Emergency Breaks and Sheds Need Dabur Alma/Vatika Oil


New Member
I'm one of those who is very implusive with my hair. Especially at night when a little boredom sets in and my experiential vibes start going on. Last night i wanted to fix my underprocessed texturizer, thinking I knew what I was doing half sleep.

Of course I bust into the beauty box an whip out my big jar of affirm and section off the hair I thought was underprocessed conditioning the parts I thought were okay. And you know I got breakage city up there. So as the hairs are flying and I'm thinking "I guess I'll be rocking a twa for this summer" something told me "NO, I am not cutting my hair no matter what!" so I got to work. I did the Reconstructor, still breaking, I did the VO5 condish wash, still breaking but better...finally as a last resort I did this:

I used two cap full of Dabur Alma Oil
One squirt of Castor Oil
And one squirt of Dabur Vatika Oil

rubbed it in to my scalp and my ends and put a plastic cap on and prayed for the best. I woke up this morning and took the cap off...Not ONE break of hair, even when I handled it. Even when I took a shower...even now that I'm running my fingers through my fro. Plus my hair is shinning like glass curly. I'm sure that there are things that work just as well as this combination. But I've never experienced any thing to work as fast as this.

Those who are having problems with the sheds and breaks may want to look into this method if they plan on washing or condish washing in the morning. I know it doesn't smell too hot but damn it works...:grin:
Girl sometimes you never know what you will come up with once you get to mixing things and sometimes it works just like you want it!! Good Job!
I take good care of my hair but it still breaks when wet. So I am going to try this tonight. I don't have castor oil though so I am substituting Emu oil.
And the stuff I bought is called Dabur Amla Gold. No bad smell and from what I can tell it has no mineral oil in it.
And the stuff I bought is called Dabur Amla Gold. No bad smell and from what I can tell it has no mineral oil in it.

Hey LaidBak,

Would you mind posting the ingredients in the Dabur Amla Gold? I'd been avoiding the original Dabur Amla because of the mineral oil and sticking to Vatika or Ramtirth, but the PJ in me is always on the lookout for something new! :lick:
I'm one of those who is very implusive with my hair. Especially at night when a little boredom sets in and my experiential vibes start going on. Last night i wanted to fix my underprocessed texturizer, thinking I knew what I was doing half sleep.

Of course I bust into the beauty box an whip out my big jar of affirm and section off the hair I thought was underprocessed conditioning the parts I thought were okay. And you know I got breakage city up there. So as the hairs are flying and I'm thinking "I guess I'll be rocking a twa for this summer" something told me "NO, I am not cutting my hair no matter what!" so I got to work. I did the Reconstructor, still breaking, I did the VO5 condish wash, still breaking but better...finally as a last resort I did this:

I used two cap full of Dabur Alma Oil
One squirt of Castor Oil
And one squirt of Dabur Vatika Oil

rubbed it in to my scalp and my ends and put a plastic cap on and prayed for the best. I woke up this morning and took the cap off...Not ONE break of hair, even when I handled it. Even when I took a shower...even now that I'm running my fingers through my fro. Plus my hair is shinning like glass curly. I'm sure that there are things that work just as well as this combination. But I've never experienced any thing to work as fast as this.

Those who are having problems with the sheds and breaks may want to look into this method if they plan on washing or condish washing in the morning. I know it doesn't smell too hot but damn it works...:grin:
Actually I did this yesterday minus the castor oil and I can say that it really works because I have been having breakage during the whole month of january and I was about to give up but I'm glad that I finally found a cure.:grin:
I am glad you found a helpful solution.Finding the right products to fix a hair problem can be nerve racking since everyone's hair responds slightly different to different things. Dabur Amla Oil has been one of my long time favorites. Amla oil seems to solve whatever ails my hair. I love it. I'm sure there have to be some threads on here aboutthe benefits of Amla oil.
OK, I put that mixture in my hair last night. I slept with a plastic cap on. I just got done washing and I must say.... *trumpets blowing* Da Da Da Da!! *Heavens opening, Angels singing* Ahhhhhhh!
There was no hair in my comb when I was done. Not-a-one. Hot Dangit Ladies, we have a winner!

TRJ1922, the box is written in Arabic (I think that's what it is). But that did not deter me! On another long hair board a Lady photographed the box and posted the ingredients on another board to get an Arab speaker to translate. This is what the response was...

"Main Ingrediants are : Vegetable Oils ( Palmolien and canola ) - Extracts of Henna , Extracts indian gooseberry ( Amla ) .silicons .Almond oil , Sunprotect ingredients , Permitted colour and perfumes"
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^^^^when i first started on my hair journey i was going to buy this stuff because it used to be sold at sephora but i was afraid of the price tag(this si pre pj-ness). i rather stik with vatika or coconut oil and be fine.