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Hi ladies ! About a month ago I started noticing that my front edges were scaling. At first I thought it was dandruff so I tried using head & shoulders, that didn't work. Then I tried scratching the area with a comb before using selsun blue that didn't work either. So I went to my doctor and he told me that it was eczema and suggested I try Neutrogena T Gel. That lessened the symptoms but it didn't clear them up completely and now my edges are thinning. Has anyone else had problems with eczema on the scalp? If so what did you use? Also what did you do about relaxers?
Go to i dont know if they have shampoos for adults--they do for children-but all the products are made with ingredients like oatmeal and soy--very good for sensitive skin. i use it for my daughter but she's only 4----but my niece(19) uses the aveeno baby shampoo on her hair because she has eczema and it works very well for her. check the website. HTH
ebony757 said:
Hi ladies ! About a month ago I started noticing that my front edges were scaling. At first I thought it was dandruff so I tried using head & shoulders, that didn't work. Then I tried scratching the area with a comb before using selsun blue that didn't work either. So I went to my doctor and he told me that it was eczema and suggested I try Neutrogena T Gel. That lessened the symptoms but it didn't clear them up completely and now my edges are thinning. Has anyone else had problems with eczema on the scalp? If so what did you use? Also what did you do about relaxers?

girl that is what I am trying to figure out. I obviously can't perm or I would really be torturing myself. I use the cream on it that the derm. gave me for the rest of my body which is cutivate lotion which lessons the aggravation. my problem is in the nape area
My son and I has eczema on the body. I use hydrocortizone ointment 2.5% and it keeps it under control. I think the drugstore only goes up to 1.5%.
In the winter of 2003, I had an outbreak of eczema all over my body including my scalp. I had some hair breakage as a result. I got a few meds from the dermatologist. The topical sol'n for my skin was extremely relieving. But I found that the most effective thing for my scalp was apple cider vinegar.

Then once I was ready to start perming again, I switched to Phyto, it's amazing for a sensitive scalp but still gets my hair straight.

Good luck! Eczema is a total bummer.
LAYDEE thanks I thought about trying that but since it was for babies I put it back. But maybe it's worth a try.

nomoweavesfome I was think about getting it done and just having my hair dresser avoid my front edges since that's the only area affected. I don't know though I'm still scared. Going to see a derm on Friday so I'm gonna try to wait atleast two weeks after that. Is your scalp starting to clear up?

krissyprissy I have eczema on my body too. Right now I'm taking atarax and I'm using an ointment that my Doc gave me. Sometimes I also apply store bought hydrocortizone. My skin is getting worse so I've made an appointment with a Derm.

rocky How did you apply the acv? Did leave it in or rinse it out? How long did you wait before relaxing again?
that's what I'm going to do. I'm getting a relaer with PHYTO on the 23rd but I am avoiding the nape. I found out from stretching that my hair in the back is actually softer than the rest of my hair and i have some really pretty waves back there.

I know this sounds bad but being that i cut MTG I'm on MN.

It's actually NOT clearing up at all and it itches every day. ANY little thing aggravates it. I just did the ultra sheen duo tex and it dripped down and I was a scratchin. I hate this crap. I also get it all over my body as well. I'm working on a natural soap and oil for the body. Put in an empty sally's bottle a small piece of lye soap, aveeno oatmeal bath, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and filled with water and shook up. Then in another sallys empty bottle i put half olive oil, some sulfer, and some cortisone and a touch of scented oil to cut the sulfer smell. When I get the chance I'm going to put some aloe in there too. I'm going to spray on the skin after I get out the shower and see how that goes for a bit.

that cutivate lotion is like 45 bucks and my copay is 35.00 I'm not feeling the derm right now.
nomoweavesfome are you putting the phyto in you self? I wanna try that but I want to go somewhere and have it done. Before I tried MTG I tried MN and it made my scalp itch. I love the growth i had with MTG but the eczema flare that it caused made my edges thin. That defeats the purpose. Since your using MN I hope that your avoiding the areas where you have eczema
ebony757 said:
nomoweavesfome are you putting the phyto in you self? I wanna try that but I want to go somewhere and have it done. Before I tried MTG I tried MN and it made my scalp itch. I love the growth i had with MTG but the eczema flare that it caused made my edges thin. That defeats the purpose. Since your using MN I hope that your avoiding the areas where you have eczema
yes I will be doing myself. The MN I'm getting as close to the nape w/out touching the effected area as possible. The MN is actually not affecting me at all. I'm using the af neosporin one which to me is better than the monistat I tried before. But when I relax I'm not going to do the nape if it'ss still at flare-up stage. If it calmed down I'll touch it up for a few minutes ONLY right before rinsing.
Hi Ebony, I put the acv on my hair and then wash it out. I stretched a long time between relaxers, like 5 mths but that was because I was used to Affirm. I think it wasn't even necessary with the Phyto.