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Hey Ladies
My baby has eczema he is 1 yrs old and he recently had a breakout all around his neck, a little on his stomach and a little redness on his face. Anyhow after I gave him his bath and massage Raw Shea Butter all over him, in a couple of days seriously a couple of days his eczema was cleared up of course it isnt gone but it help w/the breakouts. So for all you ladies who may have eczema or if your children do or if you just know someone that does. I highly recommend raw shea butter *smile*. Just wanted to share this w/you ladies. Goodnight.
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Thanks for sharing! I also find that Aquaphor and Eucerin worked well for my son when he had his breakouts. I tried the shea butter, but it didn't work as well alone. But when his skin is really dry it helps to mix shea with Eucerin or any other regular lotion.
Thanks Halima my 14 month old has it as well and they popped up 2 days ago on her legs and arms. I was desperate and i didn't want to use that hydrocortisone ointment. so I used a mixture of shea butter with tea tree oil and lavender. I'll keep on doing it and see if it'll help.
I have pretty servere excema.

The thing that works best for me is the medication prescribed by my doctor/dermatologist. Home remedies are mostly for prevention/upkeep for me. If I get a serious breakout, I use the medicine.

I use aubrey organics soap and I've been using castor oil applied straight to my skin and mixed with my lotion successfully :yep:

I have mild eczema and my skin gets severely dry during the cold months. I've been using soaps containing shea butter and emu oil and the difference is wonderful. There is something about the emu oil that doesn't dry out or irritate my skin. My face has been clear for the past 2 weeks and the only difference in my regimen is that I've been using emu oil soap and moisturizing with tawaka lotion. I use a mix of Shea, Mango butter, coconut & Castor oils on my skin.
I have had eczema all my life and I'm mid 40's and it does not get better. Now days they say it allergy to other things like food, and dust. There is a form on for skin problems under makeup and skincare where others of us have share some tips.
I have it and it is active only on 3 fingers due to the cold weather. For me taking Flax and fish oils has been the best thing to keep the break outs limited. I know children can take the fish oil ... cod liver oils, so that may help. I believe there is a diet connetion and I plan to explore that this coming year. My conditon has improved greatly by adding the Omega oils to my diet.
My DD is five and our Pharmacist suggested 1000mg of MSM per day, she has been doing it for several months, not only has it cleared up but her breakouts have been minimal. When she has any irritation I use MSM gel and it goes away in a day or so. It has been awesome!
My DD is five and our Pharmacist suggested 1000mg of MSM per day, she has been doing it for several months, not only has it cleared up but her breakouts have been minimal. When she has any irritation I use MSM gel and it goes away in a day or so. It has been awesome!
MSM gel? I never hear of that, where do you find that ?? Do tell...!
Eczema is what started my fiance making his own shea butter and then selling it. But you give the baby (or whomever hehe) a warm bath and put a palm full of baking soda in the water, and then use the shea butter afterwards. It will clear it up like this *snap*