Effect of antibiotics on hair growth/shedding


New Member

I searched past postings for information on this topic and I didn't find anything. Perhaps you can help!

I was recently prescribed antibiotics (specifically tetracycline) for my skin. I was wondering if any of you knew what effect taking antibiotics might have on my hair, whether it be slowed growth or shedding. I've read conflicting stuff on the Internet. All I know is you're not supposed to take supplements like Biotin at the same time as antibiotics.

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.

Ok I am an expert on perscription drugs and women of color hair. Antibiotics can cause some shedding, but if you contiune to eat right, and eat alot of yogart I doubt you have any shedding. I just finished a round of antibiotics for a baticteral infection and I had a bad alergic reaction. No more shedding than what is normal, maybe less the week before I did a mild protien condish. Tried to eat well and plenty of yogart.

Keep you head up girl...
You might want to ask your doctor to prescribe another antibiotic, b/c if I'm not mistaken, this (tetracycline) is the one that is known to stain/darken your teeth. Check w/your doctor, but I think this is the one...usually different antibotics do the same thing. My PCP once prescribed me an antibotic for a sinus infection, a couple of days later my allergy doc prescibed one that he felt would work better.

phrederique said:

I searched past postings for information on this topic and I didn't find anything. Perhaps you can help!

I was recently prescribed antibiotics (specifically tetracycline) for my skin. I was wondering if any of you knew what effect taking antibiotics might have on my hair, whether it be slowed growth or shedding. I've read conflicting stuff on the Internet. All I know is you're not supposed to take supplements like Biotin at the same time as antibiotics.

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.
