Ends looks thinner while stretching relaxers?


New Member
I'm going on my 18th week of my 24 week stretch and I notice that my hair looks thinner than usual. Does anyone else experience this and is it normal? :look:
i did my first 12 week stretch a month ago, and i thought my ends look thinner too. I was just thinking maybe i'm imagining it, but no, they really look thinner, but i don't think stretching was the culprit. Could it be?
Yes it does look deceivingly thinner but never trim your ends until you have relaxed because the new growth makes your relaxed ends seem stringier than they really are
i did my first 12 week stretch a month ago, and i thought my ends look thinner too. I was just thinking maybe i'm imagining it, but no, they really look thinner, but i don't think stretching was the culprit. Could it be?
Well, I do notice after I relax that my hair instantly looks fuller. I think maybe the newgrowth pushing out somehow makes the ends appear thinner, but I don't know....
Yes it does look deceivingly thinner but never trim your ends until you have relaxed because the new growth makes your relaxed ends seem stringier than they really are
Ah ha! I like that term "deceivingly thinner". :wink2: I've been obsessed with checking my ends everyday and I just notice that it's looking a bit thinner nowadays.
Its deceiving:yep:.....Im a little over 12 weeks post and I was worried that I may have to trim when I get my touch-up, but after I moisturized, detangled, smoothed and sealed my ends did look fuller.... I soooooo cant wait till I relax:rolleyes:
YES! You probably have about 2.5 inches of NG right? This happens to me and i start getting depressed like my hair must be breaking. Then I realize that no it isn't, its just that when the thick NG shrinks and pulls the relaxed ends up, they look stringy.

What I noticed that if you let it go another 1.5-2 inches, the weight of the NG starts to bring the hair down again and it starts to look long. That is a fun stage because it looks thick and long when you flat iron.

Good Luck.
Well, I do notice after I relax that my hair instantly looks fuller. I think maybe the newgrowth pushing out somehow makes the ends appear thinner, but I don't know....

this is exactly it. Sistaslick spoke about this in one of her articles. I would'nt worry about it.
i've been texlaxing and my ends are definately thinner....especially when stretching.....i will definately be graduallt trimming them up to the texlaxed hair
Its deceiving:yep:.....Im a little over 12 weeks post and I was worried that I may have to trim when I get my touch-up, but after I moisturized, detangled, smoothed and sealed my ends did look fuller.... I soooooo cant wait till I relax:rolleyes:

ITA...I'm not sure, but I think this is due to shrinkage. My ends look thinner than normal prior to the relaxer, but once I'm relaxed and DC'd, it's back full again. Good luck! :grin:
Glad I read this, because I was getting those same 'gonna have to trim' blues..lol..and I do KNOW that NG causes deception but still I get those blues. I have an inch of NG at 8 weeks now and I'm going for 20 weeks. I hope I make it. I want a nice length surprise when I touch-up.
Glad I read this, because I was getting those same 'gonna have to trim' blues..lol..and I do KNOW that NG causes deception but still I get those blues. I have an inch of NG at 8 weeks now and I'm going for 20 weeks. I hope I make it. I want a nice length surprise when I touch-up.
If you make oit to 20 weeks you WILL have a nice length surprise. The last time I waited 20 weeks to touch up and gained about 3 to 3.5 inches. :yep:
Yeah, it's the shrinkage from your new growth. I remember my very first stretch, I started a similar thread about this! I was so sad, because I thought I was going to have to cut my hair off since it was thinning. :ohwell: When I got my touch up everything ended up being just fine.
I'm going on my 18th week of my 24 week stretch and I notice that my hair looks thinner than usual. Does anyone else experience this and is it normal? :look:

Hey Blasian!

Unfortunately for most...while stretching..the ends can seem thinner. Don't fret though because what is happening especially if your relaxed is your hair is ciolling or waving at the roots where your fresh new growth is coming in on top of your relaxed hair which leaves your ends feeling like its thinner or thinning but your NG is the culprit. After you do your touch-up then you should see progress and that your ends were just fine. HTH :drunk:
Yeppers! I can co -sign. I am six months post and was sooo scurrred when I took a wet shot of the back of my head and saw three strings. I guess that's just the nature of the stretching beast
Its the same way for me. I'm 30 weeks post and I have thin hair. It looks stringy. I got a blow out this weekend and its not as stringy.
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Yeah, I am 12wks post and I've been concerned about how my ends look. When it is curly from a rollerset they look full but once the curls fall out they look thinner.