EFA Side Effects?

atlien11 said:
Girl dont play, i work for UPS. I can have them Next Day Aired and on my door step by 8 a.m. tomorrow.

Sold! Awww, who am I kidding you can HAVE 'em and the back pain!
Isis said:
All oils are not alike. Essential fatty acids like flaxseed oil burns up fat in the body. It's an oil than makes people lean. There's a thread on virgin, unprocessed coconut oil doing the same thing.

Really? 'cause I just wanna be skinny w/ long hair... it that too much to ask? :cry2:Sorry, venting again... I'll check it out. Thanks. :)

ETA: Here's a similar thread http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=82451&highlight=coconut+oil, but I still haven't found the coconut oil one yet. I'll keep searching... Found it http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=6587&highlight=Coconut+Oil
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secretdiamond said:
anybody know the toxicity level for flaxseed oil if there is one? I tried looking it up but couldn't find it.
That's cause there isn't one, meaning there hasn't been any reported cases of toxicity from flaxseed oil. The biggest drawback is how easily it can become rancid (unlike fish oil). Once rancid not only does it lose all of its health benefits it actually becomes a free-radical (the very thing it typically eliminates).

Scary, huh?

It really shouldn't be out of the frig more than a couple of hours. I buy the refrigerated kind and keep it cold. Someone said they put theirs in the freezer. I'm gonna to try that. It also can't be exposed to light. I'm uncertain if the taste changes when it becomes rancid, but I hope so... It's dangerous when it's not fresh.
sareca said:
That's cause there isn't one, meaning there hasn't been any reported cases of toxicity from flaxseed oil. The biggest drawback is how easily it can become rancid (unlike fish oil). Once rancid not only does it lose all of its health benefits it actually becomes a free-radical (the very thing it typically eliminates).

Scary, huh?

It really shouldn't be out of the frig more than a couple of hours. I buy the refrigerated kind and keep it cold. Someone said they put theirs in the freezer. I'm gonna to try that. It also can't be exposed to light. I'm uncertain if the taste changes when it becomes rancid, but I hope so... It's dangerous when it's not fresh.
I accidentally left a brand new 24 ounce bottle of Spectrum organic flaxseed oil out on my kitchen counter a few years ago. When I came home from work (had to work OT too), I saw my mistake but put a tablespoon of the oil in my food anyway (wasn't going to waste what I just paid for!).

It only took a minute or two before I was doubled over in pain. :eek: My stomach was so cramped up from the rancid oil I can't remember how I made my way to the toilet to :barf:

Since that experience, I put my flaxseed oil in the freezer (especially when I buy extra bottles on sale) or in the fridge. And I never buy flaxseed oil that is sitting on a shelf, unrefrigerated. :nono: Most store managers know better but some of them are still learning.
I didn't know the oil had to be refrigerated. It doesn't say that on my bottle. I'll put it in just to be sure. . .

I started taking fish oil caps years ago because they were supposed to be really good for the heart. But I don't like pills so I bought the flax oil to put in my smoothies. I fell off of making smoothies and starting taking the oil straight over a week ago. My skin texture changed almost immediately. My skin feels very soft where is was feeling rough to the touch before. I started my MSM today and I can't wait to see what my skin is going to look like next month.
classimami713 said:
I didn't know the oil had to be refrigerated. It doesn't say that on my bottle. I'll put it in just to be sure. . .

I started taking fish oil caps years ago because they were supposed to be really good for the heart. But I don't like pills so I bought the flax oil to put in my smoothies. I fell off of making smoothies and starting taking the oil straight over a week ago. My skin texture changed almost immediately. My skin feels very soft where is was feeling rough to the touch before. I started my MSM today and I can't wait to see what my skin is going to look like next month.
Uh, I'm no expert, but I'm really really certain it should be refrigerated.

[SIZE=-1]Any safety issues? [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Generations of people have used flaxseed oil to improve health. It is safe and effective, but there is a proviso: It must be fresh. The fragile essential fatty acids quickly become rancid. Natural Factors High Lignan Flaxseed Oil meets strict quality control standards: the oil is cold pressed at temperatures below 40° Celsius; the oil is not refined, filtered, bleached or deodorized. Natural Factors High Lignan Flaxseed Oil contains 15 to 20% lignans, comes from organically grown flax, and is filled into black bottles keeping out freshness-destroying light and oxygen. For optimum freshness refrigerate the oil and use soon after opening.



