Ever had a "Mike Jones" moment?

You know...

"Back then (they) didn't want me
Now I'm hot (they) all on me":grin:

Perhaps you really crushed on a guy, or you dated him for a second, and he rejected you for someone else, but now...he is IN LOVE with you.

I'm not talking about your ex (serious relationship), I'm talking about the guy who kept you on the back burner while he was chasing after some other girl. He played games with you, and kinda hurt you in the end. But something changed, and now you don't want him, but he's all over you.

Share your stories!

My Story:
Beginning of freshman year in college, there was this guy in one of my classes. I thought he was sexy and interesting, so I approached him (bad move:rolleyes:). Well, he kinda showed interest, and invited me to a show. I went to the show thinking that we'd be hanging out. Well, he talked to me for a second, and that was it.:ohwell: He also dropped the course cause he flunked the first test.

However, I LOVED the band (and I still attend their shows to this day), so I looked at their site, and saw they were going to be playing another show the same day the following week. I decided I'd go on my own terms, since he didn't invite me, but deep inside I was hoping I'd have a chance with him. I went, and to my surprise he was all hugged up on some chick. Guess he didn't want me. But I had fun regardless.

Well we kinda talked via AIM after that. He would flirt with me, but would make no serious moves. He claimed this chick was a fling, nothing more. I was so jealous, cause I had low self esteem back then, and figured he wanted her because she was more beautiful than I could ever be:sad:. Well, that chick he was hugged up on confessed to him that she didn't want him, and had found another guy.:drunk:

After that, he started to play ME, whenever he was feeling another girl, I'd never hear from him. But when that girl would reject him, he'd flirt with me and ask me out. At this point, there were some feelings, but not nearly as strong as in the beginning. Eventually they faded (and I began to date someone seriously). Well for the last year, he's been calling me and texting me non-stop. Asking me out, wanting to date, wanting to be in a relationship. I have rejected him because I refuse to be his last resort, I remember those mind games he played with me, how he'd say he liked me...but a week later I wouldn't hear from him because he was feeling someone else more. He claims he was stupid back then and didn't know what he wanted...but it's too late, you had your chance. :rolleyes:

But it's kinda funny how it happens this way! It can do wonders for the ego!
Good for you! :clap:

I'd love to hear more stories like this. :yep:

Unfortunately, I don't have any like this. I'm at the moment right now where I REALLY REALLY liked a guy, and he's chasing after another girl, yet he's still playing mind games with me. :nono: I'm not at the point where I've moved on to the point where now he "sees the light" and actually wants to actively pursue me. :( But I'd love it if this is how my situation ended up! :D I soooo want to be able to tell him: "Sorry buddy, you missed this boat long time ago. Should have known what you wanted the first time!" ;) I don't want to be any guy's last resort. :nono:

I think that guys (or people in general) can sometimes sense when you "sweat" them, or when you care just a little TOO much, and I think that it turns them off! But once you've finally been able to move on with your life, date someone else, or just plain dont' care about them anymore, THEN that's when they come on to you with a vengeance! ALmost like they have some internal radar or something! :lol:
Good for you! :clap:

I'd love to hear more stories like this. :yep:

Unfortunately, I don't have any like this. I'm at the moment right now where I REALLY REALLY liked a guy, and he's chasing after another girl, yet he's still playing mind games with me. :nono: I'm not at the point where I've moved on to the point where now he "sees the light" and actually wants to actively pursue me. :( But I'd love it if this is how my situation ended up like! :D

I think that guys (or people in general) can sometimes sense when you "sweat" them, or when you care just a little TOO much, and I think that it turns them off! But once you've finally been able to move on with your life, date someone else, or just plain dont' care about them anymore, THEN that's when they come on to you with a vengeance! ALmost like they have some internal radar or something! :lol:

It ALWAYS seems to play out that way. But mostly when you REALLY don't even find them attractive anymore. :nono: I don't like him AT ALL anymore. It is kinda fun to be able to say "You had your chance, too late". I know...I'm bad.
I also think of JLO's song "Ain't It Funny"!

I think this is the real lesson. Honestly, the best way to get a guy's attention is to act like you don't want him. Men still do like challenges, so don't make it easy for them, and then they will be "all on you!"
Funny how I was thinking about this this morning on my way to work...

I met this guy in freshman year but we didn't connect. A few weeks before graduation 4 years later we met again. Everything was wonderful, he really treated me good, but I knew something wasn't right. This happened from late May till September.

