Everyday Hair...The Pretty, The Nappy, The Crazy...Post Your Hair RIGHT NOW!!!


Taken 12/10/17 on uncombed hair. I'll take a better picture next time trust me.

Great photo. I love length check and/or hair progress photos with detailed notes, like this picture! It is so helpful, and interesting.
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Goodness. My phone is too old to have a photo resize option. My laptop is on the blink, and I don't have the patience to fiddle with the tablet and photo resizing. All that to say: Sorry the photos are so huge.
Honestly, I like seeing pics like this. I don't really care for opening thumbnails

I don't know how to do it though. Please share how you got it in your post. TIA
Honestly, I like seeing pics like this. I don't really care for opening thumbnails

I don't know how to do it though. Please share how you got it in your post. TIA

I took the photo using my phone. Then I cropped it, because the forum will not let me upload pictures from this phone unless they are cropped, for some weird reason.

Once I took the photo, I pushed the "More Options" blue button that appears below the text box where you type a LHCF message. It looks like this:


After I pushed the "More Options . . ." button, I pushed the "Upload a File" button. It is the button in the middle below:

When the "Upload a File" button is pushed, it takes you to the FILE STRUCTURE on your phone or computer. I go to the file containing my photos, and pic a photo. I push "enter" (or "send" or whatever, because that's what my phone prompts me to do; yours may be a little different), and then the forum begins uploading the picture. If it is too large for the forum's liking, the forum will reject my photo upload, and I will try cropping it down a little more. Sometimes the forum is just being finicky, and if I try to upload it again -- as is -- it takes it on the second try. However, sometimes it does not and I am forced to crop it more.