Dabur Vatika Hair Oil?????


Well-Known Member
Has anyone heard of this or used it. I heard it mentioned on another site and looked it up and it seems pretty good. has anyone tried it?

Here is the link to it:
Dabur Vatika Hair Oil

God bless you all.

I haven't tried the oil, but I WILL be trying the Henna Conditioning shampoo...It looks divine!

Why don't you try that amla oil and write a review? By the ingredients listed, it looks awesome.

i think i purchase the amla oil but i am not sure if it is the same formula since i bought it in a store rather than from the site. i have heard so many good things about amla and all the other indian oils. if i can find the vatika oil i will have to try it out since it says it has pure coconut oil, henna, amla and lemon. sounds like good stuff. i wonder if they have the ingredients. i will have to investigate.
God bless you all.
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azul11 said:
how did you like it? God bless you all.

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azul11 said:
how did you like it?

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It's nice. I use it to massage my scalp and oil my hair the night before a shikakai powder wash or rinse. It makes my twists rather silky if I use a little before hand. You can find Vatika oil online. Just type it into a search engine and you will get lots of sites that deliver it.
I cant wait to buy some I use other kinds of oils and I like them very much. I will buy some hopefully this week take care ty
i did a search on vatika oil and i came across Ramtirth Brahmi Oil which i have. i was just reading testimony from people who use this. these things have been sitting on my dresser since January when I was so desperate to get them after that proven hair growth thread. i may have to give these as try. i think the amla oil and the brahmi oil can be used as a sort of preshampoo treatment since on the dabur site it says to massage into scalp and keep it on overnight and then shampoo. they recommened this twice a week. i may try this.

do these oils darken the hair? i want the benefits without the color change. i may use the amla on my ends as well. God bless you all.
Is this oil, only for naturals. Im relaxed and have used it as pre- shampoo treatment
. It helped to soften new growth
I saw this PAK when I went a few weeks ago and didn't buy any indian hair products due to the fact they ALL had mineral oil as the MAIN ingredient
The one in the link provided was one of them.
I've used Dabur Alma oil and haven't noticed any change in my hair color. However, my hair doesn't take to any dyes (natural or not) at all so I don't know what it will do for anyone else. I think there are some ladies from LLL who have used it too. I can't remember if sweetcocoa was one of them or not. Maybe LondonDiva or Jada1111.
yesss that is why i was hesistant to try them. i may still use them because the people who i have seen use this have some beautiful heads of hair,very shiny, black,thick and long. i think it may be okay since it only recommends to use it before a wash. i'll have to see this out and the ingredients for vatika seem so good. defintely on my to try list.
God bless you all.
have you used it on the scalp or on the hair? i will use this as a preshampoo as directed and maybe a bit on the ends. i think it would be too greasy for the hair though i am not entirely sure. God bless you all.
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azul11 said:
i did a search on vatika oil and i came across Ramtirth Brahmi Oil which i have. i was just reading testimony from people who use this. these things have been sitting on my dresser since January when I was so desperate to get them after that proven hair growth thread. i may have to give these as try. i think the amla oil and the brahmi oil can be used as a sort of preshampoo treatment since on the dabur site it says to massage into scalp and keep it on overnight and then shampoo. they recommened this twice a week. i may try this.

do these oils darken the hair? i want the benefits without the color change. i may use the amla on my ends as well. God bless you all.

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My hair takes TOO well to dyes (re: the henna incident) and it has not darkened my hair when used properly. But I agree with you when you said it might be because you wash it out. Once I used the Vatika oil for 5 days and didn't wash it out. My hair did get a little darker then. But it went back to it's normal color after a week or so.
i am learning so much about the indian oils and techniques for skin and hair. thank you so much for the link. i have some shikakai and amla powder and all i need to purchase is aritha powder to make a shampoo. i went to from nature with love and they also had virgin coconut cream but it was back ordered. i am really interested in getting that vatika oil. its like its calling me.
i will have to search all through nyc for this stuff.
God bless you all.
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have you used it on the scalp or on the hair? i will use this as a preshampoo as directed and maybe a bit on the ends. i think it would be too greasy for the hair though i am not entirely sure. God bless you all.

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I have used it on both my scalp and on my hair. I massage it on my scalp first (for about five minutes) and then I put a good amount on the hair and place a few shower caps (it runs very easily) on my head and leave it on for one or two hours. I like the scent and it usually lasts for two days after I've rinsed it out. You have to rinse it out very well because I thought I had all of it out and it made my hair very greasy even after it was dry.