

New Member
Hey, so to get 2" in one month
You Every month:
Took Multivitamin
Protein Diet
Protein Treatment
Flaxseed or Evening Primose
A Hair and Nail Vitamin
Washed only with Conditioner
Used MTG
& Baggie method
Kept Hair Moisturized

How many times did you use MTG a week and wash your hair?
You never had to do any Acid Rinses, use shampoo, or pouristy like Roux, or daily rinses...

Anything Im Missing???

Thanks Thanx Thanx:D
Yeah Ekomba has a brilliant routine, even i can't keep up with lol!! her vitamin regime is a lot like how mine used to be a few years ago.
ThinNnappy said:
Den, you have some Very pretty hair, i never knew natural hair could look that beautiful-dont make me cut my hair off
Thanks for the compliment, but i have use too much product to get my hair to look nice. i'm still transitioning but i'm thinking of relaxing around my birthday.
den1 said:
Thanks for the compliment, but i have use too much product to get my hair to look nice. i'm still transitioning but i'm thinking of relaxing around my birthday.

really?! I was like this a couple of days ago....whatever you decide I wish you HHG!
(long answer sorry girls) awww sorry ThinNnappy! i did not see this thread before i never been called out before :p hey Luvlilocks !:D and my name is Ekomba but hey Ekombia and Ekombi that s so cucute :lol: :grin: thanks Ayoung1981 for pointing me to the thread lol. else i would not have seen it.okay girls my regimen:sorry it may be long if i forget things just point it to me and i be glad to answer any questions.

hum my regimen i wont lie i was inspired by Den1 while transitioning last year, she was the first to grow one inch in 2 weeks and my mouth just dropped when i saw all her beautiful natural hair. and all the pills she was poppin!!!:eek: wow i was having problems with my thinning hair and decided to shave it all of june 2005 and grow it in 2years to my waist. I know i m crazy but inspired by her growth if she could get 1inch in 2 weeks, i devised my regimen and included a lil bit of everything.

I usually get 0.25" per month, doing nothing and no vits. it was trial and error as some vitamins did not work at all like GNC Ultra mega and nourishair. so at first i was taking 2 protein shakes daily ( first the puritan pride vanilla one) and vitamins (Freeda biotin 10mg, EPO 1500MG, Natures made super b complex, solo multivitamin, skin hair nails) and using the mtg with the huile masketi at first, i would get 1"but always with braids and cornrows but i like cornrows better cause i lose more hair with braids at the roots with matting and dirt.

I succeeded to get 2" a month, by not only using the MTG daily, undiluted on cornrows, and baggy method and cowash every 3 days. i switched to puritan pride biotin 6 mg, with vitol hair nails and skin ( i now take vitol great hair cause the ingredients are way more potent) which contains 3mg of biotin, the msm has made a lot of difference too i was taking 12,000mg daily i now take around 9000mg.

but it was mostly the mtg morning and the masketi evening and i did a mix of surge,minoval drop, wgo, braid spray, masketi and also did a stinky challenge. i would put this concoction the evening and the mtg in the morning and stay in baggy no matter what. and wash every 3 days. I would also take Nature s Bounty Evening Primerose oil, Natures made super b complex, and grease my scalp with either bronners b&b, frenchees, hollywood castor oil.

I now changed the vits that i take cause i m a pj and always looking for something better but if i m able to attain my goal in 2 years instead of 6 , i can relax later.

Ever since i realized that in fact anything containing the right amount of moisture, amino acids, sulfur, minerals, and herbs will grow your hair to your greatest potential, i try to eat better and it had play a part: protein rich food like eggs, protein shakes, lots of veggies and fruits i m an apple fiend so now that my diet got better i see shinier, thicker hair. now i m really looking into antifungal and antidandruff products cause many ingredients keep coming up in those things that are the key to growth

cowashes were a life saver. i dont use shampoo the only one i can tolerate is cream of nature green label but its still leaves my hair a lil bit dryer

the main thing is the combination of everything plus an healthy diet and leaving the hair alone in protective styles with low or no manipulation. i used to leave the hair in cornrows with the mtg and the concoction and i m really generous with the mtg on my scalp i put a lot and i put it daily. a 32oz bottle only last 2 months for me. hum so far that s all i can think off let me know if i did not answer all questions. now i mostly see what all the products have in common and its possible even if you have a determined growth to extend your growth cycle meaning that more hair gets the time to grow during those 3-6 years. my growth so far is abnormal as i big chopped in june and the year is not over yet my anniversary will be end of june 06 . so i know its a bit playing with nature. but it s different when your hair is already short i mean i m sorry but cant wait 6 years to see some length. i know it might sound extreme but i got checked last month and for the first time the doctor said i was at the best i ever been and what was my secret to be so healthy so the vits are filling a need and i m just taking for one more year

