Embracing Your Natural Hair

Have you fully embraced your natural hair?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 181 58.8%
  • No, but I'm working on it.

    Votes: 62 20.1%
  • No, and I don't want to embrace it.

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • Some days are better than others....

    Votes: 58 18.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Are you at the point where you have fully embraced your natural hair and no longer compare your hair to others? Or are you still trying to achieve your dream hair?

It took me a while to get to this point, but now I think I am pretty much there. I know what my hair does and doesn't do and I've accepted it. For example, even though I adore Teri's hair from www.tightlycurly.com I realize and accept that my hair will never look like hers, and that's okay with me. No longer do I look for hair twins, because I realize that my hair is uniquely mine.

I really enjoyed Suburbanbushbabe's article on www.CurlyNikki.com today. Click here for the article!. The article inspired me to start this thread. Please share and feel free to post pics.
I have fully embraced my texture. I love it and am actually pleased that it is very thick, bushy, frizzy, kinky, nappy, and lush. I love that look.

HOWEVER (lol) I am still trying to achieve my dream length: A single huge afro puff.
When I think I have accepted and embraced my hair will do something to surprise me (in a good way) .. so for me its continuous..
It is still a struggle for me. Its been just about 2 yrs since my last perm and I BC'd about 6 months ago. I quickly noticed that the front of my hair didnt curl (frizzy nigtmare). I couldnt wear the wash and go I wanted and I couldnt tell if it was just heat damage or what. Good news is that yesterday I noticed my newgrowth was curly so theres hope. This made me very happy. I realize that it has truely been a journey for me and I have my ups and downs but overall I am happy to be natural.
Are you at the point where you have fully embraced your natural hair and no longer compare your hair to others? Or are you still trying to achieve your dream hair?

How does one demonstrate that they have 'fully embraced their natural hair?'
People will view this differently. For example, a die hard natural may say anyone who straightens their hair has not fully accepted their natural hair.
Food for thought...
I like Lyoness's response. It's continuous.
Honestly, it's a work in progress because I'm not fully comfortable wearing my hair in a natural state (no product, no heat, no manipulation as in shingling etc.) at my current length.
LOL, Jennboo, you took the words out of my mouth. I am in complete total acceptance of my natural hair texture, and to be quite honest I love it. Now as Jennboo said, I'm working on my dream length. Now if she will only play nice when she gets there, lol.....cause my girl gets really big and long and can we say time consuming. But I love her just the same.
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I've embraced my texture and I actually love it. I'm not thinking about a relaxer, and dont think I ever will. It took a while, but I think I'm their. I think since I had a bone straight relaxer most of my life, that the change is refreshing for me. I feel alot healthier, because the chemicals were wrecking havoc on my skin so its really natural I feel better.lol
Great post! Yes I have accepted my hair for what it is. I have been completely natural for about 17 months. At first I tried all the different methods to get it to "look" a certain way ( including gel). Now I only use oils and honey ( for moisture) and KIM! I love it. It did take awhile probably over a year but, once I started seeing more length, I began to relax and enjoy my simple hair life!!! And, I honestly love my hair!! LOL!! Sorry so long!!
Are you at the point where you have fully embraced your natural hair and no longer compare your hair to others? Or are you still trying to achieve your dream hair?

How does one demonstrate that they have 'fully embraced their natural hair?'
People will view this differently. For example, a die hard natural may say anyone who straightens their hair has not fully accepted their natural hair.
Food for thought...
I like Lyoness's response. It's continuous.
Honestly, it's a work in progress because I'm not fully comfortable wearing my hair in a natural state (no product, no heat, no manipulation as in shingling etc.) at my current length.
I fully agree

and furthermore dont think that you have to wear your hair as is, naked etc etc to be accepting

but sadly folks do take it that far

so I know just why you said it that way
I'm happy to say, I've made it, I truly have and it a wonderful place to be in.

It took me a while to get here, in the beginning of my transition and well into it I wasnt ready to fully embrace it but little by little I began to do things with my hair that embraced the natural texture I was blessed with and I began to love its versatility. Now, my hair is my playground, a world of options open up to you when you allow your hair to thrive and be what it is:yep:
Are you at the point where you have fully embraced your natural hair and no longer compare your hair to others? Or are you still trying to achieve your dream hair?

It took me a while to get to this point, but now I think I am pretty much there. I know what my hair does and doesn't do and I've accepted it. For example, even though I adore Teri's hair from www.tightlycurly.com I realize and accept that my hair will never look like hers, and that's okay with me. No longer do I look for hair twins, because I realize that my hair is uniquely mine.

I really enjoyed Suburbanbushbabe's article on www.CurlyNikki.com today. Click here for the article!. The article inspired me to start this thread. Please share and feel free to post pics.

Suburbanbushbabe is a great person. I met up with her a few times here in Mass and she's quite the PJ LOL she taught me well.

I did the BC two years ago and I'm still learning about my hair. I've already accepted my hair as it is. I'm also learning so much as it grows, season change, etc... I'm also becoming less "militant" LOL on what others do to their own hair and what I can do with mine.

BTW Celinastar, your hair is gorgeous! Might not look like Terri's hair, but it is beautiful too.
i have never had an issue with my hair as far as comparing it to others hair. i have loved my hair the minute i cut it all off. so yes, i have fully embraced it.
I'm there and I love feeling this way.

I enjoy wearing my hair in natural styles and an occasional straight style. I am not napptural because of that but I can handle it.