He had a motorcycle that was his baby and I would worry about him being on it. I was asking him to simply call me when get in. He wouldn't. Red Flag #1.

Then he kept saying he had a house in PA, where he kept his car, but I never went to it. (Boy was I young and dumb) Red Flag #2.

Then he would say things to me like I need to get a better job and move out on my own and get myself together (And he was living with his sister and mother in cramped 2 bedroom, didn't have a real job, he was into "customizing cars) Red Flag #3.

There were more red flags but those I remember clearly.

Well, my uncle passed Labor Day weekend and I called him to have him come over. Well, a girl answered his phone, I didn't say anything and they hung up. About 30 minutes later, he called back and said ,"I can't talk to you anymore, I have a girlfriend." I was furious, but I was okay. Turns out, the gf has a house in PA and he would go home to her at night, which is why he didn't call me and yadda yadda yadda.

He kept calling me that week telling me that she was mature (she was 35 at the time), has herself together (she has 4 kids, no husband, but a house and bought him a care) and I told him to not call me anymore and that he is going to regret what he did.

A week later, he was in a horrible motorcycle accident. He lost his bottom of left leg, right arm is paralyzed, his is missing many of his fingers. He was in the hospital for a long time and had to learn everything all over again. She left him after he got out of the hospital.

All the while, his friends were calling me (I knew some of them before we hooked up) and telling me how bad he was doing and how he needed a friend cause he didn't have anyone. (And he didn't, his mom and sister couldn't stand the girlfriend)

Well, as soon as he got back on his feet (literally), I came home from work, and he was sitting is his truck outside my door. I told him to leave, he wouldn't. By this time, I had a wonderful career started and I was able to afford nicer things. I bought a house, a new car, and most importantly looking good cause I was taking better care of myself. I was dating myself, learning new things, and living the good life. I talked to him and he started crying telling me how much he missed me and how much I meant to him and how I was the only person that showed his unconditional love and if there was anything in his power he could do to change my mind about him and let him back into my life. I said he could call me on his bad days, but that's it.

You give a person a inch, they take a mile! He took this as a free pass and would call, text, and email me constantly. I told him that I was not looking for a relationship and that what he did to me still weighed on me. He would send me long 10 page texts, and emails telling me that he love me and is sorry and that I should give him another chance. He said I'm doing so good now and he is ready to be with me and be the man in my life. (Funny how he never thought about my feelings in his logic). He said that he was talking about me at work and said I was Hawaiian and Black, the most bootyfulist thing he had seen and he would give his life to have me back (I'm NOT HAWAIIAN and I was insulted but anyway..)

When I would tell him no that I wasn't interested, he would pout like a child and get upset, send angry messages, but he would come back from another angle and be even more persistent.

This yo-yo went on for a year. I had to tell him I was getting married (which wasn't true at the time) for him to leave me alone. He then told me I was losing the best love of my life. I said no, you left the best love of you love and haven't heard from him since.

I know that what hurts a man the most is to have lost the women he loves over something he did. He has nobody now, all because he wanted his cake and eat it too. I heard his gf still wants him back. She did find out about me, and that was the reason she left, but I don't think thats entirely true.

But come to think of it, once I got myself really together, men have came out the woodwork to try to court me i.e. marry me, not even get to really know me well. People way back in my past like middle school have tried to come back (I have had the same cell # since 8th grade). This was just the most persistent of them all.

Back then they didn't want me, now I'm hot, they all on me!!!

Yeah its true," bet they changed they mind when them 84's came rollin up"
Funny how I was thinking about this this morning on my way to work...

I met this guy in freshman year but we didn't connect. A few weeks before graduation 4 years later we met again. Everything was wonderful, he really treated me good, but I knew something wasn't right. This happened from late May till September.

He had a motorcycle that was his baby and I would worry about him being on it. I was asking him to simply call me when get in. He wouldn't. Red Flag #1.

Then he kept saying he had a house in PA, where he kept his car, but I never went to it. (Boy was I young and dumb) Red Flag #2.

Then he would say things to me like I need to get a better job and move out on my own and get myself together (And he was living with his sister and mother in cramped 2 bedroom, didn't have a real job, he was into "customizing cars) Red Flag #3.

There were more red flags but those I remember clearly.

Well, my uncle passed Labor Day weekend and I called him to have him come over. Well, a girl answered his phone, I didn't say anything and they hung up. About 30 minutes later, he called back and said ,"I can't talk to you anymore, I have a girlfriend." I was furious, but I was okay. Turns out, the gf has a house in PA and he would go home to her at night, which is why he didn't call me and yadda yadda yadda.

