :eek: WOMAN!!! Your wedding picture is a piece of art and what a beautiful bride you were!

Back on topic...
I went from 3-4 inches of hair to collar bone in less than a year with daily washing. As you look into this further, you will find different versions of washing. I am most successful using shampoo once or twice a week, but conditioner only wash (CO wash) all other days.

co-signing. :yep:

Oh and I wet my hair daily, whether it's braided or not. I poo with diluted poo 2x/wk.
Everyone. As long as you get a moisturizing conditioner that works well for you. Thats what co-washing is. For black hair, you don't wash everyday with shampoos because no matter how gentle the formula is, its always going to be too strong for our super-dry hair. However, conditioners shouldn't have detergent in it, just moisture-replenshing ingredients. Daily washing has made my hair so much more manageable and I can use products like Boundless Tresses and everyday moisturizers without the crazy build up. Plus, its easier for me to style my hair and let it airdry.
I am doing C&G and wash and condition every other day and deep condition once a week. On the no-wash days, I do condition. My hair is growing very well and is moisturized. I highly recommend frequent washing. I really think that washing is evil myth is one we have to get over.
Eta - one more time because I can't spell and I wanted to ask the name of the book.
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