Engaged to a non-christian, Need advice

I Have a Testimony!!!!

For all of you ladies who helped me pray this through I thank you for your kindness and fellowship. Our father in heaven has heard our prayers and as always has come through for me and my family. About six months after my original post my fiance rededicated his life to Christ. He has grown in so many areas and has been a wonderful partner and father. I could not ask more of a man. On December 1st of this year we got married and my family is back together. He's in church with me every sunday, reads his bible in between and has even thought our children how to say grace before every meal. I praise the Lord God who has done exceedingly, abundantly above all that I thought or even imagine, cause through my tears, confusion, and lonliness I couldn't even imagine this. All I knew was that He would work all things out for my good, and He has again proven Himself to be a provider, giver of good gifts, and a God who's word I can stand on. He never fails us, we just fail to have faith in his abilities.

Please continue to pray for my family, the devil tried to throw a wrench in the plans and almost caused a break up after my fiance got saved. You know satan doesn't like to see the children of God happy. However, through tears and a hurting heart I stood strong in the Lord, remembering what the bible says about what true love is. The Lord saw us through those difficult few months and brought us to the point where we were able to vow our love and comittment to eachother in marriage.

The next testimony I will have is for the recovery of our autistic son. You know our Lord has no limits, and the devil has no power, so please keep my son in your prayers as his father and I act out our faith to find the best treatment for him. Thank you again ladies. Love all my sisters in Christ.
What a beautiful testimony. Thanks for updating us and God will touch your son and anything you have faith in Him to do. God bless, what a beautiful story.
Praise God!!!!!!!!!!! I was almost in tears reading your testimony. I will pray for your son as well.
I Have a Testimony!!!!

For all of you ladies who helped me pray this through I thank you for your kindness and fellowship. Our father in heaven has heard our prayers and as always has come through for me and my family. About six months after my original post my fiance rededicated his life to Christ. He has grown in so many areas and has been a wonderful partner and father. I could not ask more of a man. On December 1st of this year we got married and my family is back together. He's in church with me every sunday, reads his bible in between and has even thought our children how to say grace before every meal. I praise the Lord God who has done exceedingly, abundantly above all that I thought or even imagine, cause through my tears, confusion, and lonliness I couldn't even imagine this. All I knew was that He would work all things out for my good, and He has again proven Himself to be a provider, giver of good gifts, and a God who's word I can stand on. He never fails us, we just fail to have faith in his abilities.

Please continue to pray for my family, the devil tried to throw a wrench in the plans and almost caused a break up after my fiance got saved. You know satan doesn't like to see the children of God happy. However, through tears and a hurting heart I stood strong in the Lord, remembering what the bible says about what true love is. The Lord saw us through those difficult few months and brought us to the point where we were able to vow our love and comittment to eachother in marriage.

The next testimony I will have is for the recovery of our autistic son. You know our Lord has no limits, and the devil has no power, so please keep my son in your prayers as his father and I act out our faith to find the best treatment for him. Thank you again ladies. Love all my sisters in Christ.
:cry4: Ohhhh I'm so happy for you :grin: !!! I wish you guys many blessings. Don't cease to pray!
thanks for the reply!!! God is amazing!!! im in a simular situation and i KNOW God has the power to work wounders. thanks again:grin:
I Have a Testimony!!!!

For all of you ladies who helped me pray this through I thank you for your kindness and fellowship. Our father in heaven has heard our prayers and as always has come through for me and my family. About six months after my original post my fiance rededicated his life to Christ. He has grown in so many areas and has been a wonderful partner and father. I could not ask more of a man. On December 1st of this year we got married and my family is back together. He's in church with me every sunday, reads his bible in between and has even thought our children how to say grace before every meal. I praise the Lord God who has done exceedingly, abundantly above all that I thought or even imagine, cause through my tears, confusion, and lonliness I couldn't even imagine this. All I knew was that He would work all things out for my good, and He has again proven Himself to be a provider, giver of good gifts, and a God who's word I can stand on. He never fails us, we just fail to have faith in his abilities.

Please continue to pray for my family, the devil tried to throw a wrench in the plans and almost caused a break up after my fiance got saved. You know satan doesn't like to see the children of God happy. However, through tears and a hurting heart I stood strong in the Lord, remembering what the bible says about what true love is. The Lord saw us through those difficult few months and brought us to the point where we were able to vow our love and comittment to eachother in marriage.

The next testimony I will have is for the recovery of our autistic son. You know our Lord has no limits, and the devil has no power, so please keep my son in your prayers as his father and I act out our faith to find the best treatment for him. Thank you again ladies. Love all my sisters in Christ.
