Ending my Transition- Keeping My Hair Healthy with a Relaxer


Well-Known Member
I've been transitioning for over a year now but I've pretty much decided that I'm going to end my transition and go back to relaxing. As much as I love my curl pattern I just don't like curly hair on ME. :( I also can't wear it out in non-stretched styles because I get major tangling and lots of SSK. I started my transition because I wanted to work on the health of my hair but, after being a member on here for the last year, I see now that my hair can be relaxed and still very healthy and get to my length goal.

So, I'm thinking that I'll go back to relaxed but stretch my relaxers 12-16 weeks, allow my hair to air dry and then only do 1 pass with my maxiglide 1x per week or less. I'm in the fitness industry so my hair is in a pony tail most of the week but I want the option of wearing it down without a 3 hour process. Thoughts? Suggestions? Will I have to find all new products for my hair if I relax again?
If that's the best option for you then go for it. Congrats on the year if transition though. At least you know you can do it if you ever change your mind. You might have to find different products but then again if you plan on stretching then possibly not :-). What products and regimen do you currently use?
I've been transitioning for over a year now but I've pretty much decided that I'm going to end my transition and go back to relaxing. As much as I love my curl pattern I just don't like curly hair on ME. :( I also can't wear it out in non-stretched styles because I get major tangling and lots of SSK. I started my transition because I wanted to work on the health of my hair but, after being a member on here for the last year, I see now that my hair can be relaxed and still very healthy and get to my length goal.

So, I'm thinking that I'll go back to relaxed but stretch my relaxers 12-16 weeks, allow my hair to air dry and then only do 1 pass with my maxiglide 1x per week or less. I'm in the fitness industry so my hair is in a pony tail most of the week but I want the option of wearing it down without a 3 hour process. Thoughts? Suggestions? Will I have to find all new products for my hair if I relax again?

Do whatever makes you happy and stress free.

If relaxing is it, then go for it, however, you may not have as many tangling problems if you do cut off the relaxed hair. If you use heat occasionally, the SSKs shouldn't be much of a problem anymore. BUT, like I said, do what works for you.

Relaxing is great for me because I exercise so much, so I understand that being a plus for relaxing. Either way, just do what makes you happy cause in reality it is just hair and it can be beautiful, long/short, and healthy whether it be relaxed or natural.
Whatever makes you happy! :-) But please tell me your staying in the APL challenge because im in it and need motivation from the others in it! lol.... but Good Luck, I had relaxed hair for 17 years and my hair was the longest it had ever been, BSL close to MBL. My ends weren't thin or anything. Hopefully I can get there again while being natural!....

& i dnt think your shampoos or conditioners would have to change that much. Only thing to lay off of is the heavy/thick oils and shea butter... you know, stuff like that
Whatever makes you happy! :-) But please tell me your staying in the APL challenge because im in it and need motivation from the others in it! lol.... but Good Luck, I had relaxed hair for 17 years and my hair was the longest it had ever been, BSL close to MBL. My ends weren't thin or anything. Hopefully I can get there again while being natural!....

& i dnt think your shampoos or conditioners would have to change that much. Only thing to lay off of is the heavy/thick oils and shea butter... you know, stuff like that

Thanks ladies :) Oh, I'm definitely staying in the APL challenge. I'm not cutting/trimming ANYTHING until October or later. Even though I'm gonna relax, my goal is still MBL. I ALMOST APL the other day but, if I'm being really honest with myself, I think I have maybe about 3/4"-1" left :ohwell:

Ok, I'm gonna make an appointment to get my hair relaxed next week. :grin:
We're in the same boat. Just thinking abt my tangles is exhausting. So I'm relaxing this weekend. Now I can go to the gym and stop making excuses to stay inside when it's hot out cuz I didn't want my hair to revert! Good luck. Pics pics pics!!

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Wow, I bet the time really flew by fast, like alot of ladies are saying, do what is best for you. You have had the best of both worlds, so now you know what you like, please post pics!!
YOu have to as all have said do what is right for you.
YOu know it is possible and have the information at hand to continue your journey with natural or relaxed hair. :)
What products have you been using? I use the same products as when as I was natural, just more protein more often and lighter hand with oils etc. Post pix:grin: