Erica Campbell To Replace Yolanda Adams!

So I remember many voted for Bush because he was a christian, Kerry never really said anything about his beliefs and the Churches were stating we need a Christian. so they voted Bush. I think so many folks still believe this was and or is a Christian Nation.
@blazingthru , see this is where I get in trouble sis :lol:. For me your fruit needs to line up with the word of God or I am not thinking about what you said. Miss me wit dat:hand:. Too many politicians and regular folks 'say' they are Christian but their behavior says otherwise... Christianity is one thing no one has to prove its validity. All one has to do in our culture is say they are one and suddenly all of the foolishness they embody represents God to the fullest:rolleyes:. Then it's further complicated because in a true Christian walk as you know, you are developing from day to day and little by little. So, you really might be a Christian (for example a new one- but none of us have arrived 100%:look:) who still has some incorrect ideas about what it means to be Christ like and as a result go out and do things that are not in line with the will of God:dizzy:.

It is an insult to my intelligence for politicians to be fake in an effort to get my vote. For me you must do more than produce a bottle of hot sauce, sing a Negro spiritual, use AA voices or images in your advertising, use a hip hop track for background sounds, or talk using psuedo-ebonics at your rallies to gain my attention. That's no different than how some retailers show all of those AAs in commercials but only during certain awards shows or on certain channels. These same companies rarely show AAs like that during regular programming.

Too many former slaves are dead right now, too many AAs were sprayed with hoses, hung, raped, families forcibly broken up, denied educations, and discriminated against for no vaild reason for me to do nothing to honor their struggles. They played a major role in the building of this country. I wave my flag proudly for them not the lies from the other side! It is not up for debate as to whether there was massive amounts of double talk going on regarding the way this country came into being because the hypocrisy was/is astounding:censored:!!! In my opinion ratchery does not pay homage to any of the deceased. You cannot make me believe those folks died with the hopes that entertainers could be on a platform partially nude singing about garbage, so that we could be twerk experts, so that reality shows can cast us in the most unflattering terms to be laughed at like freaks at a freak show, so that almost all of the popular shows on TV involve so called successful AA women being the jump off of some white man, so that we could overwhelmingly be single parents (this time by choice) who if the rules of the system changed overnight would be clueless on how to take care of our responsibilities:handslap:. Let me stop...*pats blackness card* don't wanna be BC'ed (Bill Cosbyed):ban:

At any rate, be it a Bush (plz no more Bushes:pray:), the Clinton of your choice:hot:, Sanders, a bi-racial candidate:saythat::duck:, a 100% black Afro-American one, a woman, or Trump, no one can say they are Christian and I go running behind them casting my vote all willy nilly...

If Christians were doing what they are called to do to meet the needs of people, then a whole lotta this stuff ^^^ would not even exist. But we don't sooo that creates an unhealthy dependency on power hungry, money hungry immoral Democrats, Republicans, and Independents at all levels of government across the country. They know the way to stay relevant is to stay needed by someone somewhere. Soon it will be Hispanic ppl who are primarily courted:slap:. Let's see how much lurve they shower on AAs then...:poke"
Prudent, you raise good point ... render to Cesar what is his and to God what is His. Historically, we've always had "Christian" presidents... So no need to vote for someone simply because of their beliefs/ religion lol
but I have to ask if you had a choice between two candidates who both are politically qualified but one's an atheist and the other a non-Christian but believes in A creator with more than one way to him/her , what would be the basis for your voting for one or the other?
I am glad to see a statement that the stations want lukewarm. When Lonnie Hunter was cancelled for will lie Moore jr.,I was shocked. Now
I see others have had similar views. I was wondering if I was hating the saints. :meditate:

@felic1 I used to watch Willie Moore Jr vids. Did you intentionally spell his name that way? Just curious as to if he said or did something offensive. Thanks
Hey Scasey!!!

Yolanda is not on the air anymore, But Erica Campbell is alive and well on the air.
Oh No!!!!!! I loved her show when I was able to listen......Erica Campbell is NO Yolanda Adams...who is in control???? This is what happens when we don't control the media and medium. They keep us out (take God out of) of the very thing that back in the day held us together, kept us strong and kept us fighting for right!
So I remember many voted for Bush because he was a christian, Kerry never really said anything about his beliefs and the Churches were stating we need a Christian. so they voted Bush. I think so many folks still believe this was and or is a Christian Nation.
Hi Blaz... :wave:

I hear what you are saying, for sure. They All lie. Obama LIED BIG TIME!

He lied that he was a Christian and LIED that he did not support gay marriage....only to turn up and give them every ton of support including the right to sue Christians and to get away with it.

He is the most dishonest president that I've ever known... Judas to be more accurate. He completely turned his back on the Black community, yet became the first gay president and with no sorrow in it nor an ounce of repentance towards God.

