Early touchup -- and 2.5 inches cut off -- (Pics)


New Member
Well i already posted about my last touchup 8 weeks ago that my hair laughed at -- basic rundown is that i touched up after 12 weeks and my relaxer didnt "take'--So i've been going around with like 20 weeks of newgrowth on my head and goin crazy..... So today i touched up and also cut 2.5 inches from my hair.

I HAD to do the cut ...i was going crazy with my hair having that "tail" and i was missing the thickness i had before my hair took off and gained some inches. I plan to continue to work on achieving my thickness back in my hair with my growth being a side benefit. I had to change my priorities some and i will reach my length goal but i wont let it keep me from keeping my ends dusted to show off my hair's thickness. I added a couple of new pics to my album to show the difference. I'm really happy with the results from the cut. Yeah, this is my second time doing my own trim and it came out nice if i do say so myself
-- jainygirl
It looks great! And with the length that you have, I think the 2.5 inches is much more noticable to you than it is to anyone else. I've got some layers and I'm giving myself until December to concentrate on growth. After that I'll start with the trims, keeping it at the same length to get more fullness.
Your hair looks great. I can tell that you gained a lot of length before the trim. It looks thick and healthy
Re: Early touchup -- and 2.5 inches cut off -- (Pi

Jainy, you're hair looks wonderful. Thickness is definitely a good goal and it always makes long hair look even longer.
You grow girl!
Re: Early touchup -- and 2.5 inches cut off -- (Pi

Thanks everyone
i was so scared when i first started cutting but i knew that i had to do it for myself or else i would keep feeling sad because my hair wasnt the way i'm used to it being. When i was snipping away i felt so liberated and i had hubby help me by coming into the bathroom every few minutes to check and to make sure that i was keeping things nice and even
i feel so much better now and i'm even more excited. I cant believe that here i am 2 weeks away from my LHCF anniversary and i'm cutting my hair instead of measuring it
-- jainygirl
Re: Early touchup -- and 2.5 inches cut off -- (Pi

It looks great!
You'll grow those 2.5 inches back in no time at all.
Re: Early touchup -- and 2.5 inches cut off -- (Pi

Jainy- how do you trim your hair? I usually part it in two then bring the two ends down under my chin and line them up. then I put a rubber band and snip them straight across.
Of course the back is always longer since those hairs have to come around my neck area.
How do you do yours?
Re: Early touchup -- and 2.5 inches cut off -- (Pi

abainaa said:
Jainy- how do you trim your hair? I usually part it in two then bring the two ends down under my chin and line them up. then I put a rubber band and snip them straight across.
Of course the back is always longer since those hairs have to come around my neck area.
How do you do yours?

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Hey Abainaa
i just bumped up my thread on trimming for ya
-- jainygirl
Re: Early touchup -- and 2.5 inches cut off -- (Pi

It doesn't even look like you cut 2.5 inches off! How much new growth did you have from 20 weeks post relaxer? Great growth...oh...and hair!!
Re: Early touchup -- and 2.5 inches cut off -- (Pi

It looks good Jainygirl...your ends are nice and thick again.
Re: Early touchup -- and 2.5 inches cut off -- (Pi

Your hair looks great Jainygirl. And the trim looks just fine!
Re: Early touchup -- and 2.5 inches cut off -- (Pi

lovelymissyoli said:
It doesn't even look like you cut 2.5 inches off! How much new growth did you have from 20 weeks post relaxer? Great growth...oh...and hair!!

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i had about 1.5 inches -- i grow slow

I feel so weird today looking at my ponytail now-- i can tell that it's shorter but it's all nice and fluffy so i'm liking that part of it
Re: Early touchup -- and 2.5 inches cut off -- (Pi

Your hair keeps getting better and better Jainy....

Keep up the good work!
Re: Early touchup -- and 2.5 inches cut off -- (Pi

You did a great job. Your hair looks thicker!

I too hate my V shape, I keep cutting it off..But I am noticing I am losing too much length like that.
Re: Early touchup -- and 2.5 inches cut off -- (Pi

Good job Jainy, don't worry, your hair still looks good without the tail. I have to cut mine soon too, I'm holding out. I did a little trim, but the big one is coming.
Re: Early touchup -- and 2.5 inches cut off -- (Pi

Great Job Jainy! It looks nice and thick. I can't even tell that you cut that much.
Re: Early touchup -- and 2.5 inches cut off -- (Pi

How did I miss this!!!!
You are so bold Jainy!!! But your hair looks great. I must admit, I'm not that impressed b/c your hair was already at brastrap. I mean if it had been shoulder length and you cut it to neck, then okay. What? Am I supposed to feel sorry for you or something? I mean really, wtf? Did you just want to rub in that fact that you are still @ brastrap after taking off 2.5". Are you attempting to belittle my progress, Jainy?
(No feelings were hurt in the creation of this post. It looks great Sweetie
Re: Early touchup -- and 2.5 inches cut off -- (Pi

sengschick said:
How did I miss this!!!!
You are so bold Jainy!!! But your hair looks great. I must admit, I'm not that impressed b/c your hair was already at brastrap. I mean if it had been shoulder length and you cut it to neck, then okay. What? Am I supposed to feel sorry for you or something? I mean really, wtf? Did you just want to rub in that fact that you are still @ brastrap after taking off 2.5". Are you attempting to belittle my progress, Jainy?
(No feelings were hurt in the creation of this post. It looks great Sweetie

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Sengs!!! i oughta run over and hug you, you goofball
You should have seen me in the mirror yesterday. When i made the first cut i got light-headed
it was difficult but necessary. The funny thing is that now my ponytail looks "weavish" because it has that perfect shape at the bottom where i trimmed --lord, lord lord -- but ultimately i blame all you LHCFer's for this damn hairorexia that i have because my hair looks so short to me now
-- jainygirl