We have an all out challenge for 2006 that ends in december where we decided Den and i to really go all out but then relax after december and let nature takes its course:lachen: i view it as a way to give it a little boost:D

So yes i believe in crown and glory, in protective styles, in leaving the hair alone, in cowashes, in simple maintenance but while i do all of that i m put that concoction right under the baggy take my vits in the morning and hop for one year nice growth :grin:

ThinNnappy said:
Hey, so to get 2" in one month
You Every month:
Took Multivitamin
Protein Diet
Protein Treatment
Flaxseed or Evening Primose
A Hair and Nail Vitamin
Washed only with Conditioner
Used MTG
& Baggie method
Kept Hair Moisturized

How many times did you use MTG a week and wash your hair?
You never had to do any Acid Rinses, use shampoo, or pouristy like Roux, or daily rinses...

Anything Im Missing???

Thanks Thanx Thanx:D
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Thank-you so much. everytime i searched 2 inches in 1 month, i saw your name (sorry i spelled it wrong) and i was geting confused and wanted to ask you myself. I hope i can get 2 inches back to back like you.

But have you noticed a difference from using cheaper to more expensive vitamins...cause msm that i saw can range from $8-$20/25, and i wanna spend $8:grin:
ThinNnappy said:
Thank-you so much. everytime i searched 2 inches in 1 month, i saw your name (sorry i spelled it wrong) and i was geting confused and wanted to ask you myself. I hope i can get 2 inches back to back like you.

But have you noticed a difference from using cheaper to more expensive vitamins...cause msm that i saw can range from $8-$20/25, and i wanna spend $8:grin:

Oh you welcome girl. yeah i do see a difference the msm that i used to use MSM Trimedica was expensive around the $30s and i saw no results whatsoever and the cheaper one Carlson MSM Sulfur (around $13 i think)i saw the difference, the vitamins i currently use are not expensive the puritan pride biotin is less than $6dol, the solo multivit was around $5 , the designer whey shake was 19.99, i also use foti , every vit i use is less than 20dol except the shen min in the 20s. Even the gueyes vits i dont consider expensive like viviscal where you have to shell 75 -150 dol or formula hf 37. it adds up for me cause i buy like 2 or 3 of each some i take 5 cause i easily run out.

I also notice that it has nothing to do with price in general and not even the product like lets say hair vit, biotin , msm but all to do with the brand. for instance i can easily take 20mg of Freeda biotin in one day but i cant take 10mg of Puritan Pride cause its too potent for me so it mostly experimenting . i use as a rule of thumb, the color of my urine ( i know its gross:grin:) if it s neon yellow i know i m not assimilating the product but if its clear i m good and i usually get lots of itching on my scalp this is when i know its working.

And 2inch a month is feasible:when you leave the hair alone without manipulating it, with protective styles and take the vits, better the diet ,add a high protein (be it protein shakes...eggs)and sulfur rich diet and drink a load of water, all the toxins can move out the body with the urine else if you dont drink a lot you break out in the face. the more vits you take, the more water you have to drink same thing with the msm else your face will break out and you will have spots and what not. i know it s hard but try leaving the hair a whole week at a time without manipulation (be it in a bun,ponytail or braids/cornrows) and just adding your oils mtg and stuff and taking your vits and washing for instance once a week and you will see the difference faster growth and less breakage
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ThinNnappy said:
Thank-you so much. everytime i searched 2 inches in 1 month, i saw your name (sorry i spelled it wrong) and i was geting confused and wanted to ask you myself. I hope i can get 2 inches back to back like you.

But have you noticed a difference from using cheaper to more expensive vitamins...cause msm that i saw can range from $8-$20/25, and i wanna spend $8:grin:

I thought you did it on purpose like... Utopia.... Ekombia Nation.:lachen:

I thought it was cute.