Emotional Cheating! What's the deal??

No and it's unlikely she'll be able to because of an illness. From what I know, she married him thinking she wouldn't be able to get anyone else and since finishing school and getting new job she thinks she's on top of the world. As far as I know her husband doesn't have a clue.

He isn't stupid.IDK a woman can't hide when dickmatized. Lol for real. He has to wonder why she randomly does the dougie while cooking cleaning or doing mundane tasks.
maybe her husband needs to stop being so lame :look: I mean dude obviously noticed something is weird with his wife, shouldnt he be doing whatever he can to get back her admiration and attention, nooo he's crying around like a little b.

ok seriously
I agree 100%. Can't stand no whining man. But, being that she married him, it's her job to protect the boundaries of their relationship. If she is so unattracted to him that she feels the need to seek out another, she either needs to tell him where he's failing and give him a chance to make amends, or to go 'head on and divorce him. But don't ruin him for the next girl (by cheating cheating or otherwise acting a fool). I hate women like that. It's inconsiderate to 'the village' (of sistas trynna find Mr. Black and Right :look:).
He isn't stupid.IDK a woman can't hide when dickmatized. Lol for real. He has to wonder why she randomly does the dougie while cooking cleaning or doing mundane tasks.

Oh yes she can...

About 15 yrs ago I was really good friends with a married woman who was living this life. She was a pro at it. I felt sorry for her husband. Back then I was more of the mmob type. Now, I could not tolerate to be in a friendship with someone like that. I knew other women in relationships who were doing it for years like a pro.
No and it's unlikely she'll be able to because of an illness. From what I know, she married him thinking she wouldn't be able to get anyone else and since finishing school and getting new job she thinks she's on top of the world. As far as I know her husband doesn't have a clue.

Figured as much. *sighs*

Since she doesnt have kids as baggage, she really should leave.
I agree 100%. Can't stand no whining man. But, being that she married him, it's her job to protect the boundaries of their relationship. If she is so unattracted to him that she feels the need to seek out another, she either needs to tell him where he's failing and give him a chance to make amends, or to go 'head on and divorce him. But don't ruin him for the next girl (by cheating cheating or otherwise acting a fool). I hate women like that. It's inconsiderate to 'the village' (of sistas trynna find Mr. Black and Right :look:).

They sound white to me though. :lol:
Reminds me of that time on Girlfriends that Mya was cheating emotionally with that one guy on her husband and he kicked her out. Anyone remember that?
He isn't stupid.IDK a woman can't hide when dickmatized. Lol for real. He has to wonder why she randomly does the dougie while cooking cleaning or doing mundane tasks.

woman can hide it and stay acting as usual towards their husband / so...

ive done it already in the past, and for a long time... for my own reasons . je never found our except when i started showing it ( on purpose). any i broke up. had no kids, was not married.

now ... i wouldn do that. ..
I agree 100%. Can't stand no whining man. But, being that she married him, it's her job to protect the boundaries of their relationship. If she is so unattracted to him that she feels the need to seek out another, she either needs to tell him where he's failing and give him a chance to make amends, or to go 'head on and divorce him. But don't ruin him for the next girl (by cheating cheating or otherwise acting a fool). I hate women like that. It's inconsiderate to 'the village' (of sistas trynna find Mr. Black and Right :look:).

the ex i cheated on was someone i loved a lot... the je started to annoy me and was making no efforts!
i cooked dinner: sometimes i ended up eating alone (he could come back at 1 or 2 am.... without calling me and telling me he stayîng out)
he started smoking weed a lot: i dont like dating smokers (he said it was occasionnal only at nights out)
he programmed last minuter trips out the country (with his friends).. not asking if i had planned anything my side ( we lived together)
he no longer wanted to go out (movies): brought up stupid excuses...
he didnt wanna go out for dinner (he said that was tipically "parisian") (he was french by the way.. born in paris).
he would act like a single guy and never take me out, do anything ..

je would hang around on a stupid Bench for hours outside with his "homies"
he had no ambition...

i told him everything that i found wrong in the relationship...i kept telling him i feel "forgotten" by him... he kept doing his thang..
i got fed up , started going out with my friends (as he was never home) thats when i met men willing to listen to me, make me feel beautiful, fun,and i had fun... so i just kept on going..
but i ended up breaking up after.

his parents had told him: think of your girlfriend. you always leave her on her own, she might leave you one day. i did .

the one im with now though: all this wont happen. we have 2 kids, we are friends, lovers , have fun and trust. healthy relationship :-)
Sorry you went through all that. This part you wrote: "i told him everything that i found wrong in the relationship...i kept telling him i feel "forgotten" by him... he kept doing his thang.." made me sad. Women are taught to communicate and I'm learning that it's to our detriment. We talk too much and explain to much. People who love you and are a good match for you, friends and romantic partners, don't require repeated requests and/or explanations IMO. I'm glad you moved on and are happy now.
coolsista-paris Sorry you went through all that. This part you wrote: "i told him everything that i found wrong in the relationship...i kept telling him i feel "forgotten" by him... he kept doing his thang.." made me sad. Women are taught to communicate and I'm learning that it's to our detriment. We talk too much and explain to much. People who love you and are a good match for you, friends and romantic partners, don't require repeated requests and/or explanations IMO. I'm glad you moved on and are happy now.

it was hard to leave though. (we stayed 5 years together)..
whenever i told him what was wrong and that i was tired ... his answer "im gonna change"
of course he didnt!
i waited, stayed patient..... over a year repeating the same thing...he still didnt change.
oh, : je was jealous as hell!!!!! we even used to fight! (the first time, he hit my arm)! i thought ok, it was all an accident. then we used to argue and sometimes fight..
thing that made me leave was out last argument and fight. i ended up strangling him and at that very moment i felt like stabbing him (anger). it was a complicated relationship . wierd one...
he could be calm, then with jealousy completely go WILD.
i waited for him to be at work , told my sister to help me move out . when he came back: nothing was left. i went back to my parents....

when he did realize it was really over, he said he wanted me back, and understood my messages, and was ready to do what i asked (move to another city, away from his stupid habbits of non stop weed smoking friends, have kids)....
i didnt go back! thank god i didnt have kids with him.
i learned by someone close to him, that his dater used to béat his mom..... :-/

anyway, thats farrrrr away. the man i am with now was my émotional cheater partner. (9 years we are together now).. :-) soon 10 and 2 lovely boys .
and he treats me like a queen still today