Et tu Kewee Oil???


Well-Known Member
My heart is heavy.. my fave HOT has a ...wait for[sob] and...and...[sob] improved....[big sob] formula!!!:cry2: Yes, my cheap, mysteriously comprised go-to treatment for crunchy, un-shiny hair, Kewee Oil has changed. How? I don't know. But if it's "new" and "improved," that means "cheaper ingredients" and "doesn't work as well." Have I even tried Mr. Brand New Formula? No. But experience is a cruel teacher--and this has almost never had a happy ending...:nono:
I've seen Kewee oil it was supposed to be a knockoff of the ever secretive Kemi oil.

I liked how it smelled but because I could not find ingredients I had to leave it be. I have a very sensitive scalp.

It seems like companies are just changing everything on us.

Sorry this happened to you
:rofl: @ this thread title, girl! :lachen:

Where did you buy this? I've never heard of it.

Straight drugstore jump-off! Remember Kemi Oyl? I don't know if it's still around but it was the hottest thing going back in the 90's. I couldn't use it, b/c it weighed my hair down and my hair would not could not hold a curl using this stuff. So I decided to try this drugstore knock-off, and to my surprise it was a life saver.

It is a styling/sheen oil, but I discovered that it makes a slammin' HOT. (made, I should say, I can't speak for now). It even emulsified in water--which to me says "no cones" but Myjourney is right, not nary an ingredient listed! You'll be happy to know the the formula does have its ingredients listed, and I have no idea what's new, and what was old. The fact that "the mystery" is gone, makes me think whatever made it good is gone too! Luckily the last time I bought I got a big ol' jumbo bottle, so I'm good for at least another few months!