Ends of Natural Hair


Well-Known Member
I am newly natural and recently have had all my relaxed ends removed but when I rub my hair from the root to the end as I reach the ends it is bushy. Is this normal? Or is this heat damage ends? Please help, sorry no pic I am camera shy.......
Dang I just typed out a whole thing and it got lost trying to put a link in for you grr I need to learn how to use this site.

There is another thread asking a similar question pertaining to rough ends and whether they should be cut or not. http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=578477&highlight=rough+ends+cut

What I've found is ends tend to be drier so baggying will help deal with the situation quickly. Longer or more frequent DC's will help get them into shape as well. I'm assuming you already M/S'ing often (try 1-2x/day for now) and DC after every 'poo session. I have 1 section that tends to feel drier so I saw baggying helped me and when I got it under control I didn't have the issue anymore as long as I keep up with my basic routine. I had to whole head baggy b/c my section was too short and there was no moisture overload on the rest of my hair so no worries there.

I'm assuming you've already checked for split ends and removed them if present.
Unfortunately for some of us it is normal. As you work on your regimen, you will get to know what works for your ends.

The thread mentioned above will help. You will probably have to try a few things to figure out what works for you.

Be patient you will get there.
Unfortunately for some of us it is normal. As you work on your regimen, you will get to know what works for your ends.

The thread mentioned above will help. You will probably have to try a few things to figure out what works for you.

Be patient you will get there.

I thought the mud would help but it is not, I went to a stylist for her to trim the remaining relaxed ends and I asked her about trimming the rough ends and she said I dont need it, but it sorta of feels like heat damage, tangly, and knots so easily. IDK, i "hate" rough ends, so I will try to correct the issue first, What is a good deep moisturizing conditioner?
I have the same problem but they're not damaged. I say just try to baby them.

A good deep moisturizering conditioner is one I found online and I have had great results with it.


A cheap rinse out conditoner (like V05 or Suave)
Olive oil
Favorite essential oil(s) (I use Almond oil for sealing)

Heat for like 10-15 seconds on high and mix together. You can wait until it cools down or use it warm and put it on your hair w/ a plastic cap for at least an hour. You can use a hooded dryer or hot towels but I usually just do chores around the house. Rinse out well and finish your regimen!
Hmmm. When your stylist cut off the relaxed ends, did she also snip a little bit of your natural hair? When I cut off mine, I made sure to get a little bit of my natural ends so that I was starting fresh. Deep conditioning and moisturizing and sealing can help, but you really might just need your ends clipped, especially if they are tangling a lot. You probably wouldn't need to cut off much, just a light dusting perhaps?
I have naturally bushy ends. For the longest time I would trim my ends, thinking they were damaged or split. Lost necessary length cuz of it. -____-

When I notice bushy ends it is typically a product issue - trying something new.

I have started to rinse my hair with cool water (close my cuticles) and I also use a leave-in that helps to close my cuticles.
I use Nonie's method and it has been a life saver. I spray part water, oil and apple cider vinegar on my hair after I cowash and I don't have the busy ends anymore.

I saturate them really good. Then add my regular products. I also make sure my last rinse is a tepid or cool rinse in my head. I noticed before I was doing the Nonie method that that helped alot also.

I put 4 parts water one part oil and one part ACV. The smell does not stay in the hair so you don't have to worry about it lingering. I got a spray bottle from sally's the type with the handle, it works better for me.

Another thing you can do is place coconut oil, castor oil or shae butter on your ends this helps keeps them from being so puffy and crunchy also.

Hope these help.