He kept calling me that week telling me that she was mature (she was 35 at the time), has herself together (she has 4 kids, no husband, but a house and bought him a care) and I told him to not call me anymore and that he is going to regret what he did.

A week later, he was in a horrible motorcycle accident. He lost his bottom of left leg, right arm is paralyzed, his is missing many of his fingers. He was in the hospital for a long time and had to learn everything all over again. She left him after he got out of the hospital.

All the while, his friends were calling me (I knew some of them before we hooked up) and telling me how bad he was doing and how he needed a friend cause he didn't have anyone. (And he didn't, his mom and sister couldn't stand the girlfriend)

Well, as soon as he got back on his feet (literally), I came home from work, and he was sitting is his truck outside my door. I told him to leave, he wouldn't. By this time, I had a wonderful career started and I was able to afford nicer things. I bought a house, a new car, and most importantly looking good cause I was taking better care of myself. I was dating myself, learning new things, and living the good life. I talked to him and he started crying telling me how much he missed me and how much I meant to him and how I was the only person that showed his unconditional love and if there was anything in his power he could do to change my mind about him and let him back into my life. I said he could call me on his bad days, but that's it.

You give a person a inch, they take a mile! He took this as a free pass and would call, text, and email me constantly. I told him that I was not looking for a relationship and that what he did to me still weighed on me. He would send me long 10 page texts, and emails telling me that he love me and is sorry and that I should give him another chance. He said I'm doing so good now and he is ready to be with me and be the man in my life. (Funny how he never thought about my feelings in his logic). He said that he was talking about me at work and said I was Hawaiian and Black, the most bootyfulist thing he had seen and he would give his life to have me back (I'm NOT HAWAIIAN and I was insulted but anyway..)

When I would tell him no that I wasn't interested, he would pout like a child and get upset, send angry messages, but he would come back from another angle and be even more persistent.

This yo-yo went on for a year. I had to tell him I was getting married (which wasn't true at the time) for him to leave me alone. He then told me I was losing the best love of my life. I said no, you left the best love of you love and haven't heard from him since.

I know that what hurts a man the most is to have lost the women he loves over something he did. He has nobody now, all because he wanted his cake and eat it too. I heard his gf still wants him back. She did find out about me, and that was the reason she left, but I don't think thats entirely true.

But come to think of it, once I got myself really together, men have came out the woodwork to try to court me i.e. marry me, not even get to really know me well. People way back in my past like middle school have tried to come back (I have had the same cell # since 8th grade). This was just the most persistent of them all.

Back then they didn't want me, now I'm hot, they all on me!!!

Yeah its true," bet they changed they mind when them 84's came rollin up"

WOW. Very powerful story. Glad he's okay...but he needed to move on. :nono: Sometimes we don't see our blessing until it's too late, and that is a lesson to take with us for the rest of our lives. He learned a valuable lesson, and I'm glad you moved on.

You were definitely the one that got away.

I have yet ANOTHER story. Don't believe I forgot about this one!

This took place in highschool. I had just turned 16 and was into this Senior. He actually pursued me, so we started talking. I don't think we actually dated seriously, it mainly turned into a summer of us hanging out and spending a lot of time on the phone. Around the last month of break, however, we did get a little closer, and my feelings for him began to develop. He started to tell me how he liked me, etc etc...

So he left for school, but we continued to talk everyday on the phone and on AIM. We agreed that we wouldn't think about a relationship until his Winter break when he'd return. Well that didn't happen. One day I logged on AIM and saw he was online. I waited...normally he'd sent me a message right away, but he didn't. So I finally messaged him. We talked for a few minutes, and his responses were one-word and delayed. He was acting so "off", he told me he had to go, and so we logged off.

That was the last I heard of him until Freshman year of college!:ohwell:

When I called, he wouldn't answer. When I saw him online, I'd send him a message, and I'd never get a response. I began to send him emails, many of them (heck, I was in highschool...didn't know better), I was FURIOUS, and so heartbroken. I found out his family moved out of town as well, so he wasn't coming back for winter break anyway. It's like he disappeared!!

I finally got over what I thought would turn into a relationship. Then, one day I got an email from him, roughly 2 years later. He said he would like to talk to me, as just friends. I was into that other guy at this point, so I figured...why not?

