New Member
I just recently signed up too. I was having the same problem with people who I would never want to be matched up with (too short, has kids, no education etc etc) So I went thru and erased everyone and I went back and became a lot more picky about my preferences. I mean very picky. They say not to be so picky because it will lessen your options but I like it so much better that way. I have been in communication with a few guys who I think are really interesting. It just sucks that I go days with out any new matches. But I guess a few REALLY GOOD matches is better than a million horrible matches.
I already did that and I am still being flexed matched. I just think that Online dating is just for when you look a certain way or are at a certain point in your life. Since neither apply for me, I will continue with what I was doing. I am just glad I didn't pay for that site.
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