Shameful :nono:
Prudent, you raise good point ... render to Cesar what is his and to God what is His. Historically, we've always had "Christian" presidents... So no need to vote for someone simply because of their beliefs/ religion lol
but I have to ask if you had a choice between two candidates who both are politically qualified but one's an atheist and the other a non-Christian but believes in A creator with more than one way to him/her , what would be the basis for your voting for one or the other?
@Laela ,
Great question... since neither are believers my response is this. I would seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit as to what my actions should be and wait expectantly for my answer. I'm an active voter but I reserve the right to not vote if that's what I felt I was being led to not do. I try to be a good citizen but I don't lose sight of the fact that this world is not my home. I ultimately must place the things in the bible higher than the laws of the land. That being said my fleshly response is to pick the candidate who had the most qualifications/ best proven track record to perform the job at hand :yep:.
Hi Blaz... :wave:

I hear what you are saying, for sure. They All lie. Obama LIED BIG TIME!

He lied that he was a Christian and LIED that he did not support gay marriage....only to turn up and give them every ton of support including the right to sue Christians and to get away with it.

He is the most dishonest president that I've ever known... Judas to be more accurate. He completely turned his back on the Black community, yet became the first gay president and with no sorrow in it nor an ounce of repentance towards God.

Shameful :nono:
Now see... you just lost your blackness card...:darkcloud: :lol:. The 5th chapter of Knee-gro-a-tions states that you must support any and all causes and activities that have black or brown faces involved even if you know the movement is a pile of bunk...
Oh No!!!!!! I loved her show when I was able to listen......Erica Campbell is NO Yolanda Adams...who is in control???? This is what happens when we don't control the media and medium. They keep us out (take God out of) of the very thing that back in the day held us together, kept us strong and kept us fighting for right!
Why do you think that just as Bill Cosby was getting in the final stages of negotiating his deal to buy NBC and put out positive shows about AAs all of his past indiscretions came to light (not saying he was completely innocent or guilty, just that the timing is curious)? Why is Prince (a strict vegan for many years) now in history as yet another drug addicted entertainer after he started to speak out more about Chemtrails? Why do most major news stories that report the nefarious deeds of politicians released on Friday afternoon traditionally? Why, why, why.... Oh well, let me just tune alldat out :lala:and go watch LAHH Atl:poledancer:...after all it's more beneficial for me to wear a movement t-shirt and keep up with who is sleeping with who on the shows:pop:. I need to know what is going on with the Khardashians, Cookie and 'nem, and the Beyoncé. This knowledge helps advance us as a people. I mean as long as I'm abreast of these things it will all work out for us right?
Now see... you just lost your blackness card...:darkcloud: :lol:. The 5th chapter of Knee-gro-a-tions states that you must support any and all causes and activities that have black or brown faces involved even if you know the movement is a pile of bunk...


:lol: Oh no.... I'm busted for sure.
I love you, Precious Sister :love3:

I lost my Black Card a while ago. :lol: Remember that thread in Off Topic a few years back and we were talking about fried chicken and hot sauce'? I cried :cry4: cause you called my fried chicken wings 'yard bird'. :rofl: However, you and @Nice & Wavy retrieved my 'Black Card' because I don't like 'hot sauce'. :nono:

This was ''pre- Obama", so I guess it don't matter now. I'll never own another Black Card again. :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: Oh no.... I'm busted for sure.
I love you, Precious Sister :love3:

I lost my Black Card a while ago. :lol: Remember that thread in Off Topic a few years back and we were talking about fried chicken and hot sauce'? I cried :cry4: cause you called my fried chicken wings 'yard bird'. :rofl: However, you and @Nice & Wavy retrieved my 'Black Card' because I don't like 'hot sauce'. :nono:

This was ''pre- Obama", so I guess it don't matter now. I'll never own another Black Card again. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh yeah... I remember that:lachen:. As long as we go that name written in the book of life "card" tho:knight:, we goodt!!! Love you too Sis:love2:.
Has anyone tuned in to her show? I have to be honest and say that it's not half bad.

It's not at all what I'd expected.
I don't listen to the Erica Campbell show but the rare moments I turn to it I am quickly reminded why I'm not a fan. She's having a discussion on whether it's ok for Christians to listen to secular music, which is a good topic. However she takes it further by stating sexually explicit terms you'll find in secular music. For example, she brings up "truffle butter" then quickly apologizes. She then laughs and says if you don't know what it is then look it up. I had no idea what she was referring to so I made the mistake of googling. Why go into detail and educate the saints on explicit stuff found in the urban dictionary that many listeners do not care to hear about. I feel like she does stuff like this to hold on to a ratchet side of her that she finds cool and entertaining. She already lost me as a fan on her reality show and she just doesn't come off as a genuine Christian. I miss Yolanda Adams.