Turns out he disappeared because....he decided to MARRY HIS EX GIRLFRIEND?! This is the same ex he told me cheated on him and treated him like crap. Why he married her? I have no idea. Well, after they got married, she was back to her old ways. She was cheating on him and spending up his money. She put him in debt and divorced him, so he had to leave school, and put his studies on hold. He was working 3 jobs at the time to pay off his cards. We just chatted about our lives, but we lost touch again for a couple more years.

Out of the blue he texts me (i had the same number) late at night, while I was crying over one of my ex boyfriends. We began to talk again. He's doing better in his life, is out of debt, and back in school...He's gained some weight though, and isn't as sexy as he used to be.

He and I talk occasionally, and he's been having nothing but bad luck in his relationships. He's always coming on to me and has said he'd drop everything to be with me. He's definitely crazy about me, but I no longer feel him. I hate how he avoids giving me an explanation as to why I should give him another chance when he just left me in the cold some odd years ago. The other guy is the same way! They act like they don't understand that you can be SO into someone, but once you get over the rejection...you lose all interest. They act like I should still be as crazy about them as I used to be...NO! Wrong timing. But I'm glad he and I have a decent friendship. Funny how they reject you when they are fine, but once they've put on the pounds and looking a little rough, they wanna holla. Um no...:rolleyes:
I've had a few. :grin: One guy use to make fun of me on the sly when I was a freshman. I ran into him when I was a freshman in college at a party. He was all in my face like didn't you go to such and such high school. You are a really nice looking woman. I wasn't giving that jerk the time of day..:grin:

ANother guy I use to have a crush on in middle school was never mean but he was pressed for this one girl. Well he ended up going out with this girl and I never got my chance. Fast forward to a few years out of high school. I ran into him and he was all up in my face. Didn't give him the time of day. :lachen:
I've had a few. :grin: One guy use to make fun of me on the sly when I was a freshman. I ran into him when I was a freshman in college at a party. He was all in my face like didn't you go to such and such high school. You are a really nice looking woman. I wasn't giving that jerk the time of day..:grin:

ANother guy I use to have a crush on in middle school was never mean but he was pressed for this one girl. Well he ended up going out with this girl and I never got my chance. Fast forward to a few years out of high school. I ran into him and he was all up in my face. Didn't give him the time of day. :lachen:

Girl they never learn!
Haha! :lol: I'm loving these stories ladies...keep them coming! :clap:

It gives me hope seeing the stories of you ladies, because I feel like maybe one day I'll get over this guy that I like and will finally MOVE ON to the point where I don't feel anything for him anymore. Not only that, but perhaps one day he'll see the "light" that he could have had me, but chose to chase after other things... :rolleyes:

Oh well! You snooze...you lose!
You know...

"Back then (they) didn't want me
Now I'm hot (they) all on me":grin:

Perhaps you really crushed on a guy, or you dated him for a second, and he rejected you for someone else, but now...he is IN LOVE with you.

I'm not talking about your ex (serious relationship), I'm talking about the guy who kept you on the back burner while he was chasing after some other girl. He played games with you, and kinda hurt you in the end. But something changed, and now you don't want him, but he's all over you.

Share your stories!

My Story:
Beginning of freshman year in college, there was this guy in one of my classes. I thought he was sexy and interesting, so I approached him (bad move:rolleyes:). Well, he kinda showed interest, and invited me to a show. I went to the show thinking that we'd be hanging out. Well, he talked to me for a second, and that was it.:ohwell: He also dropped the course cause he flunked the first test.

However, I LOVED the band (and I still attend their shows to this day), so I looked at their site, and saw they were going to be playing another show the same day the following week. I decided I'd go on my own terms, since he didn't invite me, but deep inside I was hoping I'd have a chance with him. I went, and to my surprise he was all hugged up on some chick. Guess he didn't want me. But I had fun regardless.

Well we kinda talked via AIM after that. He would flirt with me, but would make no serious moves. He claimed this chick was a fling, nothing more. I was so jealous, cause I had low self esteem back then, and figured he wanted her because she was more beautiful than I could ever be:sad:. Well, that chick he was hugged up on confessed to him that she didn't want him, and had found another guy.:drunk:

After that, he started to play ME, whenever he was feeling another girl, I'd never hear from him. But when that girl would reject him, he'd flirt with me and ask me out. At this point, there were some feelings, but not nearly as strong as in the beginning. Eventually they faded (and I began to date someone seriously). Well for the last year, he's been calling me and texting me non-stop. Asking me out, wanting to date, wanting to be in a relationship. I have rejected him because I refuse to be his last resort, I remember those mind games he played with me, how he'd say he liked me...but a week later I wouldn't hear from him because he was feeling someone else more. He claims he was stupid back then and didn't know what he wanted...but it's too late, you had your chance. :rolleyes:

But it's kinda funny how it happens this way! It can do wonders for the ego!