I LOVE looking at natural and relaxed hair pics from here and other boards, blogs and sites and especially love success stories from any woman who has seen improvement in their hair's condition and have a large soft spot for those who are attempting to go natural.

Some days are better than others. I say this because I have a LOT of hair... thick thick never ending mass and a big head along with that. Styling takes forever. I'd be stuck in front of the mirror detangling and twisting/braiding my hair and be so exhausted and NO WHERE near done and I'll just scream out "WHY!?"... as if to ask why I was born with this hair that can't be effortlessly thrown into a ponytail after I wash it :wallbash:. But the moment I'm done the styling process and I see the end results I'm back to loving my hair again :grin:
Unfortunately, no. I'm trying to work on fully accepting my natural hair but sometimes taking care of it seems like a chore. I wish I could just wash and go but with this dry, unruly 4b hair of mine, it's just not possible.:nono:
Are you at the point where you have fully embraced your natural hair and no longer compare your hair to others? Or are you still trying to achieve your dream hair?

How does one demonstrate that they have 'fully embraced their natural hair?'
People will view this differently. For example, a die hard natural may say anyone who straightens their hair has not fully accepted their natural hair.
Food for thought...
I like Lyoness's response. It's continuous.
Honestly, it's a work in progress because I'm not fully comfortable wearing my hair in a natural state (no product, no heat, no manipulation as in shingling etc.) at my current length.

Your hair is beautiful!
I also have fully embraced my natural hair. I've been natural twice before this time. But, I didn't know how to properly take care of my hair. So always around the 2 yr mark I relaxed. But i always liked the way i felt and looked while natural. Once finding this website. I embarked once again on a natural journey. This time i am determined will be my last and final time. I am so confident now that I know how to take care of my hair. The growth that I saw in 2 yrs i have accomplished in one. I am still working on my goal length of MBL, but am satisfied with my texture. I have accepted that my hair is cottony not silky, that it grows in a tight spiral not a loose curl. I accept it and it is beautiful, just as I am.
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no, because i'm in the awkward stage that she mentioned and i hate it lol. when i'm WL and have a huge fro then i can talk about how i'm ~one with my hair~ or some other bs
I have adopted an "It is what it is" attitude from the start of my HHJ. I had no idea what my hair would turn out to be, but I knew instinctively that acceptance was key to my happiness.

I can admire others hair without getting envious or jealous.
I have embraced my hair. I look in the mirror sometimes (or at pics) and just gush, like "DAYUM, my hair is the BIZ-NESS!"

I want a head full of it down my back.

It just keeps getting better and better for me bc the more accepting I become of my natural texture & styling capabilities (and perceived limitations), my hair always does something new and different on top of what I expect and it's always a pleasant surprise.
It ebbs and flows. I just came off of wearing it straight for a month so seeing all that shrinkage after it dried curly almost made me feel bald. However, I got caught up in the beauty of the texture and forgot all about that...

I can't say definitively that I will always be natural, which is probably the biggest reason I voted "some days are better than others", but there are definitely more days where I am convinced I will never try a texturizer/relaxer again.
Love my texture...I was just admiring it in the mirror yesterday in fact. Love the health. Love all the different styles it's capable of achieving. I even love the length (just happy not to be bald)...but I would love for it to be longer.

I'm still working on accepting that I don't have super thick hair...and once I get rid of my fake hair stash I'll know that I'm 100% there.
I mean hair without product and no manipulation equals breakage, this is why my hair was always snapping off in the comb when I was a child. Even in Africa, they used shea butter, wore big plaits and used combs that is how many of the women grew their hair long those who didn't had the shorter hair. I think that people take the concept of natural a bit too far.

Almond Eyes
:yep: I agree. My hair goes through changes, so I have to keep learning my hair. As it gets longer, it behaves and looks different. So, with each change, I am accepting and embracing my hair.

Lately, the newest addition to accepting my natural hair is not wanting to straighten it anymore. I used to always think how I couldn't wait until I was WL, so I could straighten it and see the length. Now, I realize I can get my hair straight enough for my tastes with shea butter and large twists.

It's not a FIGHT AGAINST THE POWER thing either. It's just I am really in love with how my hair looks, and I don't see the point in straightening when I've discovered a way to show length without it. :grin:

When I think I have accepted and embraced my hair will do something to surprise me (in a good way) .. so for me its continuous..
I like my hair texture :yep: It's coily, coarse, spongy and unique in it's own way! Definitely cool hair.

Now, all I need is length and I'm set. :)
I feel you on that. My hair is thick, but then I see someone like LynnieB, and I just want my hair to be even thicker.

MSA, your hair looks really thick in your avatar though.

Love my texture...I was just admiring it in the mirror yesterday in fact. Love the health. Love all the different styles it's capable of achieving. I even love the length (just happy not to be bald)...but I would love for it to be longer.

I'm still working on accepting that I don't have super thick hair...and once I get rid of my fake hair stash I'll know that I'm 100% there.
Im not quite there yet. I think it will come. Right now I battle with SSK and I am more comfortable with cornrowing my hair down and managing it that way.

Nonetheless this is a great thread. subscribing
I'd be lying if I said that I never get frustrated with my hair or wish that a "quick pony" was an option and the fact of the matter is - a 'quick pony' IS an option, I just have to mentally upgrade what my idea of a "pony" is. :grin:

Everyday my hair does something different, and interesting, and surprising and I'm continually amazed by it. :yep: I can still admire other textures and see that they're beautiful w/o it affecting my opinion of my own fro - and that's what really lets me know that I'm where I need to be.