Encouragement and prayer for twin


Well-Known Member
So right now my twin is in tech school(military) down in Mississippi. He said he's having a difficult time grasping what he needs to learn and to add on he doesn't get along with the people. He said they're not only atheists they're of the anti-Christian type.

I don't know how to encourage him as I'm having encouraging myself.

So please lift him up in your prayers.

And if you have any scriptures, sermons or songs that are particularly uplifting please don't hesitate to post them.
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Will definitely lift your brother up in prayer. Has he been tested for learning disabilities? Some learning environments are better suited for some than others. How does this environment compare with other environments where he has been successful?

Tell your brother that the Lord our God has promised that He will never leave nor forsake us. Your brother is not alone even though he might feel that way. Also, tell him that we can do all things through Christ who is our strength. God has a plan for your brother. It may or may not include being where he's presently at. Seek God's guidance and wisdom on this.
Will definitely lift your brother up in prayer. Has he been tested for learning disabilities? Some learning environments are better suited for some than others. How does this environment compare with other environments where he has been successful?

Tell your brother that the Lord our God has promised that He will never leave nor forsake us. Your brother is not alone even though he might feel that way. Also, tell him that we can do all things through Christ who is our strength. God has a plan for your brother. It may or may not include being where he's presently at. Seek God's guidance and wisdom on this.

No, he's never been tested but I don't believe he has any. But it wouldn't actually matter anyway, the Air Force doesn't make concessions for that as far as I'm aware. If they thought you had a learning disability they wouldn't let you in. He's doing some type of computer stuff. It's actually a new job in the AF so I have no idea what it is. It is different his class starts at 6 AM runs til 3 or 4 PM. Afterward he has drill practice(?) He doesn't generally start studying til around 8:30 at night.

I will tell him that :) Thank you very much.

He had a close friend he made in basic that was a Christian and they relied/helped/prayed with each other but they're separated now :( The people he lives with/goes to school with aren't people he can turn to. I think it's particularly hard on him because he is a people person.
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Maybe some air force types here can offer some suggestions. He has a very full schedule and not a lot of time to study independently.

Tell him to stay encouraged. While his friend is no longer there for support, its a blessing that you and others are. Let's keep your brother in prayer. I believe God will help him figure this out.
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