I'm glad you was honest with yourself, and decided to move on.

I used to like a guy in high school, eventhough he really wasn't my type. (He used to smoke weed; and didn't seem ambitious). I liked him, but knew he would 'never' like me; I didn't feel pretty enough either. A few years later, he was like, "whoa"! But I working by then, so I was able to buy better clothes, and I did my hair better, so he was up on it. But I was OUT on him...lol. By then, I knew that I wanted and deserved more than his bum *** could ever give me. He's probably home now puffing on brown sugar, while I'm livin the good life with baby and hubby...lol. :yep: (He was sexy though, and I could tell he was packing too...lol...oh well).
I have one:

As a freshman in high school, I was not the most attractive or popular person on campus. I had friends and stuff, but I didn't belong to any single crowd. There was this one guy at my school that all the girls, including me, went gaga over. He was so good looking and "cool" and smooth.

One day, we were at lunch and he and his friend came over to speak to my friend. They asked us both if we wanted to hang out at the rival school's basketball game with them that night. We said yes.

They picked us up at her house and we drove towards the school on the other side of town. When we were almost there, they started talking about us having sex with them after the game. We were like WHAAAA??!:blush:

We pulled into the school parking lot and they continued to pressure us to have sex with them after the game. Both of us were like Nope...:nono:. So, they got out the car and headed towards the gym, leaving us behind. My friend and I finally got out and went inside to the game, still not believing that they wanted us to pay for our so called date with some a$$. :nono:

We really didn't know too many people at the game, but we saw some people we went to middle school with and sat with them. We looked around for the guys but we couldn't find them. At half time, we walked around them gym to see if we could see them, but nothing. Finally, my friend suggested that we go outside and see if the car was out there.
Lo and behold they had left us. :ohwell: We stayed until the end of the game, thinking they might come back, but they never did.

After the game we walked to Jodi's aunt's house and told her what happened and she gave us a ride home. The next week at school they had told everyone that we were lame and losers and what not.

About 10 years after high school, I went back home and ran into that guy at the mall. I was cute, in shape and had everything in the right place.

He was all up in my face talking about how we needed to reconnect and how we had let so much time go by and we could have been married. :rolleyes: After I left, he started blowing up the phone at my mom's house talkin bout 'this is K and I just wanted to know how I could reach your daughter. I wanted to stay in touch and maybe go visit her out west'.

Mom was like, I'll give her your number. When she told me that he had called her like 17 times, I was like "WTF ever. Tell him to go to hell he was that dude that left me and Jodi at the game that time."

Funny how I was thinking about this this morning on my way to work...

I met this guy in freshman year but we didn't connect. A few weeks before graduation 4 years later we met again. Everything was wonderful, he really treated me good, but I knew something wasn't right. This happened from late May till September.

He had a motorcycle that was his baby and I would worry about him being on it. I was asking him to simply call me when get in. He wouldn't. Red Flag #1.

Then he kept saying he had a house in PA, where he kept his car, but I never went to it. (Boy was I young and dumb) Red Flag #2.

Then he would say things to me like I need to get a better job and move out on my own and get myself together (And he was living with his sister and mother in cramped 2 bedroom, didn't have a real job, he was into "customizing cars) Red Flag #3.

There were more red flags but those I remember clearly.

Well, my uncle passed Labor Day weekend and I called him to have him come over. Well, a girl answered his phone, I didn't say anything and they hung up. About 30 minutes later, he called back and said ,"I can't talk to you anymore, I have a girlfriend." I was furious, but I was okay. Turns out, the gf has a house in PA and he would go home to her at night, which is why he didn't call me and yadda yadda yadda.

He kept calling me that week telling me that she was mature (she was 35 at the time), has herself together (she has 4 kids, no husband, but a house and bought him a care) and I told him to not call me anymore and that he is going to regret what he did.

A week later, he was in a horrible motorcycle accident. He lost his bottom of left leg, right arm is paralyzed, his is missing many of his fingers. He was in the hospital for a long time and had to learn everything all over again. She left him after he got out of the hospital.

