Easiest way to DRY hair


Active Member
Presently I am washing my hair 2X/week. I dry by roller setting and drying hair under the dryer for 30 to 45 mins(my hair is fine so it dries fast). I would like to add co-washing 1 or 2x in addition to this but my delemma is getting my hair to dry straight in the limited time that I have during the evenings to dedicate to this. I've tried some of the ways I read on this site (e.g. bunning or tying w/scarf) but my ends dry frizzy and this way takes longer to dry even under the dryer.
I use 2 sweatshirts to wrap my washed hair out of the shower. Leave it on for 10 minutes.

Then I use another sweatshirt for about 10 minutes.

By the time it comes off my hair is dry damp. I don't think there is a really fast way to dry your hair completly in a short time if it is in healthy shape. That's a good thing cause the longer it stays moist the more in shape it is.
Thanks. I will try your idea. The only thing I'm concern about is my ends not drying straight. When I allow my ends to air dry they always dry frizzy. And when they are frizzy they always feel dry to me and not smooth. I hate that frizzy feeling. Feels unhealthy.
Wow, of course Poka would thunk of that! Unfortunately, I don't think the wrapping part would be successful on my hair because it's too coarse. But it's a great idea for your Ladi!