On break
Lovely hair, lovely pattern on the dress. It makes me want to do a twist out me too. Is this a one-product twist out? How long does it last for you?
This time I only used one product: Jakeala's Shea Amla Parfait.
However, I like layering gel over it and twisting out that way: Its sleeker, lasts longer, stays hydrated longer, etc.
It will last about 3 days if I don't retwist at night. If I retwist at night (and you can twist more chunkily at night once you've already established the initial twist out), it can last and last and last and last.
The very, very, very best twist out tutorial series I've ever seen on YT is by YouTuber pashtash. I linked her video in that "Most Helpful Hair Video" thread or whatever I called it.
In her tutorial, she covers EVERYTHING. I learned so much. I learned how to make the style last, what to do at night, how to handle the hair when twisting, etc. She grew her hair out LONG by wearing a lot of twist outs. Her twist outs are TIGHT.

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