All the while, his friends were calling me (I knew some of them before we hooked up) and telling me how bad he was doing and how he needed a friend cause he didn't have anyone. (And he didn't, his mom and sister couldn't stand the girlfriend)

Well, as soon as he got back on his feet (literally), I came home from work, and he was sitting is his truck outside my door. I told him to leave, he wouldn't. By this time, I had a wonderful career started and I was able to afford nicer things. I bought a house, a new car, and most importantly looking good cause I was taking better care of myself. I was dating myself, learning new things, and living the good life. I talked to him and he started crying telling me how much he missed me and how much I meant to him and how I was the only person that showed his unconditional love and if there was anything in his power he could do to change my mind about him and let him back into my life. I said he could call me on his bad days, but that's it.

You give a person a inch, they take a mile! He took this as a free pass and would call, text, and email me constantly. I told him that I was not looking for a relationship and that what he did to me still weighed on me. He would send me long 10 page texts, and emails telling me that he love me and is sorry and that I should give him another chance. He said I'm doing so good now and he is ready to be with me and be the man in my life. (Funny how he never thought about my feelings in his logic). He said that he was talking about me at work and said I was Hawaiian and Black, the most bootyfulist thing he had seen and he would give his life to have me back (I'm NOT HAWAIIAN and I was insulted but anyway..)

When I would tell him no that I wasn't interested, he would pout like a child and get upset, send angry messages, but he would come back from another angle and be even more persistent.

This yo-yo went on for a year. I had to tell him I was getting married (which wasn't true at the time) for him to leave me alone. He then told me I was losing the best love of my life. I said no, you left the best love of you love and haven't heard from him since.

I know that what hurts a man the most is to have lost the women he loves over something he did. He has nobody now, all because he wanted his cake and eat it too. I heard his gf still wants him back. She did find out about me, and that was the reason she left, but I don't think thats entirely true.

But come to think of it, once I got myself really together, men have came out the woodwork to try to court me i.e. marry me, not even get to really know me well. People way back in my past like middle school have tried to come back (I have had the same cell # since 8th grade). This was just the most persistent of them all.

Back then they didn 't want me, now I'm hot, they all on me!!!

Yeah its true," bet they changed they mind when them 84's came rollin up"

UPDATE: He called me today to tell me that I broke his heart so bad and he was tired of being alone, so he got back with the ex gf. I said, "I'm so happy for you."

He said, "well you should be! You forced this on youself. We have a real relationship and we support each other like it should be. I'm so glad I never cut ties with her!"

I said, "I'm again so happy for you" and hung up! The nerve of that trifli ninja to think I would care. Poor thang, I wish him all the best!
UPDATE: He called me today to tell me that I broke his heart so bad and he was tired of being alone, so he got back with the ex gf. I said, "I'm so happy for you."

He said, "well you should be! You forced this on youself. We have a real relationship and we support each other like it should be. I'm so glad I never cut ties with her!"

I said, "I'm again so happy for you" and hung up! The nerve of that trifli ninja to think I would care. Poor thang, I wish him all the best!
What a moron! I'm so glad you're over him and didn't fall for his nonsense. Now I feel sorry for his ex.
UPDATE: He called me today to tell me that I broke his heart so bad and he was tired of being alone, so he got back with the ex gf. I said, "I'm so happy for you."

He said, "well you should be! You forced this on youself. We have a real relationship and we support each other like it should be. I'm so glad I never cut ties with her!"

I said, "I'm again so happy for you" and hung up! The nerve of that trifli ninja to think I would care. Poor thang, I wish him all the best!

Wow, just wow. He has a lot of nerve and the funny part is he thinks he's hurting you but he's not!
UPDATE: He called me today to tell me that I broke his heart so bad and he was tired of being alone, so he got back with the ex gf. I said, "I'm so happy for you."

He said, "well you should be! You forced this on youself. We have a real relationship and we support each other like it should be. I'm so glad I never cut ties with her!"

I said, "I'm again so happy for you" and hung up! The nerve of that trifli ninja to think I would care. Poor thang, I wish him all the best!

LOL! :lol: Wow...some guys are just dumb...
UPDATE: He called me today to tell me that I broke his heart so bad and he was tired of being alone, so he got back with the ex gf. I said, "I'm so happy for you."

He said, "well you should be! You forced this on youself. We have a real relationship and we support each other like it should be. I'm so glad I never cut ties with her!"

I said, "I'm again so happy for you" and hung up! The nerve of that trifli ninja to think I would care. Poor thang, I wish him all the best!

:lachen:Oh so now you broke HIS heart just because you weren't going to drop everything and be with him when he was GOOD AND READY. The nerve of some men:nono:. You handled it just right.