Even hair= Stronger hair??


Well-Known Member
Remember that article w/that long hair expert. I am now finding this to be a bunch of bull for me. lol... no offense to anyone. But, even hair= tanglier hair and tanglier hair= more breakage for me. Plus, even hair is addictive. Pretty soon every relaxer u will want to even up for that full gorgeous look that u get. Then (esp. knowing how hairdressers love to chop all of our hair off) our hair seems to get shorter and shorter until it is that avg length that some people actually consider long. You know what I mean.... that length that ends just below the shoulders.
Does anyone else seem to find that even hair does not keep hair stronger or make it grow faster?
I completely agree with you. Even hair looks nice, and it's gonna give you a blunt, thick appearance. However, if you have if you trim for that even look, you'll be trimming every so often, ending up with the same length of hair. I think that's what was happening to me during the past year: SHS's always cutting my hair back to the same place a tad below shoulder length.

Excessive trimming for an even look can also back fire as I've read here: I think Vintagecoilylocks posted something about how your hair grows in cycles, so if you keep cutting parts to even them up with other sides, it's pointless because your hair will naturally even up as the other side grows during it's cycle.

I don't buy the even=stronger argument, but I may be in the minority here. I know that many stylists tried to tell me that my hair was uneven in the past and that's why it wouln't hold a curl. But after the trim, the curls were no tighter. I think dustings and clipped ends are healthy and beneficial in the long run. As long as your ends are moisturized with no splits, I think they'll be healthy. These things have helped may hair hold a nice curl. Keeping one length all around is hard to maintain in my opinion.
OneInAMillion said:
I completely agree with you. Even hair looks nice, and it's gonna give you a blunt, thick appearance. However, if you have if you trim for that even look, you'll be trimming every so often, ending up with the same length of hair. I think that's what was happening to me during the past year: SHS's always cutting my hair back to the same place a tad below shoulder length.

Excessive trimming for an even look can also back fire as I've read here: I think Vintagecoilylocks posted something about how your hair grows in cycles, so if you keep cutting parts to even them up with other sides, it's pointless because your hair will naturally even up as the other side grows during it's cycle.

I don't buy the even=stronger argument, but I may be in the minority here. I know that many stylists tried to tell me that my hair was uneven in the past and that's why it wouln't hold a curl. But after the trim, the curls were no tighter. I think dustings and clipped ends are healthy and beneficial in the long run. As long as your ends are moisturized with no splits, I think they'll be healthy. These things have helped may hair hold a nice curl. Keeping one length all around is hard to maintain in my opinion.
ITA even hair is more for the the look and some thickness than having to do with overall health esp if you're trimming the splits off.
Even hair doesnt necessarily equals stronger hair. It really depends on how healthy your hair is to begin with whether its even or uneven. I trim 1-2 times a year mainly for evenness, my last trim was March of this year and my hair is pretty even and its healthy. I dont obsess with evenness, if I did my hair wouldnt be the length it is now. I just let nature take its course and continue to keep a good regimen.
Sweet_Ambrosia said:
Even hair doesnt necessarily equals stronger hair. It really depends on how healthy your hair is to begin with whether its even or uneven. I trim 1-2 times a year mainly for evenness, my last trim was March of this year and my hair is pretty even and its healthy. I dont obsess with evenness, if I did my hair wouldnt be the length it is now. I just let nature take its course and continue to keep a good regimen.

I agree. Just keeps the ends healthy and do light dustings only when needed.
I got my hair cut because I wanted a style (I love my blunt cut). My hair is only strong because I use protein treatments like mayonnaise weekly. I won't be cutting for another year though so the blunt cut will be no more. Even hair doesn't equal tangles for me... when my hair gets reallly tangly, it's definitely time for a dusting/trim.
I think even hair is stronger hair. I guess it all depends on your definition. To me it's hair that doesn't break easily. Have you seen people who's corn rows don't stand out because you can't see the parts ? The parts aren't visible because they have many, very short hairs of different lengths that get in the way of the part but aren't long enough to fit into the braid ? That's what I would call uneven hair. And I would suspect that people who don't have this condition have stronger hair that doesn't break and thus can retain length easier.

Happy hair growing!
Even hair just looks really healthy to me. I'm much more likely to notice a woman with long, even hair than long hair with lots of layers.
For me keeping my ends even has allowed me to retained more length...if that makes any sense. When I was straying away from the scissors, my hair wasnt thriving, so I guess it all depends....
i agree that even hair is addictive. my hairdresser cut inches of when i had my last relaxer and she kept saying 'your hair is uneven, i cant a nice style with uneven hair...grrr i was so mad when i left the salon :mad:

Lovelylocs said:
Plus, even hair is addictive. Pretty soon every relaxer u will want to even up for that full gorgeous look that u get. Then (esp. knowing how hairdressers love to chop all of our hair off