Either My Texture Is Changing, Or...


Active Member
I haven't gotten but like a quarter inch of growth in 6 weeks. I went to the salon this past weekend to get a protein treatment, and my stylist asked me how long ago we did my relaxer. I told her I thought it was 6 weeks because I know I have been stretching to 8 weeks, and she said, "I don't think it's been that long, because this isn't a lot of growth for you...lately, you've been having a lot of growth. Either that, or your texture is changing." And after she finished flat ironing my hair, I was looking at it, and it seems to be finer than normal. But the new growth that she didn't really put any heat on seems to be my normal texture, so I'm confused.

Could it be that I've been getting more vitamin C with my MSM, and that's why the texture is changing now whereas it hadn't changed before when I was just drinking the MSM?
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People have varying experiences with MSM. If you read my recent thread, you'd see that I agree with you that it's very possible to have a sudden dramatic hair texture change out of the blue by using MSM.

Since I hardly take it anymore, I realize that once you start messing with it, you better be sure you're up for the risk of a drastic texture change... You may not like it, and the results may be irreversible.

New hair is hard to work with sometimes!
There was a pretty long thread about taking MSM and hair texture.

I know that my texture has changed as well since taking it. I was doing 2000mg a day then went up to 3000 mg a day w/ vit C. My roots were coming in smoother without the kink that it would normally have. I also relax every 8-9 weeks and my roots dont look like the forest that I am accustomed to after that length of time.

I wore my hair straight for Christmas and it really looked like I didnt *need* a relaxer. My friends know that I am the queen of looking like I need to get my roots straightened but this is coming from women that relax at the slightest wave of the roots.

However, I saw the thread that someone posted on MSM changing their hair texture so I knew that it could happen. I still take MSM but not as religiously as I did. I like the kinky-ness of my hair when its close to relaxer time and love the feel of NG. It makes me feel as if my hair is growing!

I know my hair has grown even though my texture isnt as kinky at the root because I am closer to BSL than I was before. Its just harder to see and feel the growth if your roots are straighter.

I'm sure your hair has grown as well, the texture will fool you into believing it hasnt. :)
Get a ruler and measure your hair every other month so you'll know for sure if your growth has slowed or your hair is just growing out a different texture. I'm not taking MSM but my hair in the back and on the sides seems to be a weird type 1/2/3 - no kidding its straighter and softer for some odd reason but my edges and crown is type 4 kinky and tight. I didn't think it was growing but since I've been measuring I know I've gotten an inch of growth.
The ladies on this board are experiencing texture change from taking MSM. I however take Bamboo Silicia and I tell ya something is going on with my hair also...I noticed it about a month ago...when I was feeling for my ng around 4 or 5weeks because around that time I start feeling littles waves...well I wasn't feeling any waves...well I was but they was not curly or tight but my ng felt thicker..I can't really describe it but something is going on:)
I thought I remembered seeing a few threads about the possible texture change, but then when I didn't experience it the last time I was taking MSM, I thought my hair was immune. The other new thing I've been doing is taking Nettle and Horsetail. Could either of those be part of the cause for the texture change as well? I'm not really complaining, I guess... It's just weird that my hair looks like I haven't gotten any growth when I know I have.
Welcome to the "Texture Change Club":lol: I started MSM and silica 9/1/05. I'm 5z tight, don't bother me naps, then they stretched out:eek:
I knew things had changed when my wig stopped riding high at 14 weeks!

MSM I plan to continue indefinitely, silica for another 4 months.
I've noticed a texture change as well when I flat ironed I din't have to focus on the roots they looked and felt relaxed. And i'm natural im a little concerned though I don't want it to be thinner.
Thanks for posting this :). I have been sitting here racking my brain for the past month, trying to figure out what's going on with my new growth texture.
tenderheaded said:
Welcome to the "Texture Change Club":lol: I started MSM and silica 9/1/05. I'm 5z tight, don't bother me naps, then they stretched out:eek:
I knew things had changed when my wig stopped riding high at 14 weeks!

MSM I plan to continue indefinitely, silica for another 4 months.

lol that sounds funny :lol: :lol:

can anyone tell me what there texture changed from and to e.g 4a to 4b?