That's just one site, but they pretty much all say that.
Hmmm, what EFA do you guys reccomend the most? Flaxseed? EPO? Something else? My diet is pretty high in fish and seafood, (I try eat it 3X a week usually) and I'm not looking to get oily skin or anything. However, the benefits of adding an EFA to my diet seem irresistable!! Any suggestions? TIA!!
Evening Primrose oil is supposed to help make menstrual cramps less painful. I've started taking 2600 mg per day and I can honestly say it's working.:)

I started my period yesterday and have had only a few very mild cramps. Not the usual ones that would have me doubled up in pain on the couch with a hot water bottle. This is a keeper simply for my cycle problems. If it also helps my hair, well that's just extra!:grin:
camellia said:
Evening Primrose oil is supposed to help make menstrual cramps less painful. I've started taking 2600 mg per day and I can honestly say it's working.:)

I started my period yesterday and have had only a few very mild cramps. Not the usual ones that would have me doubled up in pain on the couch with a hot water bottle. This is a keeper simply for my cycle problems. If it also helps my hair, well that's just extra!:grin:

Nice! My cramps are bad too. They got a little better after I started taking MSM. Flaxseed oil is supposed to regulate hormones too. If it does it would like Christmas came early.
Isis said:
I accidentally left a brand new 24 ounce bottle of Spectrum organic flaxseed oil out on my kitchen counter a few years ago. When I came home from work (had to work OT too), I saw my mistake but put a tablespoon of the oil in my food anyway (wasn't going to waste what I just paid for!).

It only took a minute or two before I was doubled over in pain. :eek: My stomach was so cramped up from the rancid oil I can't remember how I made my way to the toilet to :barf:

Since that experience, I put my flaxseed oil in the freezer (especially when I buy extra bottles on sale) or in the fridge. And I never buy flaxseed oil that is sitting on a shelf, unrefrigerated. :nono: Most store managers know better but some of them are still learning.
I'm sorry that happened to you, but it's actually good. I was terrified of taking this stuff and having it, essentially, poison me without my knowledge. ya know?
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SohoHair said:
Hmmm, what EFA do you guys reccomend the most? Flaxseed? EPO? Something else? My diet is pretty high in fish and seafood, (I try eat it 3X a week usually) and I'm not looking to get oily skin or anything. However, the benefits of adding an EFA to my diet seem irresistable!! Any suggestions? TIA!!

I'm thinking you've got it covered. But there are some ladies here on a fish challenge and taking EFAs. :yep:
sareca said:
I'm sorry that happened to you, but it's actually good. I was terrified of taking this stuff and having it, essentially, poison me without my knowledge. ya know?
That was only a one time experience, thank goodness. I've been more careful since. I do love this flaxseed oil (flaxseeds too!) and I don't go a day without taking my tablespoon.
senimoni said:
Does fish oil go rancid easily too.
Nope, fish oil doesn't need to be refrigerated and light doesn't destroy it. It has heat tolerances, but I think it's the standard tolerance for capsuled supplements.

I decided on flaxseed over fish oil 'cause:

flaxseed oil has more omega-3 (present in wild fish and some veggies and missing from the typical American diet)
fish oil has more omega-6 (already too high in typical American diets)

fish oil has a higher bioavailability (doesn't have to be converted into another form before it's used by the body)
flaxseed oil affects hormone levels and should not be used by pregnant women

Ok, my real reason is 'cause flaxseed oil doesn't repeat on you. There's nothing worse than randomly belching fish oil throughout the day. :barf:


I should add, I'm jumping in and answering these, but I'm still learning this stuff myself. It's helping me to answer questions about it, but if anybody knows otherwise please correct me.
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I did read that fish oil was better than flax but who knows I think something along the lines of the conversion that has to be done for flax. I don't get the fish burps...I buy odorless ones from GNC....also enteric coated ones are good, they don't digest till futher in the body so it doesn't cause the fish burps...eww.
EPO does indeed help with cramps AND, for me at least, PMS. I don't get the moody blues when I've been taking EPO and my flow is much lighter and shorter in duration. I wish I'd get the bigger boobs, but it ain't happnin so far.

I read in some magazine that taking 2000 mg of fish oil before a walking workout targets belly fat. I think the magazine was Woman's Day.
This the beginning of week 2 and it's definitely changed my appetite and endurance. My stomach has been growling a lot lately. Usually my body expresses hunger differently. It's usually more urgent and more blood sugar drop feeling. It's hard to explain. These hunger pangs are easier to say no to and less often.

The other thing I noticed is working out is a breeze. Before MSM, I had an extremely hard time jumping rope for a whole 20 minutes. What am I talking about?! I was ready to stop after 3-5 minutes. After MSM I could make it the 20 minutes but it wasn't easy. NOW I'm doing 20 minutes and barely sweating! :eek: :yay: I could actually carry on a normal sounding conversation with my fiance while jumping. That's never happened! Usually I'm panting and wheezing. This will make me much more inclined to exercise.