Engaged Ladies: Do You Think Its Fair He Doesn't Wear A Ring?


Well-Known Member
... I'm wearing a ring and he isn't.

Its normal for our society, but is it really fair?

I know I've been engaged for almost a year, and its almost time for the wedding anyway so it doesn't matter for me anymore.

I didn't mind at first (didn't think about it), but when I started thinking about it, I realized that he looks as if he's single and I don't....not that I want to appear that way. :look:

But how come the women are claimed territory wayy before the wedding, and the men aren't?

I didn't start thinking about it until a few days ago.
My SO got hit on and he told me about how funny it was, and then I thought about the last time I got hit on.....and then I looked at my ring.
Of course theres gonna be guys that hit on women regardless, but most get put off after seeing a ring.

Anyways, just wondering what you all think.

BTW: I honestly don't care about looking single, but I'm curious about why women get an engagement ring and men get nothing until the actual marriage.
I don't know if a ring solves the problem, in some cases it makes things worst. SO and I went to a club over the past weekend, and some ratchet girl was bouncing her booty in his direction. Please keep in mind that I am standing right there dancing with him. Before we went in the club I turned my ring around (the diamond was facing the inside of my hand.) When she kept on auditioning for KOD, I decided to turned the ring around so she could see how serious he and I are about one another, but nope, big booty Judy started twerking even harder.

She was more attracted to him because he was in a serious committed relationship and she also saw him as a challenge. Some women will not be detered by a ring. I think some women are more disrespectful than men in regards to relationships.

ETA:: In some countries the man and the woman get engagement rings. SO is getting a very big shiney wedding band. If a woman tries to talk to him its because she just doesn't care , he took it off or she's blind. :look:
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I agree, a ring doesn't really solve the problem. Is it fair? Eh, probably not, but what is anymore? I've gotten hit on a few times since I've gotten engaged and I just flash my ring when they ask if I have a boyfriend or whatever. Then they tell me "Congratulations." :lol:

The way I see it, FH is gonna get hit on regardless - he has a ring I bought him for our anniversary on his right hand, but one day he switched it to his left and still got hit on, even though it looked like he was wearing a wedding ring. *Shrugs* It is what it is. These heifers don't care one way or another. Just as long as HE knows who he's coming home to, let 'em do what they do.
I've never known men to be deterred by a woman's engagement or wedding ring. And a whole lot of men aren't deterred by their own wedding rings.
I understand what you mean. When a man doesn't have on a ring, he appears single and available. Meanwhile his fiancee doesn't appear the same way. It's not fair but it is what is.
I don't know if a ring solves the problem, in some cases it makes things worst. SO and I went to a club over the past weekend, and some ratchet girl was bouncing her booty in his direction. Please keep in mind that I am standing right there dancing with him. Before we went in the club I turned my ring around (the diamond was facing the inside of my hand.) When she kept on auditioning for KOD, I decided to turned the ring around so she could see how serious he and I are about one another, but nope, big booty Judy started twerking even harder.

She was more attracted to him because he was in a serious committed relationship and she also saw him as a challenge. Some women will not be detered by a ring. I think some women are more disrespectful than men in regards to relationships.

ETA:: In some countries the man and the woman get engagement rings. SO is getting a very big shiney wedding band. If a woman tries to talk to him its because she just doesn't care , he took it off or she's blind. :look:

I wish he would've politely shut her down in front of you.
Some men actually are wearing "man-gagement" rings these days. :lachen:

I don't mind that FH doesn't wear a ring. If anyone wrongly assumes that he is available, he quickly lets them know that isn't the case. He lets any and everyone know that he is engaged and not available.