Elecritic Rollers - Friend or Foe?


New Member
I just bought some ionic hot rollers and I'm wondering if they're a better alternative to curling irons and flat irons. I figure I won't be recurling certain parts over a over the way that i might with a curling iron so they're healthier. And if I use a lower heat setting (the heat's adjustable), I won't be doing that much damage. I just haven't figured out how to make my hair look good without some sort of heat. What do you think about them?

They are a fair weather friend for me. :)

I have a set that I rarely use, but they have come in handy in a pinch.

I have had to resort to using them when I was rushing to get ready for a function and my curls fell. My Remington set helps to diminish frizz and curls well. I prefer it over using a curling iron, but unlike my curling iron, I don't know what the temperature is. But, it seems to be less direct heat that my curling iron because of the velvet covering on the rollers.

I would be afraid to use it often. I would say I have to blow the dust off mine 3 or 4 times a year, if that.
I love hot rollers,but just like any other electrical appliance, overuse can cause damage.
middlegirl said:
I just bought some ionic hot rollers and I'm wondering if they're a better alternative to curling irons and flat irons. I figure I won't be recurling certain parts over a over the way that i might with a curling iron so they're healthier. And if I use a lower heat setting (the heat's adjustable), I won't be doing that much damage. I just haven't figured out how to make my hair look good without some sort of heat. What do you think about them?

I have this very same product that I plan on selling real soon. Those rollers didn't do anything for my hair. The "curls" looked more like waves and after a while the waves drooped and I had straight hair again. I thought it was a waste of money. :(
Awe! Oh well. I used them today and my curls fell. i thought I must have used them the wrong way. Well... i guess that's what ebay's for...